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Well, you'd be having one of the gold starved roles spend 2500 on a shield. Unless the stats are enough to make up for it without utilising the passive.

Eh, jungler doesn't have to be gold starved. It all depends on strat (see: C9's usage of jungle allocates a fair amount of gold to the jungler who is only slightly behind laners in cs scores usually). You can rotate through lanes to help push and apply pressure rather than only try for killing ganks.

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Eh, jungler doesn't have to be gold starved. It all depends on strat (see: C9's usage of jungle allocates a fair amount of gold to the jungler who is only slightly behind laners in cs scores usually). You can rotate through lanes to help push and apply pressure rather than only try for killing ganks.

I see... Either way, if the jungler gets it, there wouldn't be much reason for the support to spend 2500 on a 200 hp shield though.

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I see... Either way, if the jungler gets it, there wouldn't be much reason for the support to spend 2500 on a 200 hp shield though.

I guess supports could pick it up if their jungle is a carry jungle but perhaps someone with more experience than I could give input?

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I'm not topping that last ARAM. One structure remained at the end of that mess, and it was absolutely glorious because the other nine people were chill as cucumbers.

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i wonder if the loss of bulwark would increase spirit visage's use on junglers

i hit 100 lp a few days ago, this'll be my third attempt at silver 3 and i'm probably not going to win.

idk how common it is in aram for people to wait out a few minutes to buy a bf sword/nlr from the start, but i do it every game and people don't seem to understand that 4v5s don't favor us

I just want to ban yi every fucking game.

alternatively make sure that, out of the 5 champs on your team, one person has one ability that does any form of cc at all

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It's not common to wait (at least in my division of Scrub whatever). It might work, depending on the other team's composition, but if the other team can all-in your 4v5 (as an example), or if they can poke down your team behind turret (in which case you need to all-in THEM), you've waited a little bit to the detriment of everyone else.

EDIT: And if you come back to a losing battle and salty teammates, then it REALLY doesn't matter.

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Why not both? Two 200 hp shields wouldn't hurt.

Also, activating locket gives each team member affected by the shield a debuff called "Eclipsed." Kind of like the Summoner Heal, it makes any newly applied shield from other Lockets of the Iron Solari within the next 8 seconds to only be 50% as effective.

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oh yeah, on the subject of series:

you guys try getting 30LP a game in plat 1 and having your plat to diamond series consist of people who are d3 and higher. dat shit was hardmode(i somehow went 3-0 in my series on the first try, shit was cray)

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Well clearly you had better Diamonds on your team.

alternatively make sure that, out of the 5 champs on your team, one person has one ability that does any form of cc at all

This advice is sadly a lot more overrated than it sounds.

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[spoiler=ancient secret]6wcHCaF.png

How could I have been so blind? Of Course that's all one needs to move up in rank!

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