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QOTD Thread: The End


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I'm still quite fond of snow in things that I'm just supposed to watch, but it's so inconvenient in real life. As a kid I didn't have to worry about shoveling or transportation, so it was all good fun, and even up until high school I liked it. College is different. Unless there's gigantic-ass storm right outside, we're not getting classes cancelled. I like my classes, but my campus is kinda big and don't have underground tunnels like some other schools I know and walking to each class in the snow is a pain in the ass, especially if they're classes across the campus from each other and I have 10 minutes to go between them. While freezing my ass off. Bonus dickery if there's wind, fuck.

And then in the case of gigantic-ass snow storm there's a chance of power outages. Fuck that shit too. I want my wifi. My room is cold enough as it is it does not need to be colder.

I do understand this all too well. I still like snow but i hate having to deal with it. Shoveling sucks Nidhogg's slimy ass and can fuck right off. Driving in it is a pain, but i do have the right means to do so. (Read: Jeep with 4x4 and snow tires. I laugh at people who have to chain up.) But everyone else seems to not understand how to drive in the snow and thus freak out. Its hilarious and dangerous at the same time and becomes frustrating after a while. Black ice is an asshole too. Even with fancy tires.

As for the question, i guess i'll go with the band, Nirvana. (hey...put those pitchforks and torches away!) Back in the day, like, i mean really like over 20 years ago, i was a huge fan of Nirvana. I lurved them. They were gr9. At least until i hit high school and met THAT ONE FRIEND who fanboyed over Nirvana so hard and so goddamn much, THAT ONE FRIEND basically ruined the band for me. There was also another, sneakier factor at play. I had been learning how to play guitar and music at the time. My guitar teacher was this really amazing dude who could shred like a fucking bawss. After learning from him, being exposed to other, better music, and understanding the more technical factors of rock/metal, i grew to find Nirvana rather trite and too simplistic. To the point where i was like "hang about, how the hell did these guys even get a record deal?" Of course, the answer to that is rather simple: Right Place at the Right Time. Stagnation in rock and roll and the onslaught of wishing to balk previous convention. Still though, compounded with knowing more about music and the irritation i had with THAT ONE FRIEND, I grew to dislike Nirvana and even lost some respect for the band's work.

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So many things, mostly movies and shows I used to think were good as a kid, but now I think much more critically. A recent example would be seeing All Dogs go to Heaven the first time since my single-digit years, it seems much more mediocre to me, I don't hate it, it's just more boring than I remember.

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Forgot about music. I have come to dislike:




I never liked Nightwish for they always pissed me off. But the more haters, the better. >:D

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I'm still quite fond of snow in things that I'm just supposed to watch, but it's so inconvenient in real life. As a kid I didn't have to worry about shoveling or transportation, so it was all good fun, and even up until high school I liked it. College is different. Unless there's gigantic-ass storm right outside, we're not getting classes cancelled. I like my classes, but my campus is kinda big and don't have underground tunnels like some other schools I know and walking to each class in the snow is a pain in the ass, especially if they're classes across the campus from each other and I have 10 minutes to go between them. While freezing my ass off. Bonus dickery if there's wind, fuck.

And then in the case of gigantic-ass snow storm there's a chance of power outages. Fuck that shit too. I want my wifi. My room is cold enough as it is it does not need to be colder.

See I have never seen snow in my life and I think that sounds kind of nice. Oh wait, gimme a sec, I'm at the beach and there's this big wave coming, let me dive under it real quick before I finish my post.

There we go. Yeah so it kind of sucks that every season in San Diego is the same. You should be glad that you get to experience a frozen tundra.

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See I have never seen snow in my life and I think that sounds kind of nice. Oh wait, gimme a sec, I'm at the beach and there's this big wave coming, let me dive under it real quick before I finish my post.

There we go. Yeah so it kind of sucks that every season in San Diego is the same. You should be glad that you get to experience a frozen tundra.

i woke up this morning with a sore throat because my room is too fucking cold

It's the first day of the semester and now i have a headache too

I like practical things and snow is counterproductive atm

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What a coincidence...it's exactly the same case with me...

Oh incidentally, what REALLY killed swimming in lakes for me was when I went to Minnesota and found out there were some freshwater leeches in the lake that everyone swam in for the summer language camp.



New question!

What’s the most interesting glitch you’ve seen in a video game? I know some people inquired about this at some point, but I'm going to bring it into this thread because it apparently hasn't been asked yet. You can list multiple glitches if you really can't choose. The glitch doesn't have to come from a game you played.

The box still wins for me, though there are some other interesting glitches like this.

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I was always fond of a glitch that allowed one to remove the collision box for burrowable units in StarCraft Brood War (before it was patched). I don't quite remember exactly ow it was done, but essentially one could force the game confuse burrow orders (burrowed units have no collision boxes).

Here's a very

(2:03 until 2:34) with Zerglings.

I had a friend with whom I would join 7v1 Comp Stomp Fastest Money Map games and exploit this trick on 200 Hydralisks each (or 400 Cracklings). 200 Hydralisks within a 4x4 tile area are scary... anything that enters your Hydralisks' range would die instantly. This is because no potential hits are lost from Hydralisks hanging out behind, waiting for a space to clear for them to move up and strike. The increase in attack potentialities is even more apparent with Zerglings (melee units). 400 Cracklings can raze a base pretty fast, but when they're stacked everything on the screen melts.

Of course, such fronts are absurdly vulnerable to splash damage. But I found it interesting that, for whatever reason, the game could fail to restore the collision box but still allow all the unit's standard scripts to run.StarCraft used to have a lot of weird glitches like that. Floating ground units, sliding buildings, permanently cloaked burrowable units... some people even built puzzle maps built around exploiting such glitches.

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