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I have been playing for 1 1/2 half year and haven't even earned 200.000 IP D:

Interest, your article was interesting (sry couldn't help myself with the joke :P)

And i agree that the rune pricing is pretty off and at least for me a major turn off to invest in non standart-runes, but i'd like to know what you think about a "free rune rotation", simillar to the free champinon rotation.

This way new players could test how runes work and which runes they like, and more experianced players could try out rune sets that are tailored for a certain champ if said rune is free, so they don't have to buy and potentially (if they dont like the outcome) waste a lot of IP.

I tried to capture the spirit of the champion rotation with a different idea - giving free runes as the player increases in summoner level (section 1D).

Still, that could potentially work very well, though I'd almost say Riot may need to consider deliberately make those runes weaker since they are free or something.

Trying this...working better than attempting to post it about 10 hours ago...Ty based OCE/EU

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I tried to capture the spirit of the champion rotation with a different idea - giving free runes as the player increases in summoner level (section 1D).

Still, that could potentially work very well, though I'd almost say Riot may need to consider deliberately make those runes weaker since they are free or something.

Trying this...working better than attempting to post it about 10 hours ago...Ty based OCE/EU

I don't quite get why Riot would have to make free runes weaker, i mean they don't last longer than one week and are for testing purposes and, well the champions from the rotation aren't weaker either :/

And persoanlly feel that the randomly unlocked runes upon upleveling as well as the bundels are a nice thought (as in would buy), but for me don't quite capture the "free rotation" spirit.

This has to do with their random nature, because you cannot decide which runes you would like to try, but rather that you are trying the runes that are given to you. I think ot's a really nice addition for new players to test out the rune feature via randmo runes as a whole, but you cannot playtest specifics/customise, bacause of the randomness.

On the whole topic of random features that actually grant power, this could be a little imbalanced as some players might get really good runes (armor seals say hello) while other players get rather obsure ones. This however has more to do with the imbalance in the whole rune system rather than in the randomness of giving out runes to new players.

... Maybe players could get some set of fixed standard runes and the rest are random (like 3- fixed, 6- random)?

I hope that this is at least somewhat understandable and that you get my point ^^

Oh and this should not come of as rude or flaming or anything like that, i just find it hard sometimes to properly express emotions through a text :)

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Yawn, OCE servers... Was winning a ranked game, only to have everyone in the game complaining about random lags and then proceeding to watch everyone including I get disconnected and when I try and log in, the game is neither in my match history or the ability to be reconnected to.

I want my IP and LP. :[

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I don't quite get why Riot would have to make free runes weaker, i mean they don't last longer than one week and are for testing purposes and, well the champions from the rotation aren't weaker either :/

And persoanlly feel that the randomly unlocked runes upon upleveling as well as the bundels are a nice thought (as in would buy), but for me don't quite capture the "free rotation" spirit.

This has to do with their random nature, because you cannot decide which runes you would like to try, but rather that you are trying the runes that are given to you. I think ot's a really nice addition for new players to test out the rune feature via randmo runes as a whole, but you cannot playtest specifics/customise, bacause of the randomness.

On the whole topic of random features that actually grant power, this could be a little imbalanced as some players might get really good runes (armor seals say hello) while other players get rather obsure ones. This however has more to do with the imbalance in the whole rune system rather than in the randomness of giving out runes to new players.

... Maybe players could get some set of fixed standard runes and the rest are random (like 3- fixed, 6- random)?

I hope that this is at least somewhat understandable and that you get my point ^^

Oh and this should not come of as rude or flaming or anything like that, i just find it hard sometimes to properly express emotions through a text :)

That could work. And don't worry, nothing there is remotely close to flaming (some stuff in the reddit thread atm is though, lol)

Fixed + random runes would probably be the best way to go (maybe not THAT many though since it would be given each level). My best counterargument against fixed runes is it implies and enforces rune imbalance. In a (near) perfect situation, random runes wouldn't mean as much. Unfortunately, that isn't the case...;(.

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That could work. And don't worry, nothing there is remotely close to flaming (some stuff in the reddit thread atm is though, lol)

Fixed + random runes would probably be the best way to go (maybe not THAT many though since it would be given each level). My best counterargument against fixed runes is it implies and enforces rune imbalance. In a (near) perfect situation, random runes wouldn't mean as much. Unfortunately, that isn't the case...;(.

Ahh good to know ^^

Yeah, it is true that such a system supoorts imbalance and tbh it was based more of the current system rather than a better revised one. :/

Hmm, what about giving out "universal" runes that can be used more or less efficiant on all Characters, like Armor seals, Mres glyphs, .. i don't know marks (sry) (3 each) and then one AD, AP and maybe one Movement speed Quint (so you got 3 quints). The other ones beeing random.

This way new players have some standard runes that can be used on a wide variety of characters to some extend, but that are not optimal for any of them, which could in turn lead to the wish to optimise.

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literally the day after i started the Season 3 patch hit, so I think it's bit just about a year for me

I was interested in the IP you guys were talking about last page and it's nice to know I have 139k about and just need around 35 champions left, mostly bruisers with a few marksmen left

also I highly recommend the "Magic Pen everywhere except Armor yellows" rune page, 10/10 would use every time it's so good and no one expects the damage

and strangely i like it most on supports like Lulu and Zyra, and haven't had a chance to try it on Elise or Corki yet but I feel like they would love it too

the fact that about 2.5k gold can get you 50 magic pen with mask and boots gives great early-mid game, and I might think about running it on Cass now, except I usually want something like Tear and Rylai's early so I have to put off my mask at least

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Hmm, what about giving out "universal" runes that can be used more or less efficiant on all Characters, like Armor seals, Mres glyphs, .. i don't know marks (sry) (3 each) and then one AD, AP and maybe one Movement speed Quint (so you got 3 quints). The other ones beeing random.

This way new players have some standard runes that can be used on a wide variety of characters to some extend, but that are not optimal for any of them, which could in turn lead to the wish to optimise.

How 'bout something really silly, like hybrid pen?

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so yeah, guy named ervis juked me out of 1470 rp

the fucker asked to mystery gift trade, didn't gift me back and unfriended me

so i basically got robbed of 1470 rp and theres probably nothing i can do about it due to the way this fucking mystery gift thing works

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problem is i have nobody who i could possibly mystery gift trade with every day

so i'm in a prety shitty situation because i want to give/receive mystery gifts as often as i can, but nobody i truly trust (people from here) are able to

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Battle Bunny Urgot, fund it.

I see you a Battle Bunny Zilean. :P:

Anyway. . .for mystery gifting, I do so with no expectation that I'll get anything back. Thus, if someone decides to cut and run, that's their loss. If it takes some RP to show me what that person is truly like, then I came out the winner.

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