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I'll be up for that! I need 1.3k IP before the sale ends.

I have a new favourite item on Maokai, incidentally. You know how he used to be able to triforce or lichbane, but neither really effectively? ICEBORN GAUNTLET. Oh yeah.

How do you guys build Renekton/J4?

Edited by Kiriane
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Teemo was, like, the only person who had the right combination of "had a clue", "stable connection", and "not being a jerk". We took out the inhibitor turret, and stuff started coming from behind, so Teemo ran. . .and then my connection died. Instead of making sure Teemo was all right, my soulless Blitz punched out everything around the inhibitor, then started punching the inhibitor. By the time I reconnected, there was no one near the inhibitor and it was about half gone, so I managed to kill it. That dumb disconnect won the game. . .and mad props to Teemo for keeping his head.

Moral of the story: The next time Udyr bitches, I'm telling him to carry the game. Support Blitz can't do it by himself.

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what is it with all the kats and teemos :(

in the last 3 games a kat has rampaged through my team because mid kept dying to her... ugh

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It was a five-way KS-fest with Kha'Zix, Darius, LeBlanc, Fizz, and a certain explorer. Instead of building seriously, I stacked my AD as high as possible for giggles. Broke 300 before the game was over. Chat was hilarious. LeBlanc eats hamsters, and Fizz dies because he's cuter than me.

EDIT: Just lost a game because half the game lagged badly (me included), and Yi went AWOL. It was a hell of an effort, though, and if my connection hadn't crapped in the end, I would've honored everyone for being awesome.

EDIT THE SECOND: Due to the game being stupid with lag, five-minute exercises come tomorrow.

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Have you guys seen this yet ? Amazing !


Can't make this link look like the one above lol

(mod edit: merged double post; if you wanna add something, edit your latest post instead)

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Use that without the slash in the first set of brakets with your URL.

Also, I read that heimer could place 6 turrets when he first came out... That must have been beautiful.

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I have a friend pestering me to play this.

Watching those videos made me wonder...

Who is that Talon guy, besides a badass?

A really good-looking badass. :P:

Fangirling aside, he's good at taking large chunks of HP off of his target. His "downside" is that he dies very quickly. To play him, you'll need to look for opportunities to strike, take them, then get the hell out.

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Talon Downside #2: He takes a bit to unlock.

Once you get the controls down and all that (namely, telling your brain that QWER activate your skills and all that), you'll want to find someone you feel comfortable with. If your eventual goal is Talon, you'll want to practice on people that have the following qualities:

1. Melee (Talon's basic attacks are melee)

2. Uses mana (blue bar at the bottom; some champs don't use mana, and others use energy)

3. Squishy (so you'll have a rough idea of how much it takes to kill him)

Of the free champions, Evelynn seems to be the closest to what you're looking for, followed by LeBlanc (the latter's problem is that she's ranged). Free week will probably change soon, so keep your eyes peeled~!

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Garen, Nunu, Annie, Ashe, Master Yi are all recommended iirc along with being cheap (you can buy one of them after playing 2 games or getting to level 4 with the rp you get).

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Aight, thanks clipsey~

Anyone else I should try out? Anyone good for a newcomer to the game?

Garen --> Bruiser

Ashe --> Ranged AD ( kinda a melee ranged )

Annie --> Ranged AP ( a mage )

Master Yi --> Bruiser/Assassin

These 4 are pretty easy to get the feel of the game and are in the cheapest row to unlock.

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So I played my first bot game.

Tried Evelynn, as Clipsey said I should try her.

I first went down mid, but then bot needed help more (and an alligator with a crescent blade was holding mid) so I went down there. Got my first kill on Lux, then just began to have fun with it. I was 14/1/2 at one point when I died again, then I ended with this.

Guess I'll write it.

Went 35/6/5. Built Mobility Boots, Deathcap, Liandry's Torment, Deathfire Grasp, Void Staff, and Guardian Angel.

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So I played my first bot game.

Tried Evelynn, as Clipsey said I should try her.

I first went down mid, but then bot needed help more (and an alligator with a crescent blade was holding mid) so I went down there. Got my first kill on Lux, then just began to have fun with it. I was 14/1/2 at one point when I died again, then I ended with this.

Guess I'll write it.

Went 35/6/5. Built Mobility Boots, Deathcap, Liandry's Torment, Deathfire Grasp, Void Staff, and Guardian Angel.

Thats actually extremely good for your first time in bots. I'd say so anyway... but then again i'm horrible at this game.

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Thats actually extremely good for your first time in bots. I'd say so anyway... but then again i'm horrible at this game.

Thanks Slayer. And I doubt you're that bad.

I want to buy Evelynn I think. And also that badass Talon just because he looks cool

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I likely don't play Evelynn right, but I usually go

Boots of Mobility, Lich Bane, Nashor's Tooth, Hextech Gunblade, Muramana. The game usually ends before I have a chance to build a Rabadon's.

I guess I kind of do some weird hybrid.

also cassiopia is amazing

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I likely don't play Evelynn right, but I usually go

Boots of Mobility, Lich Bane, Nashor's Tooth, Hextech Gunblade, Muramana. The game usually ends before I have a chance to build a Rabadon's.

I guess I kind of do some weird hybrid.

also cassiopia is amazing

not a very good build honestly

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