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QOTD Thread: The End


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I used to play maplestory and priston tale as my main MMORPG, so the game I spent by far most of my time on is probably one of those. I also burned a LOT of time playing bad company 2, but that was multiplayer.

I burned a fuckton of time playing ff4 on the gba, I literally 100%ed the game, all my characters were level 99 and I must have done 5 or so runs of lunar ruins. Another game i spent a lot of time on was super robot wars original generation 2, with well over 15 playthroughs. And finally, Infinite Space, I'd wager I spent well over 500 hours on 5 or so runs as well as playing the crap out of special mode.

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I know for sure I've maxed out the clock's playtime on Pokemon Silver and Pokemon Sapphire many times, so those are likely the greatest candidates. Other contenders would likely be the old NES version of Galaga, the original Zelda, FE10, and maybe Super Mario Sunshine or Wind Waker.

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I'm not entirely sure, to be honest.
Unfairly, I'd say SW:TOR, spent almost two years playing that game, that shall never, ever be mentioned again..
(It's an MMO, so it's a tad unfair, imo, to consider it in accordance with the question.)

I'd hazard a guess to say my time was most spent with a Final Fantasy title, I've also spent my fair share playing Pokemon, Golden Sun, Phoenix Wright and Metal Gear Solid.

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I think... Awakening holds that record for me > >;
230 hours from what my log says. But there were times where I was playing it, and I fell asleep while the game was running so I guess it's not the most accurate of numbers haha.

I bet my time on the original RO game exceeds my Awakening though.

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Probably ff6. Or Dark Souls, but probably ff6. A borrowed snes cart, a rom, and a gba cart each totalling many many hours has gotta beat the 276 that steam says I spent on Dark Souls.

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Ragnarok online, without a doubt. I probably played it for over 5000 hours.

Pokemon might actually bet it, if i count all the games together. I have 600 hours played on pokemon diamond alone, and i'm sure i've played ruby, yellow and silver WAY more than that. I think ruby is my most played offline game.

For comparison, i've played awakening for 450 hours

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New question!

What is one of your bad habits? If you want, feel free to list more.

Personally, my bad habit is that I have a tendency to fixate on one thing at a time. This results in a lot of unfinished work/projects because I tend to jump all over the place, despite how organized I am.

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Regarding yesterday's question:

In all honesty, I have no idea. Games like Sonic 3 and Knuckles and Sonic 2 don't have timers built in, so I'm going to give a couple of games I know I've pumped many hours into:

Several Sonic Mega Drive titles, namely Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (all 180 emblems)

Gran Turismo 2 (100%'d that shit yo)

Several Ace Combat titles, mainly 04 and 5.

GBA Fire Emblems, mostly FE8.

Pokemon titles, most notably Sapphire, with over 300 hours logged and over 200 in the Pokedex.

Digimon World 2003. Didn't reach 100 hours, but I played it into the ground and fucking loved it.

GTA games. I played so much GTA. Probably the reason I am now a potty-mouthed 24 year-old.

Travian, it's an online browser game. I played it for maybe 2-3 years before finally quitting about 5 years ago.

And now, League of Legends.

As for this new question, I was just wondering this morning when this would be a question as I sat picking my nose.

I also procrastinate too much. It was a bit of a problem at university since I was often pulling all-nighters to get something done for that day, when I had maybe a week or even a month to do it already. I didn't always get the best results, but I was revered by my friends and coursemates for my ability to finish any piece of work within such a small timeframe.

I would then go back home and sleep once the work was handed in.

Yeah I had some fucked up sleeping patterns in university. Good times.

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I used to bite my nails when I was a kid/young teen. I eventually stopped doing it when I got into a habit of cutting my nails once they started to get long. I hate long nails a lot.

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I dunno really, I don't keep track of my habits. I guess I like to indulge when the opportunity shows itself, but it's been getting a lot better since I've put my teenage years behind me.

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