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Main thing you really notice from watching a replay is map awareness - Did you expect that gank when you were in the game? Now, watching the replay, did that gank look really obvious?

I also see when I do things like overextend, where I could've warded, what else I should've done given the situation, etc. It's great for self-analysis, if that's your sort of thing.

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Main thing you really notice from watching a replay is map awareness - Did you expect that gank when you were in the game? Now, watching the replay, did that gank look really obvious?

Yes, I always anticipate ganks when I overextend without wards, or get greedy. I have this weird mindset though that if I play incredibly aggressive the jungler will stay in my lane and the other lanes should win. It never works out like that though.

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Well don't evaluate the game in terms of simply "mistakes", you can make a good play. Look not only for mistakes but potentially what plays you could have made happen to help out your other lanes. Many people who are rated lowly may be fairly good in lane but being to fail past laning phase because they don't know what to do.

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Well don't evaluate the game in terms of simply "mistakes", you can make a good play. Look not only for mistakes but potentially what plays you could have made happen to help out your other lanes. Many people who are rated lowly may be fairly good in lane but being to fail past laning phase because they don't know what to do.

Right. Isn't it basic that after you take or lose a tower in lane you group and try to get other objectives? What is it that golds know about this game that I don't?

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Right. Isn't it basic that after you take or lose a tower in lane you group and try to get other objectives? What is it that golds know about this game that I don't?

Not necessarily, you can keep shoving the lane and then roam. When you get the creeps to reach their tower, provided you don't keep killing waves, the lane will usually reset. Also, it's not only after you take or lose tower but rather you can roam and force objectives or gank lanes after pushing to tower when they recall, etc. Positioning in teamfights and how to snowball are probably on that list too but I don't think I know everything that good players know. You can probably get some input from some of the better players here.

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Yes, I always anticipate ganks when I overextend without wards, or get greedy. I have this weird mindset though that if I play incredibly aggressive the jungler will stay in my lane and the other lanes should win. It never works out like that though.

How well do you know the jungler's role? It might help to read about what they're supposed to do, and adapt yourself to that. Try to pay attention to how your team plays; for example, if you're being super-aggressive, and they're not, then they can't capitalize on what you're doing.

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I don't even watch replay.

I'm fine with the way I am, though it does annoys me when other players can't learn from their mistakes in the same game.

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hey guys I know it's late but http://lol-university.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=266 I'm running an event Saturday

we'll probably end up with lv30s among the students but I'm pretty sure a couple of you can still participate under the regular rules in case we do have enough. And by the way, smurfs are REALLY obvious.

1. I'm terrible even at level 30.

2. I've got a smurf running around at level 11 or so - if necessary, I can get it up to level 12ish.

Let me know if you ABSOLUTELY need someone.

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hey guys I know it's late but http://lol-universit...c.php?f=2&t=266 I'm running an event Saturday

we'll probably end up with lv30s among the students but I'm pretty sure a couple of you can still participate under the regular rules in case we do have enough. And by the way, smurfs are REALLY obvious.

Cool, I'd be interested in being a mentor.

Also, looking over my games I think my problems rely less on tactical errors such as taking objectives and more on poor mechanical skills in lane as well as facechecking brush when the enemy team is mia.

Finally, I read having the veteran badge reduces lp gain, which would make sense since I'd been gaining so much more lp per win/loss in every tier up to silver 1, which I've played so many games in, and started gaining 1 lp at one point. Is this rumor or fact?

Edited by Shady Guy Xander
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Cool, I'd be interested in being a mentor.

Also, looking over my games I think my problems rely less on tactical errors such as taking objectives and more on poor mechanical skills in lane as well as facechecking brush when the enemy team is mia.

Finally, I read having the veteran badge reduces lp gain, which would make sense since I'd been gaining so much more lp per win/loss in every tier up to silver 1, which I've played so many games in, and started gaining 1 lp at one point. Is this rumor or fact?

Not true, a better explanation would likely be that your MMR has gotten hit much lower over many games so your wins are diminished. If you go on streaks (which should be more likely if you are better than your current elo), you will return to normal status.

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For ranked? No. I don't entirely know why either. There are multiple players on sf that are even plat.

Well they can go and pound sand. I'm struggling to make silver.

Keep getting +5LP for each victory. Ugh.

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1. I'm terrible even at level 30.

2. I've got a smurf running around at level 11 or so - if necessary, I can get it up to level 12ish.

Let me know if you ABSOLUTELY need someone.

If I'm gonna get out of my rut, I'm gonna need help. Signed up, and waiting for the activation e-mail (my name should be really obvious).

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Played 2 ranked games last night.

1st: I called mid and was going to play Vi, but the team needed AP so I played as Lux. Lux v fucking Kassadin. 0/8/1, game loss. Should've used Kat maybe.

2nd: Went Garen top, won the lane and the final score was 7/2/9; win game. Absolutely killed Zed and top lane.

3 more ranked games 'til I'm placed.

Then I went to my EUW account and played Garen top there. Won top lane vs Kayle, and we won the game. 8/3/8. In the chat, the Kayle was crying about me building a BF Sword and how Garen is full tank and should have nothing but def/hp items, when I already had a black cleaver, randuins, merc treads and an aegis. QQ more beyatch.

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If I'm gonna get out of my rut, I'm gonna need help. Signed up, and waiting for the activation e-mail (my name should be really obvious).

Pretty much this.

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I think eclipse doesn't count as a 30 because lol pvp games...we'll see how that goes!

If the activation email doesn't come, hit resend. If it still doesn't come, drop me a line and I'll admin override it for you. Otherwise, just show up in the chat on the day itself, we're filling rosters from there anyway.

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Played 2 ranked games last night.

1st: I called mid and was going to play Vi, but the team needed AP so I played as Lux. Lux v fucking Kassadin. 0/8/1, game loss. Should've used Kat maybe.

2nd: Went Garen top, won the lane and the final score was 7/2/9; win game. Absolutely killed Zed and top lane.

3 more ranked games 'til I'm placed.

Then I went to my EUW account and played Garen top there. Won top lane vs Kayle, and we won the game. 8/3/8. In the chat, the Kayle was crying about me building a BF Sword and how Garen is full tank and should have nothing but def/hp items, when I already had a black cleaver, randuins, merc treads and an aegis. QQ more beyatch.

I think Kassadin will beat Katarina, at least that's been my experience in normals which is borderline between silver and gold. A bruiser would probably be better.

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Kassadin out-roams Katarina and her spamminess means he can correspondingly use his E more.

Lux beats Kassadin in lane by a fairly significant margin, actually. Right up until you hit 6 and he kills you then goes off roaming, go figure. But that's avoidable too.

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My lane was consistently getting ganked despite my warding. I was tower dived fuck knows how often and I was essentially given zero ganks. I find Lux's success relies a lot on her allies playing along. There's not many champs she can 1v1 and win.

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Just had an awesome match as heimer


lol. One of my deaths i had just killed 2 people with the help of my Varus and Amumu (although Varus died :( ). I headed to tower to recall after things cooldowned but a wild fizz appeared, he tried tower diving, i stunned with my grenade, and threw rockets (the turret was on cool down), he kills me, flashes just as the tower throws the beam. He dies. lololol. Heimer is just so fucking great.

Lol, my games just have an odd thing where they go up and down in the awesomeness scale. I really hate to face Diana mid with heimer.

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