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Heimerdinger is so fun :awesome: I have heard that he is pretty bad as a champ in high elo like Kiri said, but he can play pretty well in normal games. He usually goes mid, (and most times when i try to go else where somebody shouts at me to go mid). Heimerdinger is capable of putting a lot of pressure in his lane + keeping the enemy champ away from farming. Usually the way i play him is i tend to camp outside of the turret's range occasionally shooting rockets at the enemy champ. He has to watch for ganks though. Also Diana is a bitch to him :( Diana mid oh god why. Build him AP and his rockets damage is amazing.

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The reason why I don't wander over to blind Normals is because I stop having fun when I play there ('cause I'm too worried about failing my team, people on my team being stupid, etc.). When I'm in bots, I can screw around, and people (for the most part) do not care. Hell, I let my team know that I had no idea how to play Cho, and they were fine with it.

EDIT: Kirie, when you get your university in order, mind shooting me a PM? I still have a ton to learn, when I'm NOT screwing around.

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Seriously. I've even invited you to join in to make 5-man premades and you've turned me down...

Get three other people who don't mind me freezing up like a deer in the headlights (and won't complain about it), and sure~!

(oh, and when I'm not busy)

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Get three other people who don't mind me freezing up like a deer in the headlights (and won't complain about it), and sure~!

(oh, and when I'm not busy)

These people play with me, you have no worries.

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Yeah, eclipse isn't exactly the best student around, comes from being a teacher I guess.

Also, dat anivia. We dragged a 4v5 ARAM to full build and then some. =o

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Katarina seems pretty fun to use... After buying her, i definitely see why she was able to easily shut down my teams in so many games.

You guys have some tips for using her?

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Learn your damage to a tee so you know when you can and can't get your resets, it's definitely the biggest skill required to play Katarina since either you will get a reset and pentakill the enemy team or die instantly and do nothing

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Yeah, eclipse isn't exactly the best student around, comes from being a teacher I guess.

Also, dat anivia. We dragged a 4v5 ARAM to full build and then some. =o

I hang around teachers all day, so I have a decent idea of what to do and not to do as a teacher. :P:

Then again, I was keeping my eye on Anivia more often than not, 'cause I still play her from time to time, and stuff like "use R to check brush" wasn't something I thought of.

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Will you be on in the next two hours? I'll be free then!

sure i will!

i am totally in on this

Oh that reminds me, did any of you guys manage to sign up for the Beta while it was open?

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Apparently, the PBE is actually quite a bad place. Sure you can have all of the champions unlocked, and all the skins, but people troll there more than in the regular client. Also, you get a lot more errors and bug splats and whatnot through it too. But then again, having first dibs on the newest champions is fun once you get through all that mess.

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necktie, you're the best. Seems I'm too passive. . .and stuff like that is what I was looking for. Thanks~!

EDIT: Thanks to that ARAM that I wasn't too happy with last night, I was able to do something useful in today's ARAM (Anivia facechecking with her ult was something I hadn't thought of, so I started using Cho's Q to do the same).

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If you need help on how to be an effective mentor. . .that's closer to what I do. So if someone isn't listening, and you want them to listen, that's where I might be of a bit more help. LoLRecorder is a great tool for this!

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