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Nope, Flash Exhaust all the way. Support Ashe would like Flash Exhaust. It is ten thousand times better than CV Exhaust. And this is counting the fact that if Ashe is in range to use exh while her flash is down, she's dead. Flash CV I could see too, but not CV exh.

The absolute set-in-stone rule is you want at least one ignite and one exhaust per team in SR, especially in blind pick.

You don't need one of either actually. However if you wanted them just solely for utility the exhaust is more important but is also the one that is LESS important because of current meta.

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i bought lee sin

i'm a terrible jungler in general (especially when my client crashes and i join the game a minute in) but top lane i love him so much

in both of the games i played him top i managed to juke out people for a full minute before dying (and then my team was there to mop up)

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On SR, I almost always take Flash with something else (Cleanse/Ignite on carries, depending on what I see, Exhaust/Ignite on support, depending on the team comp). If I'm doing something extremely silly like Nasus jungle, it's Smite/Ghost.

On ARAM, it REALLY depends. I just rolled Talon, and went Ignite/Flash. I almost felt sorry for the opposing Varus. Almost. :P:

Speaking of, I am hell-bent on learning how to use him. He's sexy amusing.

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I used Talon for the first time, in an ARAM game. We lost, but my KD was at least positive. I don't quite get his ult, though.

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I used Talon for the first time, in an ARAM game. We lost, but my KD was at least positive. I don't quite get his ult, though.

His ult is two steps:

1. Right when you cast it, he throws out a bunch of blades in a circle, WHILE going invisible.

2. A couple of seconds later, he reappears. Draw a line from where his blades first appeared to where he reappears. Anything in its path will take damage.

It's great for escaping and chasing. It makes people RUN.

(I kind of want to do some experiments with E-R and other stupid things, but I barely know how to play him)

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His ult is two steps:

1. Right when you cast it, he throws out a bunch of blades in a circle, WHILE going invisible.

2. A couple of seconds later, he reappears. Draw a line from where his blades first appeared to where he reappears. Anything in its path will take damage.

It's great for escaping and chasing. It makes people RUN.

(I kind of want to do some experiments with E-R and other stupid things, but I barely know how to play him)

Also worthy of note is that you can reactivate your ult at any point during the duration to have the blades return to you. Which means you can jump to a target and ult twice to make the burst instant. It's what gives Talon his insane burst.

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So many people hate support. What they don't realize its, that its one of the best roles!

I just won 4 times in a row with blitzcrank support. I malnourished a vayne so bad and was fed to Varus. Hehe. she went 1/11/3 in the game.

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Also worthy of note is that you can reactivate your ult at any point during the duration to have the blades return to you. Which means you can jump to a target and ult twice to make the burst instant. It's what gives Talon his insane burst.

I honestly did not know this! Thanks!

(it's also harder to pull off when all you have are tier 1 boots. . .I was building him pretty stupidly when I played him)

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Win your games. Also, don't lose them.

On a serious note, I have no idea aside from general advice, like try to play champs that can carry a game, don't forget to ward, map control and objectives are a thing. Don't blame or flame, no matter how bad someone might be doing, it never helps, if you have a streak of bad games stop playing for a little while, that sort of thing.

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noooooo i got placed in bronze 1

i swear i was a shoo-in for silver :(

The game assigned you various testing points, and judging by the match history, you lost a game where the enemy was a mix of silver V and bronze I so it decided to put you into bronze I.

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On SR, I almost always take Flash with something else (Cleanse/Ignite on carries, depending on what I see, Exhaust/Ignite on support, depending on the team comp). If I'm doing something extremely silly like Nasus jungle, it's Smite/Ghost.

On ARAM, it REALLY depends. I just rolled Talon, and went Ignite/Flash. I almost felt sorry for the opposing Varus. Almost. :P:

Speaking of, I am hell-bent on learning how to use him. He's sexy amusing.

bee tee dubs. WRT an earlier statement you made barrier actually absorbs more damage than heal normally I believe as well as it can't be negated by ignite or healing-reduction effects. That's some of the reasons why barrier is better than heal.

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I have been going at zyra support. I still don't have the E-W timing very well yet but its getting there. I should be trying it tomorrow on normals. So far on bots it seems fun to use. However should i build her like normal supports? i.e Shurelay's, Locket, Aegis, etc. Or should i get her Ap instead of support centered items. Sighstone is still a must though I assume.

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I have been going at zyra support. I still don't have the E-W timing very well yet but its getting there. I should be trying it tomorrow on normals. So far on bots it seems fun to use. However should i build her like normal supports? i.e Shurelay's, Locket, Aegis, etc. Or should i get her Ap instead of support centered items. Sighstone is still a must though I assume.

Max E, W, Q

I typically get Sightstone/Philo and then boots 1 and then a Morello. She's much easier to build into AP than some others and she's great at it. The Morelleo's and her W gives 40% allowing you to take Sorc shoes if you're doing really great and bump up your damage, or Mobility if you just need the utility. She's also not that mana hungry so you can forgo a Chalice.

I also like Twin Shadows on her as well, to help give some more oomph and the move speed, and then your last slot should probably be Aegis/Locket but it doesn't necessarily need to be, depending on team comps. Turn the Philo into whatever you want, but I prefer Elisa's cause Ohmwrecker is never really worth it and you typically get it too late to be worth anything, and the Shureylia's will set you over the CDR cap, but if you don't care about that then get it. Mikael's can work too if you're against a lot of CC.

Rylai's/Liandry's can work too as her plants proc them and the Rylai's is great as you can E-WW-Q and the plants will make sure you hit the Q. Just focus on aiming your mouse where the E is so you can get two seeds in with the E while they are rooted.

tl;dr build her ap with utility as going full support wastes her potential, she's basically a more supporty lux/rides the boundry of lux-karma with the best of both worlds

also harass in lane with Q-W but E-WW works if you can nail someone and get both seeds off

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- I have no idea what I'm doing with Vi, but I have a blast with her!

- Ashe/Varus is a very amusing combo (as long as it's on my side)

- I am pro at missing point-blank Ashe arrows

EDIT: A Twist of Fate is absolutely beautiful. Watch it when you can!

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That videa was awesome indeed. Also that garen vs kat was quite awesome. And annie got pissed lol.

Thanks psych for your input, I appreciate it :D

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Specifically, Joey means going Heimerdinger top. Mobility Boots + 5 Zeals.

OP nerf heimerdinger.

Also, Varus is one hell of an ADC. He basically has an ultimate on an 8 second cooldown. I have only played him in bots but i just love sniping those bots getting away with low HP :awesome:

Nami + varus lane against Zyra+MF. Never again, do i hope to see that ;_;. Out-sustained, and harassed.

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The game assigned you various testing points, and judging by the match history, you lost a game where the enemy was a mix of silver V and bronze I so it decided to put you into bronze I.

i played ranked really sparingly during the placement period so my match history wouldn't show much (as an example basically all of my games but the first three or so were at that level and i won some of them), but that makes sense

i'm just really miffed because i won a game where my opponents were silver IV-III and then next game they were back to bronze/silver

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I finally got a team that knew what it meant to melt anyone that got near Vayne! Sure, I was 1/8, but I'm so glad my team could do something with the havoc I caused.

(also taught Warwick that screwing with Cho'Gath's ult is a very stupid thing. . .I can't get kills as Cho, but I can disrupt the enemy team hard)

EDIT: Three supports (Leona, Sona, Karma) + Wukong + MF = dead other team. Especially since Leona knew what she was doing. I need to use Mantra more often, but damn if having a Shurelya's as a combo isn't hilarious as hell!

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What would people say with regards to a LoL subforum, like Pokemon and SSB has? I think it would get more of the forum's members interested in the game, and more opportunities for people to set up games with other forum members. There may also be players around who have yet to discover this thread.

Also, discussion of certain aspects can be kept in their own separate topics as opposed to everything being jammed into one topic like this. Just a thought.

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