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People say ADC is the easiest role, but I am pretty shit at it.

Maybe I should main support and be the shotcaller of games, since it seems like my allies don't use the minimap.

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I might just buy Caitlyn and go from there. Jinx can wait.

Bwuuh she's 4800 IP? I thought she was only 3150.

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ADC actually is one of the harder roles. mid/top/support are way easier imo.

During laning, I'd actually say ADC is easiest, due to the fact you just have to farm and harass and when the support pings you during a gank you run away.

Teamfights, yeah ADC is hardest as you being alive determines what your team can do and how they can push objectives.

Also nah, get Jinx. She's so good right now that it's basically impossible to get fed and carry games. Freelo please adc

I still need 2k IP for Fiora, since i want her Headmistress skin and don't own her yet.

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During laning, I'd actually say ADC is easiest, due to the fact you just have to farm and harass and when the support pings you during a gank you run away.

Teamfights, yeah ADC is hardest as you being alive determines what your team can do and how they can push objectives.

Also nah, get Jinx. She's so good right now that it's basically impossible to get fed and carry games. Freelo please adc

I still need 2k IP for Fiora, since i want her Headmistress skin and don't own her yet.

ADC is more intricate than that. How you position for CS, how you work together with your support to zone. The fact that ADC requires cooperation makes it more challenging in some ways than a simple solo lane where you can potentially blast your opponent out of the water. Look at the difference between Royal Club's ADC and support lane and Fnatic's. The fact that such a vast difference exists suggests that ADC likely has a wider room for mastery as you don't see Faker consistently dominating lane wise in the same way Uzi + Tabe did.

Also Jinx is manageable and likely to get nerfed, Caitlyn might be a longer term investment and is cheaper.

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True, but Caitlyn falls off mid-late game due to lack of a steroid. Literally the current Beta changes to Jinx are just minor scaling nerfs and increasing the mana cost of Zap! by 5. She'll still have the same power at level 13 and they've done nothing about Zap!'s scaling which is surprising.

Lane bullies are honestly the best to play at lower Elo, as people get too discouraged early to let the game go longer. They also have trouble closing out games though, so it's basically a roll of the dice whether you think Vayne/Trist is better that day or Cait/Jinx.

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True, but Caitlyn falls off mid-late game due to lack of a steroid. Literally the current Beta changes to Jinx are just minor scaling nerfs and increasing the mana cost of Zap! by 5. She'll still have the same power at level 13 and they've done nothing about Zap!'s scaling which is surprising.

Lane bullies are honestly the best to play at lower Elo, as people get too discouraged early to let the game go longer. They also have trouble closing out games though, so it's basically a roll of the dice whether you think Vayne/Trist is better that day or Cait/Jinx.

Nah at low elo anything can close out a game.

Jinx will be seeing more nerfs rofl, it's not an issue of a single patch or two. Also lack of a steroid isn't that restrictive when you have sufficient range and ADCs scale pretty hard. You might be less of a hard carry than Vayne but you certainly aren't useless especially in solo queue.

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caitlyn is fine mid-late game. the whole "she falls off" argument isnt really true lol.

She's fine of course, but some adcs become better and outdo her late (Kog, Tris)

Edited by Assurhaddon
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She's fine of course, but some adcs become better and outdo her late (Kog, Tris)

And to be fair, those are hyper carries. An more extreme analogy would be to say Jax falls off because Nasus outdoes him late (5000 q stacks please) :P Obviously that's not a legitimate argument when you're comparing the more extreme ends of scaling.

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Honestly, I'd pick Cait over Ezreal and he has a steroid, but that's more of I'm still not comfortable with Ez really. It really depends on team comp, but I'd probably pick MF over Cait due to her move speed and attack speed.

hah speaking of adc, soraka urgot is such a broken lane it's ridiculous

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I think Cait is one of the safest ADCs out there, a definite go-to champ if you're pigeon holed into the role. Jinx has the tendency to either get picked or banned as of late, so I'd put my IP on Caitlyn.

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I second what Raven says; she also serves as a sort of early-game counter who denies lots of farm.

That being said, she walks really slow, and her lategame is very poor in comparison to most other adcs. I mean, if you get fed you'll still drop 'em dead, but not as much as the other adcs. It's a tradeoff.

But still, the fact that she has the best AA range in the game isn't to be ignored.

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jinx also beats her with levels to her q

Yeah but only with missiles. Cait would still outduel in a long-ranged fight since Jinx's AS is pretty wank if she's not continuously using her minigun.

Edit: Assuming they were against each other.

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And to be fair, those are hyper carries. An more extreme analogy would be to say Jax falls off because Nasus outdoes him late (5000 q stacks please) :P Obviously that's not a legitimate argument when you're comparing the more extreme ends of scaling.

Nasus outscales almost noone (except extreme cases like Garen) as his Q is useless if you kite him (what you should do/isn't hard at all).

Of course Caitlyn's llate isn't bad, but it isn't great either (like her early/mid) because several adcs takeover.

Edited by Assurhaddon
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Well, I finally hit 30. Can't ranked yet, because I don't own enough champions, and I'm not going to buy 450s I'll never play just to pad my roster.

This Elise fan will be shedding a tear for not getting Victorious Elise. ;-;

(Nevermind I'm probably nowhere near gold skill level.)

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The more I see of Vi's new skin, the more I think of Poison. Granted, Poison never wore that much, but. . .

EDIT: Congratulations, Bal~!

Edited by eclipse
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Don't dive into ranked as soon as you can.

Play a good number of normal draft pick first to get a good feel for it.

Decide your best lane and champions, and get to know them as best you can.

Learn how to play in every position because you may well be last pick and pigeon holed into doing something you're unfamiliar with, such as supporting. This means you need good map awareness and ward positioning to keep your allies and objectives, such as the dragon, safe.

So yeah, play about 100 normal draft games first, and see how they go for you. Use those games to build up your own experience and IP for runes.

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Well it's not a rule per se, but it's advised for the sake of not falling flat on your ass during the initial 10 ranked games and landing in Bronze like I did.

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Don't dive into ranked as soon as you can.

Play a good number of normal draft pick first to get a good feel for it.

Decide your best lane and champions, and get to know them as best you can.

Learn how to play in every position because you may well be last pick and pigeon holed into doing something you're unfamiliar with, such as supporting. This means you need good map awareness and ward positioning to keep your allies and objectives, such as the dragon, safe.

So yeah, play about 100 normal draft games first, and see how they go for you. Use those games to build up your own experience and IP for runes.

I've played a good ~30 normal draft, about 70% of the time as support (mostly Alistar, with some Zyra, and infrequent Morgana, Elise, or free week). ADC is my weakest position, by far, though I have had a couple decent Trist games, and one fairly solid experience on free week Caitlyn. I'm pretty comfortable with Cho'Gath top and Morgana mid. My Jungle could always use more practice, and more champs though, in case Elise is banned/etc I'd rather not have to rely on Warwick or free week. Edited by Balcerzak
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