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QOTD Thread: The End


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mansions of madness

Twilight Imperium

Look at how bloated this game is. You wish your game was as fat as mine is.

These and

[spoiler=Arabian Nights]

are the ones whose Shut Up&Sit Down reviews have intrigued me most, though the only boardgame I've ever played outside the boring vanguard of Monopoly and Candyland and shit is Catan. Which is better, but nothing comparable to the almost RP-like experiences that SU&SD talk about.

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Collecting things (stamps, MtG cards, Saint Seiya action figures, etc.)

It simply lost meaning

Though every now and then I consider wasting some money on that last one, gold clothes are seriously cool and I still kinda resent the fact I never found a Virgo for sale

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gonna answer all of these at once because why not

1. lion

2. america, mexico (for 2 hours and i hated it so i don't think it counts, really)

3. arrogance

4. fantastic weekend! had plans for this weekend but they were recently ruined.

5. tough decision, truly. in one, i'm indirectly murdering 5 people, in the other, i'm directly murdering someone. not sure if i could live with myself after murdering someone to be honest, but i suppose i hold more worth in the lives of 5 people than 1, so i'll kill the person.

6. same as above.

7. idk

8. myriad. people say, "myriad of," but that's grammatically incorrect. myriad is to be used similarly to the word "many." you wouldn't say, "i have many of cards," would you?

9. n64, all nintendo handhelds, all sony consoles, gc, wii

10. as a 19-year-old, there's not much i can say. i got into my school's astrophysics program?

11. love to. debating is extremely fun. however, i don't like to debate often, and i only like to debate on the internet. in real life i avoid arguing. not because i fear confrontation, but because i'm extremely laid back and like to joke around a lot. having a serious attitude doesn't allow me to be laid-back.

12. ice cream. cookie dough, son.

13. admittedly, i have not read enough books to really tell you, but i'm rather fond of mark twain.

14. hilariously, i am half middle eastern, half irish. i look only irish

15. really depends. toss-up between district 9, the big lebowski, and the lion king. gotta love classic disney

16. "back in my day, you actually had to wait hours to browse a single shitty website."

17. i can't cook well. but, i'm pretty good at a grill. burgers, hot dogs, steak.

18. steak and broccoli. not asian-styled, just broccoli on the side of an 8 oz. steak. and of course some form a potato, not mashed. most often it's a baked potato topped with salt, pepper, and bacon.

19. firefox, so many customization bro. chrome is also nice. they're basically equal in my eyes.

20. gonna get serious on you folks, but here it goes: the death of my father.

21. tough to say. quantum computers, i think are most likely.

22. i can legitimately say that at this point, not much. put some in a savings, buy a house and car. buy some video games, music, and clothes. give the rest to charities of my choice.

23. DVDs. and hopefully printers will be better. i wouldn't bet on it, though.

24. shit. can't even play any proper games on it.

25. good question! if i'm having a bad day because i can't get my mind off of deceased loved ones, endure the day and listen to music. talk to people as much as possible. if it's because something in the day screwed me over, pretty much the same thing, except i like to stay positive. it always works. keeping a good attitude in rough times is a fantastic way to stay happy. try to always find a bright side.

26. assuming they're friendly, follow them and try to talk to them. get to know them. go to their planet, perhaps.

27. cranium cadoo, probably. or the game of life.

28. in my youth i played a lot of video games and rarely much else. i lived in a bad neighbor so my mom also forbade me to go outside most of the time. i really couldn't do much. but, i suppose going outside and looking at the sky with a telescope. my uncle used to own one when i was very small and i was completely taken by it. i want a telescope extremely badly.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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As a kid, I read pretty good literature (I believe now) with the speed of around 1000 pages per day (I didn't bother doing much else, kinda spoiling my health which would backfire slightly later into a big disaster). When school started, I slowly stopped reading because some of the same books were presented in a boring way and the study was really tedious and got more into music, picked up some instruments to play too but somehow that didn't evolve into anything I'd be doing on a professional level.

I'm not sure how much I can say I've given up on these things now, but right now I get books/read otherwise inaccessible texts online when I have an irresistible urge to get to the bottom of some problem, investigation or to figure out how something works such as practical skills and activities. I barely play any of my brass instruments anymore, but music plays in the background non-stop, pretty much, so no change there.

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Reading is one. Don't get me wrong, reading is great, but the second school starts the only thing I'll have time to read are a bunch of textbooks and the ones I read aren't exactly literature (hi math hi programming) to say in the least. I try to fit some in over breaks, but even then I still have other work to do and I only really get 2 major breaks with enough time to sit down and read something per year. I remember when I was younger, though, oh man give me books all day.

Also swordfighting but only because I don't have anyone to swordfight with :<

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As a kid I used to collect and play with Power Rangers and Megazords. I've totally grown out of that now and only play with much more adult toys such as Warhammer 40k.

i used to play the guitar, i was pretty bad so i kinda lost interest

Dude you don't get better without practicing. Go pick up your guitar and play more Smoke on the Water until you don't suck.

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I actually still play with Lego, but not nearly as much as I used to. I hope to get back to it, there's a bunch of projects to be done, and little time to do it.

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As a kid I used to collect and play with Power Rangers and Megazords. I've totally grown out of that now and only play with much more adult toys such as Warhammer 40k.

Dude you don't get better without practicing. Go pick up your guitar and play more Smoke on the Water until you don't suck.

or he could play a song by the same guitarist that uses pretty much exactly the same notes in a very similar melody:

rainbow's very own man on the silver mountain.

goddamn ritchie blackmore and ronny james dio is a dangerous combination.

edit: which leads me to a question for you esau. i remember several years ago i made a topic about andy mckee...can you play rylynn yet, or does the a-string still break on ya? it really does look like a bitch to play. i don't have a handy-dandy banjo capo yet, but once i do, oh man.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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As a kid I used to collect and play with Power Rangers and Megazords. I've totally grown out of that now and only play with much more adult toys such as Warhammer 40k.

Dude you don't get better without practicing. Go pick up your guitar and play more Smoke on the Water until you don't suck.

eh im more interested in piano anyway, i'm actually trying to pick that up right now

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