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OP nerf heimerdinger.

Also, Varus is one hell of an ADC. He basically has an ultimate on an 8 second cooldown. I have only played him in bots but i just love sniping those bots getting away with low HP :awesome:

Nami + varus lane against Zyra+MF. Never again, do i hope to see that ;_;. Out-sustained, and harassed.

Nami/Varus is very good, and actually probably her best combo, but just for future note, Zyra works best against all ins like Leona/Alistar, and with people who can chunk while she's rooted them like Draven/Graves/Vayne.

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What would people say with regards to a LoL subforum, like Pokemon and SSB has? I think it would get more of the forum's members interested in the game, and more opportunities for people to set up games with other forum members. There may also be players around who have yet to discover this thread.

Also, discussion of certain aspects can be kept in their own separate topics as opposed to everything being jammed into one topic like this. Just a thought.

Neutral on this but I think at the very least we could probably use a new main thread. This one is running extremely long and the thread creator is long since inactive which kind of sucks for the purposes of keeping the first post relevant.

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Nami/Varus is very good, and actually probably her best combo, but just for future note, Zyra works best against all ins like Leona/Alistar, and with people who can chunk while she's rooted them like Draven/Graves/Vayne.

I did fight against a Leona after the Nami match. The enemy had Leona/Ezreal and my adc was caitlyn. The enemy had no chance in bot lane.

I used to hate support so much, but after a while that role really grows on you. Specially with supports that constantly annoy the hell out of the enemy. Like Blitzcrank. Those grabs are so fun.

Edited by SlayerX
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How about instead of just a League of Legends subforum, we could have an Online Games subforum.

Each thread in the forum could be tagged with the game the OP wants to discuss, say, something like this.

[League of Legends] Patch 76.4 WTF PINGU IS SO OP


[RuneScape] Jesus Christ, I can't believe Jagex has been run by bots the entire time!

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How about instead of just a League of Legends subforum, we could have an Online Games subforum.

Each thread in the forum could be tagged with the game the OP wants to discuss, say, something like this.

[League of Legends] Patch 76.4 WTF PINGU IS SO OP


[RuneScape] Jesus Christ, I can't believe Jagex has been run by bots the entire time!

That could be done but it might flood the "Other games" forum with LoL threads. And not everyone likes/plays LoL and might get annoyed by seeing threads they know they won't care about. That's why the Pokemon and SSB subforums exist.

And there's a lot of content within LoL that we can discuss.

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What would people say with regards to a LoL subforum, like Pokemon and SSB has? I think it would get more of the forum's members interested in the game, and more opportunities for people to set up games with other forum members. There may also be players around who have yet to discover this thread.

Also, discussion of certain aspects can be kept in their own separate topics as opposed to everything being jammed into one topic like this. Just a thought.


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That could be done but it might flood the "Other games" forum with LoL threads. And not everyone likes/plays LoL and might get annoyed by seeing threads they know they won't care about. That's why the Pokemon and SSB subforums exist.

And there's a lot of content within LoL that we can discuss.

He's saying online games would be its own subdivision

I agree with exclusive sub forum, lol wannabe master race failure

Edited by Stahlypin
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He's saying online games would be its own subdivision

I agree with exclusive sub forum, lol wannabe master race failure

OH I see now. That sounds interesting. But it will probably be filled with LoL topics so may as well just call it LoL subforum am i right?

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Uhhh. . .this IS a FE forum, and I'm not sure if there's enough interest for a LoL subforum. Yet.

(in other words, when there's more than a handful of people posting in this topic, maybe)

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Look at the number of people posting in this topic on a regular basis. I don't think it's high enough to warrant a subforum (yet. . .hint hint).

SSSHHHH BK, you aren't supposed to give out secrets like that! :P:

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there is plenty of people on SF that play league that could make use of the league subforum but frankly I don't care one way or the other at the moment.

I would like to point out the other two subforums aren't quite 'brimming' with activity though either way.

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A fair amount. I just don't post here that often cause I don't like sifting through all the pages of various content to answer people's questions and give opinions.

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39 individuals (not including Tangerine) have posted in the memberbase directory thread, and I feel that the number of SF LoL players is actually higher than that. How many individuals are posting in the Pokemon/SSB subforums? Granted they'll be much busier when a new Pokemon/SSB game is released, LoL has a steady stream of updates and changes capable of keeping a steady flow of conversation going within a community (new champions discussion, weekly free champions discussion, champion and item changes discussion, etc.). As long as someone (such as myself) is willing to start up relevant topics to such news and discussions. It's harder to start discussions about different topics in this single thread because things overlap, not everyone reads all the posts, and it all gets confusing and uninteresting fast.

More people here probably play LoL on a regular basis and would be willing to contribute towards a neat and tidy subforum. Some people probably don't post in this thread because they feel they aren't "in" with the crew. It would make things much more interesting and accessible for all of us were there a subforum of sorts. And we too can abandon this megathread like the creator already has.

Just my two pennies. I really think Eclipse should start campaigning for it in the staff forum!

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Some-other-storm came up, so once that settles, let's see what those that have more power than me think of it!

Soraka/Sona on the same team in ARAM is high-level silliness. :P:

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I played as Rumble for the first time last night. So fucking OP. I didn't know he doesn't run off mana. Christ alive.

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I played as Rumble for the first time last night. So fucking OP. I didn't know he doesn't run off mana. Christ alive.

Yes, he's insane! Too bad I can't play him properly.

I do not care if I lost my last game, that was awesome! Haven't played Varus like that. . .well, ever!

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