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Bronze: Cordelia

Silver: Gerome

Gold: FeMU

Sometimes Gerome gets bronze and Cordelia gets silver, but in general that's usually what I get.

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1st Run

Gold: MU

Silver: Lucina

Bronze: Chrom

All pretty generic, as it was my first run.

2nd Run

Gold: Cordelia

Silver: MU

Bronze: Kellam

Cordelia probably got first due to Galeforce, but Kellam? I don't remember using him much at all (who is Kellam again?) I guess I used him as a wall in the early chapters more often than I previously thought.

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Is it calculated battles + wins totaled?

Well, going by my results it's measured by Wins then uses Total Battles as a Tiebreaker, I'm guessing, as Owain only had one more kill than Lucina and took second place from her. I could give her the Grima kill and check to see if I'm right.

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Hey, just finished my first play through of Awakening (classic hard).

Gold: Cordelia

Silver: MaMU

Bronze: Sumia

Easily my favorite FE now :)

Edited by capocal
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I went ahead and cleared my main Hard file again after finally getting ALL the Renown. oAo My results were this:

1: Ricken (aw yeah)

2: Morgan (they killed stuff together)

3: Severa (this one surprised me)

I thought for sure that I'd be top 3, but alas.

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Last run it was

Gold: Miriel

Silver: Say'ri

Bronze: Sully

[Oh hey look its my 3 favorite women of Awakening. In the wrong order but lol]

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Usual Suspects for campaign runs:



Chrom or Lucina

Honestly, unless I go on a Lucina/MU/Morgan rampage at endgame (not uncommon), Sumia's earlygame kill count tends to really rack up.

Postgame File:




Combination of team Dark Flier and being a pain to cap.

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Mine is usually Olivia and Lissa in Gold.

Gaius is somewhere Bronze.

Either of the children: Morgan, Severa, Inigo is Silver. I don't really remember.

I use my hubby/waifu too much.

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First file it was:

Bronze: Gaius

Silver: Chrom (husband)

Gold: Avatar

I've played that file to death since, though, so if I were to beat Grima again the rankings may be different.

Second file was (I think):

Bronze: Lon'qu (husband)

Silver: Donnel

Gold: Avatar

I may be wrong on that though.

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  • 9 months later...

1st: MU

2nd: Cordelia

3rd: Lon'Qu

Not surprised to say the least. My Avatar was in every single battle I fought. When I got Cordelia I kept her in every single battle for galeforce and her amazingly high stat caps as well as to support my avatar. I figured that bronze would go to Chrom but I did keep Lon'Qu by my side a lot. He had some great stat caps and turned out to be a great unit.

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