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if you're against another melee, if they want to smack you in the head, they're gonna have to use some sort of resource, whether it's moving to you, or mana. when someone is moving in to auto attack you or cast a spell, they will have a slight orange aura around them (look for this in your next games!) and you can back off accordingly.

also, don't let them get free damage off if possible. make them pay for going up to rough and tumble with ya

This. . .is one of the most helpful things I've read. Thanks! I'll watch for this. I've had a chance to play purple, and FSR I can see top lane better as that side than as blue. Likewise, if I'm playing blue, I see bottom lane way better than if I'm purple. If I'm mid I have an equally hard time with both sides.

I have a second account reserved for normals (so far, not doing great, but that's kind of what happens in blind pick in a silent lobby). This one I won't give out, because. . .well, let's say I wouldn't be playing this game unless I had a reason to play in the first place.

Next on my automated list of things to do is learn how to last hit better.

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Kiri pls. L2 Lineshot. Last I checked I still started this season off gold with no ranked games, about 300 elo higher than you've ever dreamed of ;P

Best Janna NA. Also, two words for you: investigation closed.

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What is your summoner name? ;/

Also WRT all the talk about stupid builds in and people building wonky stuff and stuff like ad annie and ad fiddle and ad nami and what not. Please remember most of those were in bot games. And frankly you can do whatever you want in bot games and probably got 50 and 2.

Just sayin'

Pretty sure i did attack speed brand when i got zombie brand cause TWITCHER.

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why a separate account? i don't get it

Probably because she leveled to thirty doing only bot games so she won't play as well vs players at level 30 with no real experience with/against players in actual pvp on LoL.

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It has to do with why I signed up in the first place. Whether or not I'll be forced down that path in a couple of months remains to be seen.

The good thing about that other account is that I can try out people I've wanted to (Corki, for example), be terrible at it, and it's expected.

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I know those were old school games (I can tell about when by the damage you're doing with Q)

But whenever you jungle Ezreal it's imperative you keep his passive stacks up, Q over walls, e over them, etc. your clear is actually semi respectable with full passive stacks.

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6 weeks of no computer? O: However did you survive?


I plays on my mom's computer you know, but it can never play anything higher.

So yeah... I'm keeping myself busy playing xbox, working on my mugs for my hack, writing the story ideas, doing chores.


I'm about to go mad.

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After paying attention to mostly Heimerdinger i have lost any sort of advance i had playing as Kayle and Miss Fortune :s

I fed a Fiora so bad in top lane as Miss Fortune with my partner Udyr (it was shared and she trolled us hard... even harder when jungler nocturne came to help her)... It was pretty bad... lol. Then i had a game with Ether where i completely lost bot lane as Kayle. I do feel better with Miss Fortune than with Kayle though.

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I probably don't play Ms. Fortune correctly, as I legitimately just stack attack speed to 2.5 and get a Static Shiv and a Runan's Hurrican.

I give her critical chance (the blade that increses crit damage) with bloodthirster. Then build armor prenetation (that blue bow) and if there is time/money i giver her attack speed with more critical chance I have only been able to get to this point a few times though.

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I know those were old school games (I can tell about when by the damage you're doing with Q)

But whenever you jungle Ezreal it's imperative you keep his passive stacks up, Q over walls, e over them, etc. your clear is actually semi respectable with full passive stacks.

oh yeah i know haha i was re-watching it and cringing at all my mistakes

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If you hears anything about me threatening to destroy the world.


At least, till I can play LoL again.

That unimportant topic aside.

Anything interesting occurring in games?

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By the way I could give two shits about anyone being a girl or a guy on these forums.


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