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Wait. Wait. When do you ever have enough gold to get a Tear on top of everything, as support? Now, if you were talking tanky bruiser Blitz in a lane, then yeah.

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Wait. Wait. When do you ever have enough gold to get a Tear on top of everything, as support? Now, if you were talking tanky bruiser Blitz in a lane, then yeah.

I'm guessing your lane is up by like 5 kills in ten minutes or something equally ridiculous.

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In that case - I'd actually spend my kill gold on a faster sightstone + aegis then get a glacial instead of a locket for the rest of the CDR. That'll probably build into frozen heart. Manamune Blitzcrank can get pretty scary, but that doesn't make it a good support idea.

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Don't give intentionally bad advice please... There's a lot you can do with Xin, he's a powerhouse early game who tends to transition to a more tanky build after some initial damage though you can consider going full DPS.

Generally, I see Xin Zhao in the jungle where his charge -> three-talon strike works very well and helps the laner capitalize. One thing you should do with three talon strike (and any other auto attack modifier pretty much) is cast it after hitting them once normally so it resets the animation allowing you to do more damage quickly.

Not intentional, it's my opinion that Xin's playstyle is pretty flat if you want to learn his basics. Of course there are subtleties like using Q for autoattackreset (although it depends on the situation, if you need the cc, you won't wait), stacking Q on a creep and stuff. But I'd rather concentrate on learning ultimate/passive as this is (since Xin's rework) the most crucial part about his kit. Things like autoattacking a minion to remove the debuff from your enemy, so you can knock him away or against a wall.

Especially in the jungle, timing and map awareness are more important than control of your champ, that's why I suggested to ignore any subtleties in his kit and just press q/w/e (and it does work pretty well for this champion).

Edited by Assurhaddon
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Not intentional, it's my opinion that Xin's playstyle is pretty flat if you want to learn his basics. Of course there are subtleties like using Q for autoattackreset (although it depends on the situation, if you need the cc, you won't wait), stacking Q on a creep and stuff. But I'd rather concentrate on learning ultimate/passive as this is (since Xin's rework) the most crucial part about his kit. Things like autoattacking a minion to remove the debuff from your enemy, so you can knock him away or against a wall.

Especially in the jungle, timing and map awareness are more important than control of your champ, that's why I suggested to ignore any subtleties in his kit and just press q/w/e (and it does work pretty well for this champion).

It isn't just spam spells though, and I'm guessing Slayer should be looking more to the subtleties of jungling rather than Xin alone.

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The only support I would reccommend Tear on would be Sona but she'll never upgrade it.

You don't get enough money to on anyone. Chalice is usually better.

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I wouldn't recommend Tear on Sona. You're paying too much for an item that isn't survivability, CDR, auras or general utility. Seriously, all it does is give mana.

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Ah alright, no tear on blitzcrank.

I hate ksing as him so much :/ when i try to back off i get yelled at for standing around but when i attack i end up ksing a few times (not all the times though but its still annoying I'm trying to feed my adc not myself here :[ ). And btw, this is backing off when the guys health is like 10-15%

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Ah alright, no tear on blitzcrank.

I hate ksing as him so much :/ when i try to back off i get yelled at for standing around but when i attack i end up ksing a few times (not all the times though but its still annoying I'm trying to feed my adc not myself here :[ ).

A kill is a kill; any ADC that complains about it needs to learn how to take kills.

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Why do you hate kill securing on blitz? I carry games as god hand. Get some extra gold in lane? BETTER BUY EARLY MOBI BOOTS AND GANK MID. Still gettin lots of gold? Better actually get some tankie/damage/cdr items and stuff.

God Fist clan unite.

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Mostly because people just won't shut up about KSing them and then they start to troll and end up throwing the game. :/

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Mostly because people just won't shut up about KSing them and then they start to troll and end up throwing the game. :/

You'll get past them. Really, you will~! Until then, do your best to support, but if your carry can't do it, then that's their problem.

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Most aggrivating things as a support: having a carry think poking means you are going all in/having a carry not go all in when you do/having a carry not farm

Most aggrivating things as a carry: having a support not harrass/not ward/not actually know how to support/SUPPORT NIDALEE/LUX YEAH THAT'S JUST A DORAN'S RING I DON'T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND

aka why does no one know how to support or carry and not be an idiot

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one thing i've had to drill into my head as voli is to always know when my passive is up

many a time have i been saved by my passive coming off CD in the middle of a crucial fight and saving my life

(of course, for enemy volis, the passive is always up)

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Well, I took those lessons from that video and had a couple of normal games that went a lot better! I feel so sorry for the second team, 'cause their Cassiopeia was being really unpleasant!

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So apparently it is still possible for me to carry games.


To add icing to the cake, this was the game that got me to hit 30.

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Good Ashe player + a pretty good rest-of-the-team + Nunu = Absolute mayhem. The other team had problems getting close.

EDIT: Originally got Alistar, someone else got Soraka. We swapped, and he turned out to be absolutely amazing with Alistar. We also had Kog'Maw, which is rather unfair with that team (Alistar keeps things away from him, I keep him healthy and topped off), with Brand and Darius for further insult. Biggest threat on the enemy team was Syndra/Orianna. . .or was, until Brand nailed them with his ult. :P:

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What's the issue with supports KSing anyway? Does killing someone really give you some amazing amount of gold that it would be criminal for the support to get the kill? I mean, maybe it's the Dota 2 kicking in, but... you want your support to get more than just boots, right? Like, if he gets a kill, he gets his sightstone earlier and you get more wards, and your carry is already killing every creep in lane anyway.

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Only bad players get mad at the support "KSing". There are very, very few instances when it is a legit KS, that is, the carry would have gotten the kill anyway and the support knowingly blew his ult so he'd take it instead, intentionally denying the kill to his lanemate. At the skill levels where the carry can actually identify a kill steal (as opposed to a kill secure)...it's not going to happen.

Kill secure is when there was even the slightest uncertainty about the kill. Believe me, there are a lot more of those than confirmed kills. I'd rather blow every single cooldown and get the kill than let him get away, especially if I don't trust my ADC to be completely on the ball.

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And that is why I dislike supporting. I really need a good teammate otherwise they gun get mad when I secure a kill.

I also get Alistar in ARAM far more than I'd fucking like. What's the best way to build him there, assuming you're VS a balanced team of tank, ADC, APC, bruiser and support? (In no particular order:) Merc Treads, Runic, Frozen Heart, Unholy Grail, Randuin's, Zhonya's?

Also the new beta website looks sexy: http://beta.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/

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When do you ever face a balanced team in ARAM, again? And anyway your build contains not nearly enough HP.

Well yeah you gotta adapt depending on who you're fighting. So what items would you go for?

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