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I hate ranked. Won as Youmuu + Sword of the Occult + Rageblade Sivir, but lost as Kayle or LB mid. Nothing but your troll powerlevel matters in ranked.

[spoiler=best gp]QwQ9Zdy.jpg

[spoiler= bestgpscore]pR06yhj.jpg

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Only cuz ur narrow minded. Ap gp is the build of the future.

Actually I do run AP GP. Or I used to.

Mageplank mid 40% CDR was the shit. Of course this was before Trinity Force became broken. I can actually justify the build used above completely.

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Hey Ass, when we duo queue this evening sometime, what's your plan going to be assuming I get to go top lane?

I'd prefer you have your favourite role in order to carry harder. So if you want to top, I can jungle or ADC.

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Hey Ass, when we duo queue this evening sometime, what's your plan going to be assuming I get to go top lane?

I'd prefer you have your favourite role in order to carry harder. So if you want to top, I can jungle or ADC.

carry harder.


My 7-loss streak with Nasus top would like a word with you.

Really though. Top doesn't exactly have a lot of carry power atm.

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Top lane has a fair amount of carry power. In point of fact I'd say ADC has the least. But I'm biased.

Everyone is biased. Problem is, mid and jungle can support all lanes aswell as the jungle. That's why they have the most "carry power" imo. Top and adc are fine, but they're limited. At least adc does the lategame.

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I think the best way to get up is to focus on your own mechanics because you really can't control your team, doesn't matter if it's feeding children or feeding adults. Like 4 games in a row where all the children are at school and they had just as many people complaining about their team and whatever.

What are some "exercises" to improve mechanics? Like for example to improve creep score, you go in a custom game alone and try to last hit as best as you can. What are other ways to improve mechanics?

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i just went 8/2/7 in a game where my bot lane fed corki 4 kills in 10mins. still won

and then i just won this last game where my karthus fed brand early. i went 3/2/11, i came to lane late vs a jax and still won lane 1v1. bot lane did good too, though. you can win games as a top laner, lol. i roam a lot when i play riven

nasus top is really overrated. you might not move him out of lane and he has good scaling but he can't kill early either so you're still at the mercy of your team for the first 10-20mins of the game unless you can tp gank like a pro. if you want to win top lane you play carry top laners that can secure kills and lane dominance early and still snowball.

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Yeah I kinda figured.

And then I figured out how powerful mid is. I am aware of the strength of carry top laners though.

On another note, that doesn't mean it's possible to carry every game. Unfortunately my winning streak broke. Got a bunch of catches but it wasn't enough.

Edit: Learning Riven and Jax. Will probably utilize next season if Gangplank still somehow isn't made viable (lulsssss).

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I too just bought Jax in the hopes of expanding my top pool. Lost to a Shen. The game before that I was beating the Panth then midgame happened, and my team kinda just fucking imploded.

Thank fuck for normal games.

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nasus top is really overrated. you might not move him out of lane and he has good scaling but he can't kill early either so you're still at the mercy of your team for the first 10-20mins of the game unless you can tp gank like a pro. if you want to win top lane you play carry top laners that can secure kills and lane dominance early and still snowball.

My opinion might be extreme,but I think Nasus is one of the worse top lanes. His early game is bad, many top lanes have stronger late than him and it isn't hard to kite him. Malphite is stronger late, Renekton has stronger early and mid - imo Nasus just gets outclassed.

Jungle is a better position, his ganks are braindead and safe.

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