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Too bad malz sucks in current meta for normal games.

I'm sad about this, too. If there was only a way to make everything stay still in that pool of his. . .tee-hee~!

Speaking of things staying still, Wukong ult + Lulu ult = clean-up, along with a lot of people that can't get away from Spin to Win Jr.

Edited by eclipse
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Malzahar isn't that bad - he's not a top tier ap champ but still viable. Although almost everything is viable, even in challenger, so it doesn't tell much.

I like Malzahar and I think he's a fine choice (there are many worse ap), just pick him for mid.

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Someone with more sense than me, please talk me out of playing Ahri. I've been playing her like how I normally play Anivia (ARAM, naturally), and I think I'm doing it wrong.

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Someone with more sense than me, please talk me out of playing Ahri. I've been playing her like how I normally play Anivia (ARAM, naturally), and I think I'm doing it wrong.

okay i really like ahri and used to play her a bunch but i've been really nervous with her lately because i dislike mids that want to go aggresive at 6 and get kills


your combo is charming followed by q then w

the true damage and healing from passive gives her a lot of utility in lane as well as tank killing potential

play carefully until 6 then go for the kill and ignite

roam a lot

use your ult for escape if you have to; it's got a lower cooldown than flash acts as three of them so it'll keep you safe

with blue she doesn't really have mana issues but i like morello on her due to the cooldown and mana as well as the healing reduction to help with assassinating adc's

when in doubt, charm people out of position and gib them

she likes rylai's to kite with because she's incredibly mobile, so throwing in liandry's isn't a bad idea

try and get all three passive proc's off of your w and q in lane so you don't waste mana for healing

WoTA is also viable if you have a second AP or something because it'll work well with your passive

Rylai's/Liandry's makes you tanky enough to be able to ult to the side of a team fight and charm+instagib the adc

she likes abyssal due to her short-mid range

if you can't land charm you're useless

something like an ideal build would be

Sorc Shoes



Abyssal Scepter



build order is likely Haunting Guise -> Sorc Shoes -> Rylai's (Start Roaming around here probably) -> Finish Liandry's -> Build situationally as you see fit

she is also amazing in Treeline

Edited by Psych
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So yeah they nerfed the jungler with 3.08. I'm thinking an early Avarice would go down well, then have it build into something else later on.

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I wouldn't build the Avarice anyway.

Routes will start at a major buff now, instead of having time to clear one creep camp beforehand. The reduced respawn timers favour farming junglers - playing whack-a-mole is more rewarding now, so the opportunity cost of ganking goes up by a little. Not particularly much, and mostly on the junglers who could just about play whack-a-mole while still ganking. (Slow clearers already aren't clearing, efficient clearers who didn't gank much anyway get an easy net positive - it's the in-betweens who can do both who need to recalibrate their scales a little.)

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It's an indirect buff to people like Shyvana and Mundo and what with the Madred's changes and Wit's End ones as well, Shyvana is looking pretty nice.

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his q has a fairly long cooldown tbh, even maxed

he looks pretty strong in general though and his kit is very complete, looks like a very viable jungler. might get nerfed, still have to see him in an actual game though, so i am not sure how well he handles there.

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the jungle changes almost bought shaco back to his old s2 self, more news at 9.

I was thinking Shaco would benefit from the changes. Without the need to struggle through the smaller camps in his first clear it opens him up for quicker ganking and counter jungling

Plus I like the lifesteal and attack damage buffs on Wriggles. Makes me think about actually upgrading the madred's on him

Edited by Scooter
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Aatrox, he's the first champ I've actually spent money on. I really wanted his skin, so I thought the bundle pack was worth it. And now I still have over 7k IP to spend on other things. It was like fucking hell trying to be first to select him. I only succeeded in vs AI games. In one normal blind game someone instalocked him then proceeded to call everyone on his team shit.

There wasn't a game where someone wasn't Aatrox. I hate this phase of new champ releases.

I'm thinking, next time I get Aatrox, I'm going to try the jungle with him. He has good ganking potential, and with his W on toggle, he could clear camps very fast.

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Aatrox, he's the first champ I've actually spent money on. I really wanted his skin, so I thought the bundle pack was worth it. And now I still have over 7k IP to spend on other things. It was like fucking hell trying to be first to select him. I only succeeded in vs AI games. In one normal blind game someone instalocked him then proceeded to call everyone on his team shit.

There wasn't a game where someone wasn't Aatrox. I hate this phase of new champ releases.

I'm thinking, next time I get Aatrox, I'm going to try the jungle with him. He has good ganking potential, and with his W on toggle, he could clear camps very fast.

I'd recommend playing pre-mades.

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Nunu's worse. More news at 11.

I love Nunu, and him being the trolliest jungler in the game only makes it better. I should really learn how to counterjungle with Nunu because it looks hilarious to run around eating everything in their jungle and throwing snowballs at them. Then you go solo Dragon like a boss. I could never really get the hang of ganking, but maybe counterjungling will suit me better?

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I love Nunu, and him being the trolliest jungler in the game only makes it better. I should really learn how to counterjungle with Nunu because it looks hilarious to run around eating everything in their jungle and throwing snowballs at them. Then you go solo Dragon like a boss. I could never really get the hang of ganking, but maybe counterjungling will suit me better?

You forgot "doing all of that while being more-or-less uncatchable because of Blood Boil" and "hilarious ult". You aren't gonna know if you like counter-jungling until you try it!

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Just chiming in. Counter junglers suck when they happen to you...

Amumu: Will you be my friend

Amumu: No he won't, no he won't! Cry away the pain ;_;

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