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Don't worry so much about what level you are or rune pages.

You should just play more player vs player on your second account so you can get used to playing against players.

It's a lot different than AI games.

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My team just got ripped to shreds by Vayne... How in the world can she destroy full health turrets so quickly with only 1 wave of minions....

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My team just got ripped to shreds by Vayne... How in the world can she destroy full health turrets so quickly with only 1 wave of minions....

Depends on what stage of the game. Vayne's start is super slow.

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By "rune pages display wrong", I mean I see a variable name in the place of what I would name the rune page (which is blank).

Played a game on Normal as support, and honestly had more fun than when I play as carry. Didn't help that Ashe felt like complaining at the end (I'm support, my JOB is to be in the middle of everything, else Frozen Heart is wasted). I kinda had fun, somehow.

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Me too. Kiriane and I are the support players here (her being miles better than I am) and we both agree that it's a hilariously fun role. You run the map.

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I wound up as support on top (don't ask). Warwick knew that if I popped Darius in the air, it was time to go nuts on him. Several early kills resulted in me getting my Stone/Boots early (kinda helped that I nabbed a kill by accident). Generally, when both sides don't know what they're doing, the gold count ends up being a bit higher. :P:

EDIT: Got several games as Ezreal in. One cheesehead who whined about KS aside, it was hilariously fun. Lost a few bot games (since I'm still not confident with him), but they were fun losses - no one was getting on each other's case or anything. Of the losses, one was because I'd decided to give Darius several kills, and the he went AWOL (which meant catch-up time, but I was able to net quite a few kills on my own; however, everyone else kept dying, and there's no way I'm fully carrying a game with a guy I just picked up). Another was because the guy who chose Riven had no idea what he was doing (someone commented on AP Riven), and everyone else had characters that had no escapes (I died something like four times; the next lowest death count was double that). Despite losing, both teams were very chatty and supportive, so I found it easier to be, uh, me.

Edited by eclipse
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Do I have you on friends list, Life? Never seen you in-game. For that matter, I don't recall agreeing with you about anything of the sort. (Although I actually do.)

Don't think I have you on there.


Edited by Am Yisrael Chai
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The only time I'd go AP Vayne is if I decided to feed the opponent's Veigar all day long. Which is lame.

(and yes, AP Riven. Everyone was confused.)

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Hey man don't be hatin', that MP/5 is clutch on Riven.

Also, I feel bad. I accidentally KS'd my Draven's Penta(specifically, I was Starcalling for MR shred when suddenly "You have slain an enemy!" and then Draven got a Quadra soon afterward)

Ether worst support NA get at me

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Games are FUN when Akali tells people to not suck and stop KSing her when she's something like 7/12/16. Luckily, Brand gave exactly zero fucks about such nonsense, and we won because Udyr thought Akali was so stupid that he didn't want to be around her (and worked on stomping turrets while we did our best to keep our nexus intact). My greatest contribution? Keep two enemies occupied in base so the super minions could do their thing. Otherwise, everyone else was really cool.

Edited by eclipse
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Did someone let the trolls out today?

- Had a Renekton simultaneously complain about me KSing and running away. I basically told him to choose which one he wanted; he decided that whining was better.

- Two other people felt it was in good taste to bash the carries. Had to yell at them to STFU.

- One guy was being a jerk in general - at least THIS Renekton was cool.

Final game was interesting, because poor Darius showed up late. My moment in the sun was keeping him alive when he had two people running towards him. :P:

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The trolls come out on the weekend, and I have friends who swear that they get +200 elo from nothing more than the holidays starting. The effect can be observed at all levels of play, and is worth 200 elo even at the 1000-1200 range.

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The trolls come out on the weekend, and I have friends who swear that they get +200 elo from nothing more than the holidays starting. The effect can be observed at all levels of play, and is worth 200 elo even at the 1000-1200 range.

In which case, I should be grateful that I'm taking a short vacation right before Christmas.

I've also decided that being nice to everyone is hurting me as a player. Whining or not, I need to improve.

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