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QOTD Thread: The End


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There are many things I would never do

I would never betray my family or friends, I will never turn from my faith, never will smoke, never will cheat on my future significant other, and before I even have a significant other I will never engage in intercourse with anyone but my future significant other

I could go on and on but yeah.

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I thought manslaughter was, by definition, unintentional?

EDIT: Well, I was sort of wrong but sort of not. Huh.

At any rate,

you already figured this out, but yeah there's "voluntary" and "involuntary" manslaughter. though in some cases even voluntary manslaughter could be unintentional.

i'm not sure what i'd never do under any circumstance. i think, as much as it disgusts me to humor the hypothetical, i'd uh..."be with" my mom if it were going to save her life or something and it was all that could be done. i can say with much more confidence that i'd never screw a child or take a life under 99% of the circumstances that fall under "any circumstances."

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I don't think there any possible situations where you'd be expected to put your willie inside your mother's vagoo unless you live in some backwater village that's taken hostage by an army of brutal imbeciles that wants to humiliate the locals by having them perform all sorts of atrocities to one another.

Anyway, most of the ideas expressed here are things I wouldn't ever do, besides the Shadow Dragon bit - that's a p neat game to play.

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I mean there's a whole bunch of crazy shit I wouldn't do. It would take a while for me to list them.

But on a serious note, I wouldn't try any drug that can fuck you over and get you addicted, ruining your life. So things like heroin, etc.

I have smoked weed a few times whilst in university. It was pretty nice just chilling in the living room watching tv and smoking green with friends. Healthier than alcohol, too.

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I don't think there any possible situations where you'd be expected to put your willie inside your mother's vagoo unless you live in some backwater village that's taken hostage by an army of brutal imbeciles that wants to humiliate the locals by having them perform all sorts of atrocities to one another.

Anyway, most of the ideas expressed here are things I wouldn't ever do, besides the Shadow Dragon bit - that's a p neat game to play.

that fits under "any" circumstance. i guess i'm taking the question too literally, though. other than the obvious things like incest and harming other people, i would prefer to never bungee jump.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Hmm, can't really think of anything right now, except for like typical ones: drugs, smoke, physical assault, and things like that.

Technically, it all depends on the moral of one. I am not crazy, so there would be a lot of things I would never do. o3o

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I mean there's a whole bunch of crazy shit I wouldn't do. It would take a while for me to list them.

But on a serious note, I wouldn't try any drug that can fuck you over and get you addicted, ruining your life. So things like heroin, etc.

I have smoked weed a few times whilst in university. It was pretty nice just chilling in the living room watching tv and smoking green with friends. Healthier than alcohol, too.

I took some LSD or LSA a coupla times and I turned out fine....wait a second!!!

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Without stating the obvious, I'll never drink, not simply for moral reasons, but for medical and psychological reasons. Plus, alcohol just seems disgusting to me for some reason.

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New question! And since I'm a lazy bastard:

What question(s) would you like to see asked in this thread? (Take one, since I'm probably gonna have to do this a few times). I did say I was going to run low on questions. I'll just pick questions that actually seem to work well with the spirit of the thread but put up any question you want - it might get considered.

Kinda obvious why I can't answer this question.

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What do you fear? Don't need to list them all. One is fine.

I seem to fear a lot ;~;

Idk if you could call this a fear, but I act so overprotective because I hate it when the people that I'm close to or the people that just seem undeserving get picked on or hurt, many people are surprised about it when they think that I'm difficult to anger... but in fact I can be easy to anger, once you know how to...

I always have fears that are almost comparable to paranoia (I don't think it goes that far though) where I always worry about bad things that will happen to the people I care for, I send myself needlessly into tears or crying fits just because I imagine a horrible scenario just because I'm always so worried of losing people I love. I wish it could stop because the chances of anything happening feel like they're way lower than I make it out to be.

Making phone calls

Yeah, social anxiety gives me this fear ;u; Well, fear of almost everything, really. Going to appointments, going anywhere new, meeting new faces, meeting old faces that I don't see that often... Social anxiety is probably the least helpful thing to have for real life situations because to be successful in life you kinda need to go into these social situations, and you kinda need to go to the doctor or dentist ;u;

As for my fears, that would be rejection, feeling useless, and heights. ._.

All that scratch the heights. I don't enjoy rejection at aaalllll~ It makes me feel more worthless/useless than I already feel... I fear about how I screw everything up, and how I'll mess things up so much that I'll just turn off everybody I know... And I know I shouldn't feel that way, but it's honestly a thing that I can't change about myself.

i don't like public bathrooms

I usually do just fine in bathrooms, girls bathrooms are covered in walls and doors. But it almost seems that according to my dreams I'm afraid of them... Because I tend to end up dreaming about public bathrooms going wrong very often ;u; I dream that those tiny gaps between the wall and door start to grow and people watching me ;~; Though also for some reason I sometimes imagine myself not using the bathroom but needing to change my clothes for some reason and so I always have to try the best I can to hide myself from those prying eyes while I change.


And lastly I fear this too~ It's such a mysterious part of life and just the thought of my consciousness leaving and goign the rest of eternity that way... it just feels so daunting. And I feel as if I'll never be fully ready to go.

How long do you sleep for on average (each night, obviously)?

I would like to be sleeping 8-9 hours, but often that just ends up being 7-8 hours ;~; I can't sleep regularly without an alarm clock, so whether I have to go somewhere or not I use it. And since I don't want to wake up too late (because doing so would just ruin my regular sleeping again), I can't help but wake up early the nights I stay awake too long ;n; Sometimes I manage to not stay up too long and manage to get 8-9, but that's super rare.

What are your thoughts on fast food? Do you eat/have you eaten fast food?

Being in a poor family like mine, fast food is the only way to go when my family wants/needs to eat out. So since I don't get much quality stuff from a poor family, I'm not particularly picky. So I do enjoy fast food places. I'm fine with McDondalds and I'll eat at Arby's but only the chicken tenders, because roast beef makes me feel sick, and cheese makes me feel sick. Actually I love love bacon and I tried a sandwich at McDonalds that had bacon in it, but that ends up making me feel sick too. (idk why but some food that could even slightly taste good to me still make me feel sick, it's not allergies though...)

I really really love non-fastfood places, but I hardly ever get to eat there...

What operating system do you use?

Windows 7!

What activity (or activities) would you never do under any circumstance? Okay seriously though - probably entering any romantic relationship.

At first I thought "ahhhhhhhh too brooooaaaaad I can't think of anything" but then Also awwww that's kinda sad =<

Cheat on my significant other. I've had that happen multiple times, and I refuse to make someone feel like I did. . .

I saw this and thought "oh yeah of course I'd never do that~" I know how much cheating can hurt others so I would never want to put anybody through that. If for some reason I ever felt like I started falling for somebody else, I would wait until I were certain and then I'd have to break it to..... to........... BUT IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN

I would never, under any circumstance, be in the presence of a snake if I could help it.

I've touched a cobra =D But it was a petting zoo brought into my campus lounge, what else was I supposed to do??? And I held and pet my cousins' two baby pet snakes~ They were the most adorable things ever ;u; I love snakes and will touch any as long as I'm certain they won't hurt me~

What question(s) would you like to see asked in this thread?

I'm sorry, but that's another "too broad!!! ;A;" so I can't answer that either~ Maybe eventually I can come up with something.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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