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Ah thanks again for the advice you two. Ill add you Shinori when I can. I'm generic22 on the NA server Im only level 20 I'll try not to disappoint you all if we play. I mostly play Heimer, Sona, or Singed.

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This is what scrubs believe

Nigga you can scrub my balls D:<

Also I finally won a ranked game again. We barely came out on top after one of their team members disconnected halfway through the game.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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I suggest to not needlessly spam q on minions early game for golds, since it consumes mana where you would need it for escape and gapclosing.

Autoattacking is better alternative to Q until you get to late game where you can safely Q farm the minions when you're stronger.

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My connection's being slow again. ;/

When I see a team of Evelynn/Xin/Karthus/Mordy/Lulu with no jungle, that's usually my cue to facepalm. Lucky for us, Mordy was on the ball, and Karthus wasn't far behind him. Xin was a sourpuss, and Eve kinda looked like what would happen if I attempted to play her, except I'd have less deaths because I run a lot. Somehow got two kills playing Lulu as support, and don't know how they happened. Thanks to connection shenanigans, this was a bot game; otherwise, we would've lost badly.

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Well Vi got banned during a normal draft so I resorted to using Katarina. Game lost but I used her well enough considering I hadn't touched her for a couple of months. I think I'll try to use her more.

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I'm probably bad now with away from LoL for 5 months and new season but who cares, i pro

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Note to self: Do NOT pick Lulu support when someone decides to bot lane as Pantheon. That was. . .painful. Poor Pix.

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It's so fucking hard to play when other people are using the internet here. Especially when they're on fucking YouTube and I have to hold down a button to use an ability for like 3 or more seconds for an ability to actually happen. Luckily my team were great.

I can't wait for my EUW account to reach lv20. Then I can finally get some fukken runes.

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I don't think I like this new ranked system anymore. I gain 1 LP for a win and lose 5 at the top of my division in silver 1. My question is how this makes sense, as my win rate is well above 50% this season, and I'm constantly playing with golds. If anything it's just demoralizing.

Edited by Shady Guy Xander
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What is happening is that the game believes your ELO is inflated based off MMR I believe. Last time I played rank I was seeing high gains and I think this is attributed to a hidden matchmaking elo (MMR).

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I am slowly but surely failing as support.

Last night's game with Lulu - 4 kills

Just played one as Blitzcrank - 5 kills (thank goodness Vayne was cool about it)

Time to go back to carry until I stop nabbing kills from my team.

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What is happening is that the game believes your ELO is inflated based off MMR I believe. Last time I played rank I was seeing high gains and I think this is attributed to a hidden matchmaking elo (MMR).

If that's the case why am I getting put in lanes against gold 3 players? Doesn't matchmaking still pair up due to "mmr" in place of elo? If so doesn't that mean I have the same mmr as gold 3-5 players?

Edit: Like really, I just looked up the entire enemy team and the majority of them were gold 3

Edited by Shady Guy Xander
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I am slowly but surely failing as support.

Last night's game with Lulu - 4 kills

Just played one as Blitzcrank - 5 kills (thank goodness Vayne was cool about it)

Time to go back to carry until I stop nabbing kills from my team.

I got 6 kills as support Leona the other day- most kills on my team. I couldn't stop myself!

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How do you improve at this game? I've been trying to learn from my mistakes after every game, and when I find mistakes I remember them so I won't do them again. However, I still don't seem to be able to move up from my current tier. In fact, I feel like I've gotten worse my past 20 or so games, as reflected in my scores. How can I figure out what I'm doing wrong?

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How do you improve at this game? I've been trying to learn from my mistakes after every game, and when I find mistakes I remember them so I won't do them again. However, I still don't seem to be able to move up from my current tier. In fact, I feel like I've gotten worse my past 20 or so games, as reflected in my scores. How can I figure out what I'm doing wrong?

1. Get LoL Recorder.

2. Record several of your games (let's start with three).

3. Rewatch your own game.

4. If you absolutely, positively cannot see your own weaknesses using this method, let us know.

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Main thing you really notice from watching a replay is map awareness - Did you expect that gank when you were in the game? Now, watching the replay, did that gank look really obvious?

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