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Then shouldn't it work both ways? I had a lucky streak of 9. 60 LP in Plat 1.

I had an unlucky streak of 9. I went from 97 LP to 4 (93 loss, fortunately I'm back up to 85 as of this writing, so I need ~3 wins more than losses in order to reach promos)

And before you start saying "your MMR wasn't high enough" it was. It turned green several times (on that site, indicating my MMR was very high for my placement) as I went up to 97 LP.

Incidentally, I'm not greatly against clamping, but I would much rather just have "equalized" gains and losses across the board so the progression feels about the same no matter where I am in the tier (obviously on the basis of my MMR). There are better solutions out there and incidentally, winning streaks can still be quite favorable anyways in a clamped division because it means you're more likely to exit the other end of the clamp zone, making what looks like a frustrating grind a moderately pleasant one.

Edit: Clamping is also apparently there because of the "you can't drop out of a tier" thing, so in order to achieve a tier, your MMR has to be more than high enough to deserve the actual tier to compensate, hence Div1 clamping.

What was the exact number of your mmr? I've seen people on that site who had green mmr in plat 1 but still 1900 something mmr and were still clamped, I'm sure there's a bare minimum your mmr has to be until clamping stops, so it has less to do with the site saying you're beyond your league and actually meeting the requirement of points. Almost everyone thinks they're better than they are but if you're clamped I guarantee you haven't reached the threshold for the next tier.

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Does anyone else have a PBE account? The changes on PBE are pretty damn cool :P.

I do, but aren't they changing it so you don't have it soon and have to sign up every month.

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man i love swain so much but i'm so bad at him


Spam your Q and E on the other guy in lane, when you hit 6 either get blue or a tear/chalice and push up to enemy tower and continue to Q and E them under tower. That's pretty much what every swain I've ever played against has done and before you point out the obvious flaw with this strategy you remember this is solo q and your jungler WON'T come and help you if you're being pushed up to tower.

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don't forget that i'm bronze and that the enemy jungler may actually come kill me


i am now a believer in quinn top

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What was the exact number of your mmr? I've seen people on that site who had green mmr in plat 1 but still 1900 something mmr and were still clamped, I'm sure there's a bare minimum your mmr has to be until clamping stops, so it has less to do with the site saying you're beyond your league and actually meeting the requirement of points. Almost everyone thinks they're better than they are but if you're clamped I guarantee you haven't reached the threshold for the next tier.

It was over 2000 at 60 LP. That's when the clamps broke the first time through.

Incidentally, what I'm trying to get at is the system clamps you going up, but it doesn't clamp you coming down.

It clamped like..2 losses for me, but then I was losing LP at the same rate as any other division or just about. On the other hand, it clamped about 7-8 wins on the way up.

Pretty annoying, to say the least, but I must fight on. I'm close.

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I just found out Heime got his rework live... This is quite awesome.

QQ 1 hour patch

new heimer is awesome... Though i have to learn to be slightly less aggressive, he isn't udyr lol

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This new heimer seems to be awesome for twisted treeline and ARAM. The turrets make such a great defense and offense line. Its a shame their max health is only 575 though. Wish it was higher to be honest.

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So I need some advice

I bought Steel Legion Garen while he was on sale last week, but my friend just gifted me Rugged (stupidsexy) Garen. Should I refund SPESS MAHRIN Garen or keep both?

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So I need some advice

I bought Steel Legion Garen while he was on sale last week, but my friend just gifted me Rugged (stupidsexy) Garen. Should I refund SPESS MAHRIN Garen or keep both?

I'd save it for a stupid legendary purchase or something like that. At least if you like Steel Legion - refunds are still limited, aren't they?

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This new heimer seems to be awesome for twisted treeline and ARAM. The turrets make such a great defense and offense line. Its a shame their max health is only 575 though. Wish it was higher to be honest.

Quite so. I've been using him to VERY great effect on Ranked Twisted Treeline. He makes most melee champions feel miserable when they try to dive on his face.

4 Turrets can do that.

So I need some advice

I bought Steel Legion Garen while he was on sale last week, but my friend just gifted me Rugged (stupidsexy) Garen. Should I refund SPESS MAHRIN Garen or keep both?

I probably wouldn't. You can swap skins every once in awhile when playing Garen and Steel Legion Garen on sale was worth it and not exactly that RP expensive anyways.

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Geez, it takes a special kind of asshole to berate their own teammates WHILE THEY'RE WINNING.

(yes, this happened, and yes, that sucks)

EDIT: See, I was playing Graves the first game. We won. I go in again, and get Graves again. The result:


The (awesome) Mundo in the previous game suggested Hurricane, and being able to dash in four-second bursts is really nifty.

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Should Heimerdinger build more of a sustained damage build, or more of a bursty build? I personally feel like he should build a more sustained damage because his cooldowns are high and while he can be extremly bursty, particularly with qerw, I feel like its more of a wasted oportunity in a teamfight set up since your turrets can do a lot of damage to their whole team and you can be round forlonger making sure your turrets stay.

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[spoiler= Ode to Top Lane]

Our champions are summoned.

I've countered my lane,

And all signs are pointing

To a quick easy game.

My farm is outrageous

And no ganks are needed

I trade all day long

And their top has retreated.

Their jungler is antsy

And now they're in trouble

Cuz they just tried to gank me

And I pulled off a double

I grab a quick red

And I'm looking so ill;

To their mid who's extended

Thanks for the free kill.

Fast forward a few

And hey what you know?

This game's going great,

I'm 11 and 0.

I'm so in the zone

And focused on winning

That I haven't hit TAB

Ever since the beginning.

With horror I look

At our bottom lane's score

ADC and support are both


I've busted my ass

And I've played like a boss.

Thank you you morons

For ensuring a loss.

Now their horribad top

Is talking some smack

Cuz his noob ass got carried

So hard that it's whack.

Maybe next time

League will give me a TEAM

Until then I'll play bots

To go blow off some steam.

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