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Well, both are melee lane bullies. Riven is more mobile and has more damage, but her damage is all physical, so armour hits her harder than Darius, who deals mixed damage and has natural armour pen.

I'm noticing this the more games I play. It's fun to be really tanky and also able to deal wide amounts of damage to others. He's a great 1v1 champ.

Sucks that he's so incredibly easy to kite.

I like Jayce and Yorick, the first one because you can abuse his range against people if you want and also have the knockback to disengage.

The only thing I know about Fiora is you want to rush a Hydra and a Bork and then your ults are crazy.

God I hate going up against Yorick so much. :<

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join the heimer cult

Or join the Ziggs cult.( That hilarious crackhead)

Heimerdinger is the greatest champ of all time. Turrets for the win.

If only that was true its a shame his turrets are easily killed lategame if not placed properly(granted some comps makes it difficult to place during team fight). Despite that its rather satisfying poking people with that rocket, turrets getting multi kills or landing a long range stun grenade.

But um yeah Ziggs is very fun imo, kinda messing around with Heimer in defensive tree and it worked decently.

Edited by Generic Operator
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I quite like Thresh. Not too hard to use, but I still can't find situations where his lantern would be most useful.

Thresh lantern is interesting. You can pull an ally out of the enemy team for a clutch save if they get caught and you're around, throw it to your ADC if they quickly need to reposition, throw it to your jungler across a thick wall for a long range gank that avoids enemy wards(but you have to act quick on it, if you throw the lantern over there they'll probably back off a bit, you can use this to mindgame.

Hell, lantern still shields anyone that touches it, so just toss it when you feel an ally is too low for comfort. It gives them a shield and an easy long-range escape.

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Thresh's lantern makes jungle ganking several times more effective. I'd even say that the lantern is the main reason why Thresh is so damn strong right now. It's plain ridiculous how long the range on that thing is

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If only that was true its a shame his turrets are easily killed lategame if not placed properly(granted some comps makes it difficult to place during team fight). Despite that its rather satisfying poking people with that rocket, turrets getting multi kills or landing a long range stun grenade.

The best is following people with rockets on cooldown and just as they are about to escape your range your rockets come out of cooldown and you kill them. Funnest thing ever.

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Ahh I haven't posted on here in forever. Lately, I've been working on playing every champion in alphabetical order. On my Galio game, my friend said that if I can get a Pentakill he'll buy me Gatekeeper Galio. Needless to say, i get a quadra :(. Hahaha my other friend stole the Penta too.

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I'm getting slightly better at clearing the jungle creeps as Nasus (sans AS marks 'cause I'm broke), but I'm still going pretty slowly.

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As someone who played Sejuani before the rework, I want to try see how she's different, but I feel as though I'll just be berated as one of the bandwagon. What a predicament.

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I really like the new shipping mafia game mode, I think it brings a lot to the table that TT, SR, HA all leave out map wise. It really forces you to think about tactics more so than any other map. On the other hand it seems really snowbally and maybe not balanced for all champs.

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