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I love Nunu, and him being the trolliest jungler in the game only makes it better. I should really learn how to counterjungle with Nunu because it looks hilarious to run around eating everything in their jungle and throwing snowballs at them. Then you go solo Dragon like a boss. I could never really get the hang of ganking, but maybe counterjungling will suit me better?


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blind normals instalock aatrox ftw

if you do this you're a cunt

guilty as charged <3


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support aatrox


it could work, with his slow and knockup... However he needs to build tanky and should try to get as close to 40% CDR as possible

And you've got to hit your E.

Edited by Raven
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Yet another to add to the annals of How Did We Win That ARAM?

Kassadin/Karma/Diana/Poppy/some idiot on Xin vs. MF/Tristana/Jayce/Lulu/Rammus

(idiot on Xin reporting in; had the most deaths and least kills)

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support aatrox


it could work, with his slow and knockup... However he needs to build tanky and should try to get as close to 40% CDR as possible

And you've got to hit your E.

No, it can't work. Supports don't get enough money to build tanky unless they snowball the lane (Leona has to win her lane and get assist gold to build tanky later on, for instance). That's no guarantee. I'm not sure why he wants to build CDR later on either, when neither of his two utility abilities are particularly good and both of them cost a lot of health to use. CDR is also expensive and not guaranteed to be affordable.

Aatrox is literally incapable of harassing as a support because he spends health to do it. He can't autoattack creeps to get health back, and since he's not in combat, he can't get his blood well past 35%, if he even reaches that far, so his passive is pretty much wasted. Even if you made it work in lane, Aatrox would be 100% useless lategame.

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tfw you play a game that's like an hour long and manage to come back from ~12/30. I haven't played a non-support Soraka in ages, but after we got to it being hopeless and two jackoffs refusing to surrender I just decided to go pure AP. It feels good to do something other than place ward and sit at the back.

Maybe I'll try Soraka mid again~

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No, it can't work. Supports don't get enough money to build tanky unless they snowball the lane (Leona has to win her lane and get assist gold to build tanky later on, for instance). That's no guarantee. I'm not sure why he wants to build CDR later on either, when neither of his two utility abilities are particularly good and both of them cost a lot of health to use. CDR is also expensive and not guaranteed to be affordable.

Aatrox is literally incapable of harassing as a support because he spends health to do it. He can't autoattack creeps to get health back, and since he's not in combat, he can't get his blood well past 35%, if he even reaches that far, so his passive is pretty much wasted. Even if you made it work in lane, Aatrox would be 100% useless lategame.

fyi you can auto creeps, it's actually okay to push your lane. letting your lane push to the tower is asking to lose lane

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I am having just a WEE bit too much fun as Rammus. I'm positive I'm playing him wrong, but diving/taunting the carry while ulting is too funny.

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Fucking hell Riot are going riot.

New Riven splash art.

Incoming new Udyr skin.

Master Yi visual upgrade and kit rework

anything else

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Redo the Kinkou arts, because they look dated

Just had a really cool ARAM. Both sides had at least one failed nexus swing push. We won because I decided that Kayle wasn't a very good tank, got a Randuin's/Bulwark, and dived MF with my ult (which is part of the reason why I think we won the final fight). I'm learning how to use Sona's E more effectively.

EDIT: The cool part was that there were ten cool people playing.

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Don't get too attached, he's on Riot's rework list.

I'm aware... I'm kinda glad i don't have the ip to buy him and I am planning on buying other people before him. The rework doesn't seem to affect his range much but rather just increases his power and how his range is supposed to work (according to the wiki anyway). It does change how his 4 second w works which is a shame because ignoring 40% of the magic resist the enemy has is awesome.

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Riven is next on my list of champs to pick up. She was one of my first buys way back on my NA account, and I played her often back then. I really feel like getting back into her hur hur on my EUW account.

Patiently waiting until the next champion is released so her IP cost is reduced to 4800.

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Fucking hell Riot are going riot.

New Riven splash art.

Incoming new Udyr skin.

Master Yi visual upgrade and kit rework

anything else

i don't understand, these are good things

also riven is lowering in price after the next champ comes out so there's that

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i don't understand, these are good things

also riven is lowering in price after the next champ comes out so there's that

Yes I know, my "fucking hell riot are going riot" comment was one of pleasantness and surprise, not distaste and dislike.

And yeah Riven's price drop is something I commented on in the post literally before yours lol.

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I'm surprised you got so many kills considering you didn't buy a AD-heavy item like Bloodthirster (or whatever the equivalent's name is on ARAM) or Infinity Edge.

I think it's safe to say Tristana is my go-to champion should I end up in the ADC position.

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I prefer Quinn and MF for my carries, but I also like a good Ashe now and then. I'd likely use Sivir much more but I can't stand her model and fully welcome her VU. I also have been meaning to buy Twitch.

on the other hand I question that tristana build though AP Trist with Nashor's does not sound bad anymore

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