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Awakening "Headcanons"

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I don't know why some people say the Avatar should stay dead in his/her ending. This is a terrible idea, imo. For two reasons.

1. It would leave the Avatar's spouse really sad. Wouldn't you be really down for a long time if your spouse, someone you loved so much, died so soon after you were married? xP And the characters already went through enough crap as it is. I wouldn't want to put the Avatar's spouse through even more pain.

2. Morgan wouldn't be able to exist in the present timeline. And male Morgan is adorable. :3

It just feels cheap for a character to die and them come back to life, especially through something like "miracle tears of sadness". (Have you watched Tangled? I couldn't stop laughing at the end.) I picked Robin's ending in my first playthrough, and while it is heartwarming as heck, it sort of broke my willing suspension of disbelief.

As for Morgan, well...I don't know. What's wrong with female Morgan?

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Oh wait, I think Awakening states Naga has used both forms in the past...

王 (King/Lord/etc.) and 神竜 (Divine Dragon) are as gender ambiguous as you can get.

Honorific 様 for anyone in a drastically higher position than you is also gender neutral... respectively as Lord or Lady.

Thing is... translators didn't have much to work with. It was probably consensus that they were going to refer to the "Divine Dragon (Lord/King/Whatever)" as male. And then FE13 retconned it... so they had to explain it to the English fanbase somehow other than the translators saying "we worked with what we had and ended up being retconned in a later Fire Emblem title."

Edited by shadowofchaos
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It just feels cheap for a character to die and them come back to life, especially through something like "miracle tears of sadness". (Have you watched Tangled? I couldn't stop laughing at the end.) I picked Robin's ending in my first playthrough, and while it is heartwarming as heck, it sort of broke my willing suspension of disbelief.

I agree with this. I mean the Avatar's ending is heartwarming, (and I like happy endings) but I feel having him/her survive loses the impact that the ending had. (Which is why I always let Chrom deliver the final blow, and even if the Avatar did die in his/her ending I would still choose to let Chrom deliver the final blow) I mean compare it to the ending of Persona 3 where the MC dies in the end. Which ending leaves a stronger impression on the player?

Edited by Virion
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王 (King/Lord/etc.) and 神竜 (Divine Dragon) are as gender ambiguous as you can get.

Honorific 様 for anyone in a drastically higher position than you is also gender neutral... respectively as Lord or Lady.

Thing is... translators didn't have much to work with. It was probably consensus that they were going to refer to the "Divine Dragon (Lord/King/Whatever)" as male. And then FE13 retconned it... so they had to explain it to the English fanbase somehow other than the translators saying "we worked with what we had and ended up being retconned in a later Fire Emblem title."

Wait, but none of Marth's games save Shadow Dragon were localized, and even then I don't think that game had Naga referred to as either gender. Don't you mean the fan translators? But then that would clash from that statement in Awakening... well, if that thing about using both forms is true...

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And the characters already went through enough crap as it is. I wouldn't want to put the Avatar's spouse through even more pain.

this is almost exactly the reason why people want to have MU's ending keep MU dead Edited by CT075
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this is almost exactly the reason why people want to have MU's ending keep MU dead

What? That's really stupid, imo. A good story isn't all about torturing the characters to death.

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that's an arguable point

personally i like the idea of permanently ending the huge evil in exchange for losing a close friend

Edited by CT075
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Some people like sad endings. D: Doesn't mean you should call those people stupid, Ana. I agree that bringing someone back from the dead cheapens their death. I can't cry at Chapter 9 anymore. Sometimes it's better for characters to stay dead, otherwise their impact is lost.

[spoiler=sorry, Emm]haha, impact, i shouldn't have laughed at that

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You're missing my point. Whether the player is going for Chrom's ending or not, you still would have the choice of a really sad ending where Avatar's spouse suffers more sadness and pain and Morgan won't exist and I don't like that.

No, the point is that, suddenly now there's weight on the choice. The way it stands now is "Have your cake and eat it too". There's a choice that does affect something, but it's stupid and one-sided.

If MU died, yes MU's family would suffer, and it'd be that, a really sad ending. It's impactful, and if you don't like that, well, you were warned you would die by killing Grima outright. If you don't want MU's family, friends and loved ones to go thru so much pain, and want Morgan to exist, well, Chrom's ending is there. You can make that call. It's simple as that. The choice is in the player's hands. Want assurance Grima's dead: Pick MU's ending. Want to say enough is enough, and bring things to a close with everyone being able to be happy and alive? Chrom's ending.

True, in my case, MU staying dead would serve to completely eliminate the choice as well, as I'd never under any circumstance pick that ending otherwise, as the cost:reward ratio is far too high to be considered.

Edited by Airship Canon
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Still maintain it all would've been better if there had been three endings.

MU1 - MU dies, due to not having enough bonds

MU2 - Mu comes back, but only because of the number of bonds made (some arbitrary number that's greater than 1).

Since I go around getting tons of supports, I pretend I get the third one in my playthroughs.

Also, a previous post mentioned Persona 3. Doesn't P4-Arena imply the protagonist can come back (Or did I read wrong)?

More on topic - I pretend that almost all of the spotpass paralogues are non-canon, due to most not making sense. Sidequests 18, 19, and 20 make the least amount. I can excuse 21 and 22. 23 (Priam's) is the only one I consider remote

Edited by Kat
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I don't really have headcanons for Awakening. Well, I would have liked Emmeryn, Gangrel, and Walhart to stay dead, as well as Robin in his/her ending, but I doubt that counts.

I thought Taguels were different from Laguz, seeing as they need a Beaststone to shift while the Laguz don't require one.

One support (i think its Panne's) discusses that there are other beast Taguel out there. Lion, Wolf, and Bird to be exact.

What? That's really stupid, imo. A good story isn't all about torturing the characters to death.

Oh man, you'd ABHOR the series, A Song Of Ice And Fire. Hahaha

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On the Taguel thing, I think that Taguel are non-Dragon Laguz who, like the Dragons, had to store their power into the stones. The same event affected all the Laguz- and Dragons became the Manakete, the other tribes the Taguel.

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What? That's really stupid, imo. A good story isn't all about torturing the characters to death.

Life is a bittersweet affair, Ana, and while I like cute, fluffy pieces, for a long-term story - especially about war and whatnot - I like it to eventually balance itself out, so I would have preferred the Avatar to die myself.

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You're missing my point. Whether the player is going for Chrom's ending or not, you still would have the choice of a really sad ending where Avatar's spouse suffers more sadness and pain and Morgan won't exist and I don't like that.

I like the idea of the ending not being, "And after the initial evils of war, everyone lived happily ever after."

I mean, where's my "Lon'qu lived mostly a peaceful life after the War, but ultimately was killed by bandits."

"Cherche was treated as a traitor when she returned home."

"Donnell was never able to get off of his family's farm, despite his greatest efforts."

Some dark humor and legitimately sad endings for some characters never hurt anybody.

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Life is a bittersweet affair, Ana, and while I like cute, fluffy pieces, for a long-term story - especially about war and whatnot - I like it to eventually balance itself out, so I would have preferred the Avatar to die myself.

I don't necessarily agree or disagree with this sentiment. You can have a long term story with an amazingly happy ending. And yes, it could be a war story.

I personally just think the last choice should be more choice-y. Sure, I'd opt for the happy ending every time (so at least for me it'd be more onesided), but it wouldn't be this dumb affair. So, while I'd prefer it for MU to live, I'd rather it only be thru Chrom's ending.

I like the idea of the ending not being, "And after the initial evils of war, everyone lived happily ever after."

I mean, where's my "Lon'qu lived mostly a peaceful life after the War, but ultimately was killed by bandits."

"Cherche was treated as a traitor when she returned home."

"Donnell was never able to get off of his family's farm, despite his greatest efforts."

Some dark humor and legitimately sad endings for some characters never hurt anybody.

Unpaired Henry. (Yes, if you didn't catch, Henry is suicidal. (His greatest dream is supposedly to die a horrible bloody death. (that is painless)). Left unpaired, he actually carries his suicide out-- making a cold clean break with history.)

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Wait, but none of Marth's games save Shadow Dragon were localized, and even then I don't think that game had Naga referred to as either gender. Don't you mean the fan translators? But then that would clash from that statement in Awakening... well, if that thing about using both forms is true...

Is that true? I'd be very happy if it is because I much prefer an androgynous multi-gender god to a standard plain and simple goddess. I don't remember it from the main script so is it in the supports? Can't be in any of the Tiki ones since I got all of them. There's also a hell of a lot of DLC dialogue. I'd like to confirm if this is true.

And has a thread ever been made about the choice in Awakening's ending. Seems like a heavily opinionated topic. Personally I would have preferred the three possibility ending with the Avatar living due to having something like 12+ Supports. Naga does say the friendship was necessary. Let's see some gameplay effecting it there.

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Life is a bittersweet affair, Ana, and while I like cute, fluffy pieces, for a long-term story - especially about war and whatnot - I like it to eventually balance itself out, so I would have preferred the Avatar to die myself.

Well yeah, you need SOME bad stuff to happen. Life isn't all fields of flowers and butterflies, after all. I've been making my characters go through lots of shit in my FE fic, from Ike nearly being killed by poison (and bedridden for weeks due to it) to Bryan coming extremely close to being killed twice to the king of Talgria actually being slain in front of the entire army (okay, this one actually hasn't happened yet, but I'm planning on it). Several characters have had tragic events in their pasts (most particularly Owen, who lost just about all his friends and family in the previous war) and they struggle in several battles.

But you have to balance this all out with enough good stuff too, or else it still becomes unrealistic. Life isn't all fields of flowers and butterflies, but it's not all misery either.

Edited by Anacybele
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But you have to balance this all out with enough good stuff too, or else it still becomes unrealistic. Life isn't all fields of flowers and butterflies, but it's not all misery either.

Unless you happen to live in the third world where everyday if a desperate fight for survival. Donate to charities now!

Edited by Jotari
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Not particularly a problem, it just (for lack of a better expression) doesn't really make sense...Either gender, or even genderless is many times more acceptable.

Hermaphrodites are a thing.

I personally like stories where main characters die via heroic sacrifices, so I like the dead MU ending. coughcoughpersona3

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Unpaired Henry. (Yes, if you didn't catch, Henry is suicidal. (His greatest dream is supposedly to die a horrible bloody death. (that is painless)). Left unpaired, he actually carries his suicide out-- making a cold clean break with history.)

Oh my gods. Remind me not to leave Henry unpaired. O_O

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Well yeah, you need SOME bad stuff to happen. Life isn't all fields of flowers and butterflies, after all. I've been making my characters go through lots of shit in my FE fic, from Ike nearly being killed by poison (and bedridden for weeks due to it) to Bryan coming extremely close to being killed twice to the king of Talgria actually being slain in front of the entire army (okay, this one actually hasn't happened yet, but I'm planning on it). Several characters have had tragic events in their pasts (most particularly Owen, who lost just about all his friends and family in the previous war) and they struggle in several battles.

But you have to balance this all out with enough good stuff too, or else it still becomes unrealistic. Life isn't all fields of flowers and butterflies, but it's not all misery either.

One person staying dead in exchange for Naga's evil opposite to stay dead rather than coming back to haunt descendants sounds fair. Sure, Chrom and co. lose someone close to them, but otherwise Grima will allways pose the threat of world annihilation.

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1. Robin gets the last hit without the player getting enough supports=Robin is gone, but so is Grima.

2. Chrom gets the last hit either way=Grima is sealed, but Robin stays around.

3. Robin gets the last hit with the player getting enough supports=Robin is there for Chrom and Co. to meet, but Grima isn't gone for good.

If Robin could stay around after all that, why not Grima?

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1. Robin gets the last hit without the player getting enough supports=Robin is gone, but so is Grima.

2. Chrom gets the last hit either way=Grima is sealed, but Robin stays around.

3. Robin gets the last hit with the player getting enough supports=Robin is there for Chrom and Co. to meet, but Grima isn't gone for good.

If Robin could stay around after all that, why not Grima?

Because the bad guys don't have the power of friendship (seriously that's the reason).

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