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Dammit folks, this isn't the mafia subforum!

AHEM. . .

Ether, play who you want! So WHAT if everyone else is doing it?

Also, my problem with Nasus is my early clear times (first two rounds). They're pretty abysmal.

EDIT: Quinn free week. I am happy.

Edited by eclipse
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It's just the fact it's a new game mode that many haven't tried before, and while it's meant just for fun, it's really useful to practice champions you'd not normally pick, as well as teamfights straight from the start. Laning phase is a drag, and this mode bypasses it. Very useful for learning what a champion is capable of.

The novelty will wear off a bit as time goes on, but it will remain a personal favourite mode for the above reasons for a while.

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It's just the fact it's a new game mode that many haven't tried before, and while it's meant just for fun, it's really useful to practice champions you'd not normally pick, as well as teamfights straight from the start. Laning phase is a drag, and this mode bypasses it. Very useful for learning what a champion is capable of.

The novelty will wear off a bit as time goes on, but it will remain a personal favourite mode for the above reasons for a while.

Well, imo Dominion is just better for this :P Without the RNG pick you can train a specific champ, it's great to get a feeling of champion. I got the impression most players don't give dominion a chance and think it doesn't require any kind of skill (just because it requires another strategic approach).

Enough ranting, I'm glad they included the aram queue. I hope for ranked dominion next.

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I play dominion as well, and IMO it's fun for basically the same reasons (ADRENALINE OVERDRIVE) but i generally wouldn't pick someone i'm not comfortable with in that mode just because i have the choice

with aram i can just go nuts

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I don't save 6300 IP a month to throw at new champions. Too busy buying runes right now. I recently made a jungle rune page for Vi containing AS reds, Armour yellows, MR blues and AD quints, and did well with it. More practice needed of course. Jungle etiquette is not something you can pick up in just a few games. I can safely say I've had less than 10 games as jungler out of all couple hundred games I've played.

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My trouble with jungling is I can't balance farming with ganking and usually end up falling behind in exp and gold.

The jungles I like are Shyvana, Elise, and Evelynn, but Evelynn is incredibly squishy and not that great at ganking unless the lane has a little C. Shyvana can fall behind if I mess up in a gank I find, but she has great clear so I usually am ahead in money, but I build her attack speed and damage so usually the team ends up a bit squishier and I can't really balance her building damage and tanky so I find I usually blow up on her. Elise I build full Magic Pen but I have a lot of expensive items and usually if I can't get good ganks off then I am not as useful in team fights.

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I usually go Madred's -> Phage -> BORK -> FM -> and then I think Randuins and Wit's End.

so yeah attack speed shyvana yay

I sell the madred's later though

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You should really only sell madreds if it gets you a really big key item or if its for your last item slot. The extra speed for baron/drag even mid-late is great.

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I usually go Madred's -> Phage -> BORK -> FM -> and then I think Randuins and Wit's End.

so yeah attack speed shyvana yay

I sell the madred's later though

LANE TAX :D. Fail or not, still tax ;p.

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Lissandra's pretty crazy. Looks the the patch didn't break my computer! With that worry out of the way, time to find the courage to EARN that icon!

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Lissandra's pretty crazy. Looks the the patch didn't break my computer! With that worry out of the way, time to find the courage to EARN that icon!

The patch seems to be one of the most stable in the last time, didn't hear of any problems in EU.

Lissandra's damage is strong, especially when you considered it is aoe. But her range isn't that great (E, the only spell with decent range, got a slow traveltime), I think she's fine at the moment.

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I'm rather against the whole idea of lane tax. When they're not in lane, sure. Mid or late game pushing, sure. After a successful gank, pushing out the wave so we can wipe it on their tower, sure. But arbitrarily taking minions when a gank doesn't succeed? Please die in a fire.

Also, yes, it's this again.

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I'm rather against the whole idea of lane tax. When they're not in lane, sure. Mid or late game pushing, sure. After a successful gank, pushing out the wave so we can wipe it on their tower, sure. But arbitrarily taking minions when a gank doesn't succeed? Please die in a fire.

Also, yes, it's this again.

Too bad I'm playing on eu-west, I've been interested in mentorship for a while. Sounds like a fun event.

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I'm rather against the whole idea of lane tax. When they're not in lane, sure. Mid or late game pushing, sure. After a successful gank, pushing out the wave so we can wipe it on their tower, sure. But arbitrarily taking minions when a gank doesn't succeed? Please die in a fire.

Also, yes, it's this again.

IF it's only a couple minions its fine. Also the gank is a success as long as a summoner was blown by the enemy. If he flashed it was a success. If he didn't die but is forced to back then it was a success.

If you don't take a small tax though then you will fall behind and you do not want that.

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Let me add Quinn to the list of Clipsey's Bad Idea for Junglers.

(she might be better if I had a full set of AS runes and swapped out the MS quints with AD, but unless she gets a ridiculous leash at red, she's gonna have problems)

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Let me add Quinn to the list of Clipsey's Bad Idea for Junglers.

(she might be better if I had a full set of AS runes and swapped out the MS quints with AD, but unless she gets a ridiculous leash at red, she's gonna have problems)

I don't think there is something as horrible as Nami jungle.

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IF it's only a couple minions its fine. Also the gank is a success as long as a summoner was blown by the enemy. If he flashed it was a success. If he didn't die but is forced to back then it was a success.

If you don't take a small tax though then you will fall behind and you do not want that.

Even when the gank failed, and especially if your laner is already behind as well? I can understand last-hitting a creep in passing on your way back to jungle, but the longer you stay in lane (last hitting or otherwise), the further behind your laner is probably going to be when you leave. Especially before 6 in a solo lane, I'd worry about this. Note, of course, that I'm assuming the opponent is NOT going back, because the gank was a failure.

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If the opponent is possibly divable you could always bluff them or just straight outright dive them. Example if you go and he doesnt flash or something or even if he does flash but he was already taken to half hp and you still have close to full hp or so and you think you can dive him. Push it to the tower and then either dive him or he will go back which forces him to miss the minion wave and resets the lane. At the very minimum just take like 1-2 minions on your way back to the jungle like you said. Just something to help you out a little bit.

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Volibear is fun to play lol. Just played him first time ever in ARAM and I must say i quite enjoyed it. Hehehe run away that bear is coming to grab you ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol.

Also, Heimerdinger is great for Aram. Turrets, turrets everywhere,

Edited by SlayerX
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