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All I know is you can either do Tiger or Phoenix and Tiger builds more glass and Phoenix is AoE clear and you want a Frostborne Gauntlet so you don't get kited.

Also yeah you can add me if you want but it's the same as Raven.

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Tiger Udyr is awesmazing.

On another note, does lol replay work properly for you guys? Mine didn't let me check my replays either bugsplat reports or something about it not being playable so i just uninstalled...

Edit: my computer seems to run much faster after that too >_>

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Tiger Udyr is awesmazing.

On another note, does lol replay work properly for you guys? Mine didn't let me check my replays either bugsplat reports or something about it not being playable so i just uninstalled...

mine doesn't let me upload mine to the server for some reason but I think it works fine other than that

i uninstalled it though since there's really no point otherwise

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My friend was going to be Ms. Fortune but locked in Jayce by accident even though she's done adc Jayce before.


I chose Support Annie because i'm in love with her (and only need to get Amumu, Malph, Trynd, and Rammus to get her Goth skin solo but that's besides the point)


I ended laning 4/0 got 3 more kills 2 of which were shutdowns for large sums. Dropped support was building Zhonya's and a Void Staff.

That game where you end up with more money than the adc.

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I got two triple kills and my death was at 5/0.

get on my level, tibbers

New Champion and SGU are not the same patch

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Wow no tanks on your team either =P

I guess they didn't try initiating too much.

They tried. Between Heimer's turrets, me/Quinn being irritating, and not being able to find Shaco, it worked out for us. Their problem was that their engage wasn't coordinated (Garen would chase someone deep into our team, I'd activate BotRK, hilarity would ensue).

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