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I used to play Riven quite a bit, but I've since been using other top-laners such as Garen (my original main) and Vi more. I think I'm improving on the Vi front. Gotta get more jungle practice in with her though.

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I would like to state, lulu is much better with vayne than blitzcrank.

Blitzcrank is only good with vayne really in lane.

After laning phase the combination between the two isn't as good anymore. Obviously it's still fine. But Vayne/Lulu is so silly.

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Yeah, Lulu free week has made me really want her.

Also I believe












left till I have supports. I've been arguing that I could maybe support Fiddlesticks, Maokai, Trundle, Corgi and LeBlanc but I'm not sure. Fiddlesticks has silence, fear, and a Magic Resist debuff aura. Maokai has a knockback, slow, stun, and ward. Trundle has the slow and pillar. Corki has a reveal and armor shread, but I know he's a carry. LeBlanc has a silence, slow, and stun.

Out of all of them, I've only played LeBlanc though as a Mid, but I'm not sure if the others can be played as a support. Are they potentially viable or only good for fooling around?

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As silvercrow said, Fiddle and possibly Leblanc are really the only ones that work. maokai too imo, he isn't really that bad. he has his saplings and some amount of stopping power and some amount of kill lane power. idk.

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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I. . .just realized that Lulu's E makes landing Condemns on people who like to hide in the brush way easier. Slowing them twice is also a good thing.

Also went semi-support/semi-AP Lulu, because Teemo went top with Riven instead of bottom (and Maokai was jungling). I like clearing minion waves with her!

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Fid, Taric, Leona, Maokai, Blitz. To some extent Leblanc, Lux, Nidalee. (I'm biased, because I happen to think Maokai is sleeper OP. Realistically you probably want to put him in the second group.)

Silvercrow? Why did you completely skip over Taric/Leona/Blitz in that list? Are they, somehow, no longer viable S3 (while Leblanc is) and I missed the memo?

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Fid, Taric, Leona, Maokai, Blitz. To some extent Leblanc, Lux, Nidalee. (I'm biased, because I happen to think Maokai is sleeper OP. Realistically you probably want to put him in the second group.)

Silvercrow? Why did you completely skip over Taric/Leona/Blitz in that list? Are they, somehow, no longer viable S3 (while Leblanc is) and I missed the memo?

Oh, no, I just wasn't sure if Fiddlesticks, Maokai, Trundle, Corgi and LeBlanc could be played as supports. The others are either labeled as such or are pretty common that I was going to buy them anyway.

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Season 3 patch update information: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=3064314

I'm not really happy with some of the changes to some items (Giant's Belt, Warmog's, Sunfire, Bloodthirster, Black Cleaver to name a few), but I am happy with Trinity Force and Doran's Shield. It definitely makes them more appealing to use. Doran's Shield works particularly well with Garen's early game and passive, and Vi makes great use of many of the Triforce's offerings.

"Inhibitors and turrets now have kill callouts."

I assume this means we can now order a turret to target a specific champion when in range? That's pretty super. It'll certainly make it harder for a lone champion to attack a turret with just a bunch of minions behind him to take the flak. I hope I'm right, anyway.

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But hmm what's the point in having more than one skin per champion? Can I get my RP back for Rugged Garen? No, what am I saying? Rugged Garen > Steel Legion Garen... Right?

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But hmm what's the point in having more than one skin per champion? Can I get my RP back for Rugged Garen? No, what am I saying? Rugged Garen > Steel Legion Garen... Right?

You can refund it if you've bought it within a certain amount of time (couple of months I think), just go into the store and look at your "purchase history".

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But the question remains: What should I do? I am torn. How much would it cost, anyway? I got Rugged Garen during a sale so ended up paying less than 500 RP for it. HMMmmmm

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After playing a lot of League games I really enjoy this now, last weeks free heroes I only played Sona and had fun.

Bought Heimerdinger having a lot of fun using him though I'm still at a low level atm (10), been trying out Corki for this free week pretty fun.

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Brainwave: Keep Rugged Garen on my NA account, and use my free 400 RP and put it towards SL Garen on my EUW account. Winning!

As for this week's free champions... I'd be interested in seeing for myself how Ziggs and Lulu operate. I've already got some experience with Riven and Katarina.

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Finally, a champion wont have to get the first hit with heimer for his turrets to hit the champ. And yay no cast delay for his ultimate. Wonder how heime will do with seeker's armguard

Edited by SlayerX
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Nope. Rugged Garen is still the best. But Warammer Garen is still awesome. I just don't see the point in buying two skins for one character (on one server account) since you can only use one character's skin at a time anyway.

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