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QOTD Thread: The End


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Revolutions, Woman rights, WWII.

Lots of events, huh.

but my country was crappy at time so nope nope nope

Mmm. I was thinking of the mafia culture, prohibition era, silent film era and so on. Assuming that I can't do anything to change history, I want a life full of excitement.

Edited by Makaze
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Late 1800s-early 1900s, during the Industrialization age. I'd see if I couldn't make the factories they build safer and make them function better, and maybe assist with some of the inventions and whatnot.

Andandand, I'd get to explore the culture and the lifestyle and... I'd get to do it all in a corset dress. [/squee]

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The Revolutionary War time period and Wahsington's presidency because I think it had a lot of people and things that were cool as fuck. Probably be a bit selective though to skip out some boring things and also not spend like 20 years of my life on it.

I would say 2009 if timeline changes within reason were allowed though.

Nah. That makes it a little similar to some previous questions I asked.

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The history of me wants to check out the mid to late 1700s in Europe, as that's when all the fun revolution-y started to happen, but the Jean Jacques Rousseau in me just wants to be a happy little monkey 9 million years ago before humanity and apes in general, swinging off trees n' shit.

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If we're talking "bring back a lot of money", I'd travel back exactly one year into the past, to a certain arcade in Chiba, and play IIDX until my arms were sore. If not, then I'm fine right here!

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New question!

Over a short period, you are approached in an alleyway by two individuals (one at a time). The first individual is a stocky man with a bludgeoning weapon of sorts who wants to mug you. The second individual is an unarmed petite woman who believes you kidnapped her child (assume she is wrong). Which individual would you be more afraid of?

I have hidden my answer to this question because I want initial reactions not influenced by my answer.

I would be more afraid of the woman, because she would probably attempt to chase me down with a vengeance in an attempt to exact "justice." All the man would do is take my money and leave me unscathed.

Edited by Interest
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I am stocky myself and the adrenaline pumping through my veins would allow me to fight him off. If he is clearly too much a match for me, though, then him.

read this spoiler interest

what makes you think he'd leave you unscathed?

Worse comes to worst, I could knock the woman out quite easily and get out of the situation completely. Before that, though, I'd let her follow me to my house with police for irrefutable proof that I don't have her child.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Myself. There are so many ways I can correct sad inevitabilities.

Meeting famous people wouldn't do anything for me. I can't say I would care to converse with Einstein or the like, They were smart people who were highly specialized, I would learn nothing from them comparatively.

Hmm, if i met myself I'd probably fuck him.

As for the current question, I'd go with the stocky robber as the preferable choice for similar reasons to yours. However, I'd be even more afraid of the woman's child that I actually did abduct in spite of the prompt - children are strange and scary.

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Hmm, good question.

The man. A woman, I could probably rationalize with (plus I could easily prove I don't have her child) and if absolute worst comes to worst, if she tries to attack me I have a better chance at holding my own for a while until I could escape and call the police. The man on the other hand... no. And he's armed? ... No. I wouldn't risk it.

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The dude because beliefs can be refuted with enough evidence. I prove to the lady that no, I did not steal her child, I did not wrong her, I should be good to go and no violence happen that day. If she is not already attacking me then she can be persuaded not to.

The size of the dude I'm not too bothered with, but I'm not entirely confident in my abilities to disarm effectively. Depends on the guy I guess. If he's untrained I got a decent shot, if he's another trained martial artist he does have a weapon over me whoops

Now if I did kidnap the woman's child that's a completely different story. Who's to say that she couldn't possibly have the skills of Black Widow and completely kick my ass?

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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but my country was crappy at time so nope nope nope

I wouldn't want to be anywhere NEAR your country at that time. >_>;

The US in 1847. See the hardships the Mormons had to go through on their journey to the west.

Edit: Crap. Editing. Wrong question.

I'd be more afraid of the woman.

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Oh my....I'd have to say the man. I could at least, you know...handle the woman on an equal level physically if I had to. And if she's in a reasonable state of mind, I can call the police and prove to her that I didn't kidnap her child. Though if I saw that guy...I'd prolly throw my money on the ground and take off running.

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New question!

Over a short period, you are approached in an alleyway by two individuals (one at a time). The first individual is a stocky man with a bludgeoning weapon of sorts who wants to mug you. The second individual is an unarmed petite woman who believes you kidnapped her child (assume she is wrong). Which individual would you be more afraid of?

I have hidden my answer to this question because I want initial reactions not influenced by my answer.

The woman. She has tenacity and conviction on her side, so she won't run away when I defend myself.

On second thought, the man would be more dangerous... But the woman would seem more threatening since she is out for blood.

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