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Am I just known on SF for drinking?


Ahem. . .after reading stuff on jungling, I am doing a bad job of it (I'm basically roving support). What was fun was beating up minion camps and leaving with significantly more health than when I went in. Go Nunu!

(now I do my homework and actually attempt to not-scrub my way through the game as a jungler)

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Got a load of games as Nunu support. He's extremely reliant on the ADC not being a total idiot (someone who builds Liandry's on Vayne/some genius who builds PURE ATTACK SPEED isn't my idea of a good ADC).

Hey, don't knock my AP/On-hit Vayne ):

But yes, I like Nunu supports when I know I'm playing with baddie supports. Bloodboil me for win.

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I hope for my sake and all of yours that you never, ever get into a game with Stelios. He builds triforce iceborn and lichbane on Ezreal...in the same game.

What is this "Unique Passive" you speak of, I've never heard of it.

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I saw some yi that bought all the boots... He was probably trolling because he said he could stack boots. Still must have been a pain for his team.

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Hey, don't knock my AP/On-hit Vayne ):

But yes, I like Nunu supports when I know I'm playing with baddie supports. Bloodboil me for win.

Carries utilize auto-attacks. For Vayne's W to kick in, she needs three of them. 1.2 attacks/second and 1.5 attacks/second mean that the amount of time it takes to get your third hit in is a difference of 0.5 seconds (same amount of time that Blitzcrank silences people). If you've slapped some sort of decent attack-booster on her (BT/IE), you're looking at three hits of life steal at minimum 12%/IE benefits (which she really likes), PLUS the additional damage - and this doesn't factor in Tumble. Given that Nunu gives a pretty hefty Blood Boil bonus, it's rather silly to focus on only attack speed if he's supporting you. You could use your gold to make sure you're doing more than 50 damage per hit to Malphite.

If you insist on on-hit, go with the guy that can do so from double his firing range.

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Man, sad day. Kiri forgot to mention I was jungling Ezreal that game, all while disregarding boots and still carrying our little pubstomp ;P

What is this "Unique Passive" you speak of, I've never heard of it.

What can I say? I must just be really bad at this game. I'm just a platinum reject D:

S2 Stats 1

S2 Stats 2

Seriously though, if anyone needs anything feel free to ask whether it's here or in-game, I don't troll when people ask for help/advice unless it's in Strategy chat. I'm mostly on NA server.

Carries utilize auto-attacks. For Vayne's W to kick in, she needs three of them. 1.2 attacks/second and 1.5 attacks/second mean that the amount of time it takes to get your third hit in is a difference of 0.5 seconds (same amount of time that Blitzcrank silences people). If you've slapped some sort of decent attack-booster on her (BT/IE), you're looking at three hits of life steal at minimum 12%/IE benefits (which she really likes), PLUS the additional damage - and this doesn't factor in Tumble. Given that Nunu gives a pretty hefty Blood Boil bonus, it's rather silly to focus on only attack speed if he's supporting you. You could use your gold to make sure you're doing more than 50 damage per hit to Malphite.

If you insist on on-hit, go with the guy that can do so from double his firing range.

FYI for everyone I don't seriously build AP on-hit Vayne. It's a terrible idea unless you just want to troll/rub in how much better of a player you are than the other guy. It's for giggles.

Personally, I think attack speed first is a horrible idea. General ADC dealio is

Damage -> IE/BT

Attack Speed -> Statikk Shiv/Phantom Dancer/Sword of the Divine/Tri-Force on some

Need Defensive yet? No? Armor Pen -> Last Whisper/Black Cleaver

Need defensive yet? No? 2nd Damage -> Depending on what your first item was, get the other one out of IE/BT

Need defensive yet? No? Well you're high. Get a defensive item as your last item if you haven't already. -> Guardian Angel/Banshees Veil/Quicksilver Sash

Also, one should never max W on Vayne first unless they are in a professional environment and their team comp revolves around utilizing such a move, or you are against 5 tanks trolling on the other team etc. Max Q first for improved mobility and more seconds of silence etc. Max E first on Vayne if you want to play her Leblanc style assasinate the carry and gtfo (in small skirmishes such as dragon.) By not maxing Q your sustained DPS takes a huge hit to increase your short term burst. I personally don't like the max E style, not my playstyle but I know a few people that love it and live for it, to each their own.

Edited by SteliosV
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they don't stack



Why stack the 3 sheen procs? Because we were wrecking so hard and I was having a great time jungling Ezreal while a friend of mine played AD Annie, who also got fed. I don't recommend it, condone it, nor will I ever tell you that it's good.

Edited by SteliosV
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As Nunu, I had the honor of supporting a Kog'Maw that bought two Phantom Dancers first, a MF that decided that buying that 40% AS Bow was absolute-top-priority, and another Kog'Maw that had no concept of hitting anything (even under his own tower). I've also seen a Vayne with Liandry's, two people building non-carries as ADC (Fiddles and Nami), and an Annie who rushed Berserker's Greaves (this last one honestly had no idea what he was doing, because everyone else commented on his stellar choice of equips). You'll have to forgive me for having no fucking sense of humor.

I hope that things become better once school restarts.

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As Nunu, I had the honor of supporting a Kog'Maw that bought two Phantom Dancers first, a MF that decided that buying that 40% AS Bow was absolute-top-priority, and another Kog'Maw that had no concept of hitting anything (even under his own tower). I've also seen a Vayne with Liandry's, two people building non-carries as ADC (Fiddles and Nami), and an Annie who rushed Berserker's Greaves (this last one honestly had no idea what he was doing, because everyone else commented on his stellar choice of equips). You'll have to forgive me for having no fucking sense of humor.

I hope that things become better once school restarts.

Hey, no worries. Those sound like either some legit super ineffective trolls or really bad baddiecakes. Sorry you had to deal with them. Good luck with your future games ^_^

If you are either a support main or an ADC main, and you're feeling stale about the partners you're getting, my best advice is to try out the other role for a nice spree of games, see how you like it, and smile to yourself as it makes you 100x better at your original role.

Edited by SteliosV
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As Nunu, I had the honor of supporting a Kog'Maw that bought two Phantom Dancers first, a MF that decided that buying that 40% AS Bow was absolute-top-priority, and another Kog'Maw that had no concept of hitting anything (even under his own tower). I've also seen a Vayne with Liandry's, two people building non-carries as ADC (Fiddles and Nami), and an Annie who rushed Berserker's Greaves (this last one honestly had no idea what he was doing, because everyone else commented on his stellar choice of equips). You'll have to forgive me for having no fucking sense of humor.

I hope that things become better once school restarts.

I play most of my games as Support and geez...thank God i never got this kind of ADC.

I actually always get the worst supports when i go ADC... Not a coincidence, ADC is the role i enjoy the least even when i played pre-mades with 4 other good friends. I hate last hitting as ADC...or because i really only played ADC as Ashe.

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Hey, no worries. Those sound like either some legit super ineffective trolls or really bad baddiecakes. Sorry you had to deal with them. Good luck with your future games ^_^

If you are either a support main or an ADC main, and you're feeling stale about the partners you're getting, my best advice is to try out the other role for a nice spree of games, see how you like it, and smile to yourself as it makes you 100x better at your original role.

Thanks~! I'm currently experimenting with jungling, but alas, my sense of direction is poor. I don't mind being roaming support, because it's funny.

Of the current roles, the one I like the least is top (last hitting as ranged is nowhere near as aggravating as last hitting as melee), followed by mid (because I'm not that great with mana management, and that lane is currently in a weird game of rock-paper-scissors). Looks like jungle's my third choice!

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Last hitting with melee is actually easier since you don't have to wait for your projectile to travel, you're just not used to it. :P Unless you're talking about getting zoned out.

Edited by Silvercrow
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Why stack the 3 sheen procs? Because we were wrecking so hard and I was having a great time jungling Ezreal while a friend of mine played AD Annie, who also got fed. I don't recommend it, condone it, nor will I ever tell you that it's good.

just havin a jovial game of league of legends

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Last hitting with melee is actually easier since you don't have to wait for your projectile to travel, you're just not used to it. :P Unless you're talking about getting zoned out.

1. Run in for last hit.

2. Get smacked over the head because you did so.

That's my problem.

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1. Run in for last hit.

2. Get smacked over the head because you did so.

That's my problem.

if you're against another melee, if they want to smack you in the head, they're gonna have to use some sort of resource, whether it's moving to you, or mana. when someone is moving in to auto attack you or cast a spell, they will have a slight orange aura around them (look for this in your next games!) and you can back off accordingly.

also, don't let them get free damage off if possible. make them pay for going up to rough and tumble with ya

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last hitting with melee is so very easy, i think the problem here is that you're playing against bots which means you'll always be up against two monkeys who don't lasthit or really care about resources, and since you're relatively new perhaps you can't handle that very well. this is just an idea. also, mid shouldn't be very much of a problem because again, i understand you usually play against bots and they haven't followed the AD caster craze. maybe that's not what you meant though?

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Man, sad day. Kiri forgot to mention I was jungling Ezreal that game, all while disregarding boots and still carrying our little pubstomp ;P

What can I say? I must just be really bad at this game. I'm just a platinum reject D:

Why stack the 3 sheen procs? Because we were wrecking so hard and I was having a great time jungling Ezreal while a friend of mine played AD Annie, who also got fed. I don't recommend it, condone it, nor will I ever tell you that it's good.

You're an unranked scrub. And last I checked, Caitlyn was the one who went 18/2, not you. And I gave up on AD Annie and went tank. With a memory like that, it's no wonder [at this point Kiri degenerates into incoherent rambling]. But seriously, don't do it guys. By "carry" we actually meant "get our randoms completely fed so we can keep on trolling", at which we succeeded spectacularly.

last hitting with melee is so very easy, i think the problem here is that you're playing against bots which means you'll always be up against two monkeys who don't lasthit or really care about resources, and since you're relatively new perhaps you can't handle that very well. this is just an idea. also, mid shouldn't be very much of a problem because again, i understand you usually play against bots and they haven't followed the AD caster craze. maybe that's not what you meant though?

This. I'll thank you all to remember that eclipse plays exclusively against bots. Anything she says should be taken in that context.

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You're an unranked scrub.

Kiri pls. L2 Lineshot. Last I checked I still started this season off gold with no ranked games, about 300 elo higher than you've ever dreamed of ;P

Roaming support is true terror if you know when and how to do it right. Say you're Leona or Taric or Blitz, anything with CC or a hard initiate basically. You kill or push the enemy bot lane out of lane, so your ADC is just pushing to their tower so he can b (unless he has downs or is just THAT ahead). Now, you see their mid overextended? Go walk through your jungle and sit in lane brush for a sec, stun at an optimal time and get your mid a kill. You can coordinate with your jungler and its really a **** you kind of gank.

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1. Run in for last hit.

2. Get smacked over the head because you did so.

That's my problem.



EDIT: ohwaitadcokaynevermind

Edited by Naminé
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Guiz I came up with the best idea ever. Chain slow Bruiser Eve. Build like, Treads Iceborn Abyssal Randuins Rylais and like... a GA or something. Foolproof or some bullshit like that.

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