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She's actually a strong botlaner if you know what you're doing, and your support is on it too.

You could ulti when enemy isn't looking and wait hidden in brush with your support (who should have a good cc chain like thresh or leona) and eq and slaughter the unsuspecting adc or support who came to ward and score a free kill.

You can actually cs fine unless you just generally sucks at being safe and not poking when your passive lands on either support or adc.

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No offense, but I have to disagree.

Your surprise tactics only work if the enemy is absentminded, after all they should expect you around bot (and play cautious while you're missing).

She needs her passive to trade well - the moment it targets a creep, the enemy has the chance to "freely" harass you (of course you can still q/e, but your efficiency is reduced), aswell as E (never E into an enemy botlane when they have Draven/Thresh/Leona with cd/Braum/most skillshot supports etc). In addition your range sucks (Gravestier, only Sivir is worse), making lasthitting even harder.

Obviously that's just my impression, but - unless I'm in trollmood and play GP jungle or Viktor support aswell - I'd stick to top with Quinn.

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You're actually right with the passive proc. Which is why knowing her capabilities is important. The enemy, if they know enough about Quinn, will zone you when your passive procs on a creep, it's true. But to be honest, I don't know if it's just because I'm only in Gold and no higher, but very few ADCs take advantage of this. Most adcs keep a safe distance after I wait for the passive to proc on them, then trade hard to destroy them. Again, only Gold.

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I think it's because most people don't know how to play against Quinn - if a decent support knows what they're doing, they'll make sure that she ends up eating it if she goes in for harass.

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tbh i mostly play quinn as an assassin mid-lategame; her laning is pretty abysmal unless you get lucky with your passive and a lot of times people underestimate her burst with r-e-q-r (throw some autos in there too)

top lane quinn is glorious as fuck (though i've found you kind of need to snowball really hard else you get rekt by not having a tank top)

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I dont know, I never had any kind of problem vs Quinn top except the really good ones (Something similar to Shaco or some unusual picks, if the guy who takes it its pretty pro you get suprised and mostly fucked), and to believe I dont use really any of the strong solo top laners, I have been stuck in Warwick, Vladimir, Nasus and Kennen for ages and feel most confident with them vs any match up (Tho I rather stick to Warwick and Nasus due the tankiness). Its simply about survive, she cant push well either (Nor she shouldnt due her lack of scape) and I dont need to trade anything to her, just sustain me until gank comes out and she is dead meat due no cc or scape abilities, and her harass is mostly high in the first levels, so play safe at first and it should be fine.

She is really a rarely used champion so I dont really have a proper opinion about her and could be totally wrong, but its not like I have much more experiences with the champion.

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I've always found that ww and nasus are really hard to beat as quinn because they can naturally just sustain up and scale forever; those are two that can really just ignore her

someone like renek or riven (or even garen), though, is way better, since they don't have enough natural sustain to ignore her while farming, and if they dive in to trade, quinn can just e out

kennen is ranged

vlad is like the worst of both worlds... he's ranged, so quinn can't harass him as easily, and he can outsustain trades naturally... fuck vladimir

Edited by CT075
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Twitch/Lucian/Cait/MF are the ones I'd say are best right now. Trist/Kog/Jinx are good but not quite up with the others.

In counter to your comments about MF, it did nerf her to a certain extent, but she actually hurts a lot more towards late game, due to the buffed w passive. It took away some of her dominance in lane but she still is as strong, I think, just differently strong now. Also I don't build her Caster anymore, I have found she's stronger as an AA adc right now. Like, if you are level 16 with maxed q and w and r, you can get up to 48% AD bonus damage if you can get the stacks up. I know most people, any good adc, probably knows that, but the height it can get to still staggers me a little. That's a LOT of damage lategame.

Vayne is only good in the right comp/lane. Despite maining Vayne for most of S3 (Who didn't) I only have brought out Vayne this season when I knew the comp/botlane matchup I was going into. Except a few normals where I've been working on her where I didn't care who I matched up against.

Sivir isn't good really at all except for her utility right now. I'd say she's a decent teampick, but in soloq I really don't recommend it. Also, if you're GOOD at Draven, put him up there. Because he is scary to face in the right hands. But I've seen too many players with mistakes in their Draven mech. You NEED to be able to catch those axes in teamfights without getting blown up.


And in regards to Quinn, she's not a strong adc but if you know her kit well you can out-trade the other adc 90% of the time early. (Unless it's draven, then you just run.) She snowballs really well too. She DOESN'T match up to other adcs if you can't come out of lane ahead tho, so it's really something you only pick if you're confident at her. A lot of people under-rate her ability to win trades tho, and her ulti is the most misused R in the game. (Escape/Chase. Don't fight normal battles with it unless it's a 1v1, otherwise it's just dumb. And you deal a lot of damage with your procs that don't appear while you're in r form.)

I would put Kog and Jinx above Cait and MF. Their relative hypercarry potential far exceeds Cait and MF. The important thing about Kog in a competitive setting is that compositions are oriented around him to some degree. A Kayle, Lulu, Orianna, or anyone in general who can protect Kog makes him incredibly powerful.

That's 48% attack damage in the form of magic damage that isn't affected by your armor penetration, your critical chance and your bonus critical damage. Consider that BT was nerfed by 20 AD. While IE was moved up by 10 AD, Doran's Blades were moved down by 1 AD which is on net still a nerf. If you are looking for steroid oriented damagers, MF does not stand out. MF with her ultimate combined with Black Cleaver is the only thing that really stood out for her in addition to lane bullying. I don't see how this has suddenly moved MF into a position where she's better than the others on my list. MF is still a good solo queue ADC but the patch was a net nerf to her.

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Magic damage that also ignores the armour stacking.

I'll agree, Kog and Jinx are better in ranked teams or competitive play. I don't deny it. I was talking about soloq when I was making my observations.

And in regards to itemisation, Black Cleaver isn't great on her anymore. It's true that the BT nerf does lower he damage, but that's very minuscule on the scale of things when you can rush IE as a first item now and not actually miss out on important stats. IE/BT/PD/LW/Greaves and defensive item gives MF a ton of damage.

In regards to Cait, she is better not because of Hypercarry potential, but merely because she is the safest adc, therefore in a soloq environment, she's strong merely because she will generally have a good laning phase.

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Magic damage that also ignores the armour stacking.

I'll agree, Kog and Jinx are better in ranked teams or competitive play. I don't deny it. I was talking about soloq when I was making my observations.

And in regards to itemisation, Black Cleaver isn't great on her anymore. It's true that the BT nerf does lower he damage, but that's very minuscule on the scale of things when you can rush IE as a first item now and not actually miss out on important stats. IE/BT/PD/LW/Greaves and defensive item gives MF a ton of damage.

In regards to Cait, she is better not because of Hypercarry potential, but merely because she is the safest adc, therefore in a soloq environment, she's strong merely because she will generally have a good laning phase.

Armor stacking commonly involves a Frozen Heart or a Randuins which is a direct hit to ASPD. Also Kog'Maw has the same feature except with percentage health and range.

Jinx is better in general. Kog'Maw, just pick provided you have someone who can peel. It doesn't even have to be good peel, Lulu ult/Kayle ult is simply that strong in sync with him.

IE rush loses out on the extra AD and the LS loss is still noticeable. IE really lowers lane bullying since you can get pushed out more easily. The fact that this patch was a general nerf to lane bullies hurts MF's case.

Also the note was that the only times MF have been valued in competitive have been "Curse of the Sad Bullet Time" (with Black Cleaver) and I guess Imp with his counterpick to Twitch since she is/was a strong lane bully. Other than that, MF is just outshined. That magic damage steroid is nowhere close to many attack steroids.

The loss in safety isn't significant enough in comparison to their overall DPS output. See above that lane bullying was nerfed to an extent as well. Cait was not significantly buffed by this patch to move into a position where her safety is so valuable that it outweights the benefits of those champions. I think while those two champions are harder, playing them well makes them better than Cait as a pick.

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Again, I agree on Cait. She is outshined by them, but the safety is actually very important/useful in soloq. And that's why she's still one of the most viable picks on Soloq. Mostly because due to the swingy nature of it, it can be decided just on laning. The safety Cait brings means she won't lose out on laning, and will generally win, which providing another lane wins well, they can snowball that into a lead which pressures the opponent.

I have actually done a bit of research, and due to not playing much recently I wasn't too aware of the influx of Frozen Heart as a central tank item. That does actually dampen MF a bit.

And IE's random crit chance actually helps lane bullies. May be slightly luck based but it does.

So in conclusion: Having done a bit more research into trends and having actually tested stuff out, I concede that MF isn't as good as she was when I last changed. She's still good, I have to say, but Jinx/Kog are at least up with her if not above her. (Sorry about extending this argument on in my ignorance. >< I tend to take what I know and assume nothing has changed. Not a good thing.)

But I still think Cait is among the strongest SoloQ picks still.

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Again, I agree on Cait. She is outshined by them, but the safety is actually very important/useful in soloq. And that's why she's still one of the most viable picks on Soloq. Mostly because due to the swingy nature of it, it can be decided just on laning. The safety Cait brings means she won't lose out on laning, and will generally win, which providing another lane wins well, they can snowball that into a lead which pressures the opponent.

I have actually done a bit of research, and due to not playing much recently I wasn't too aware of the influx of Frozen Heart as a central tank item. That does actually dampen MF a bit.

And IE's random crit chance actually helps lane bullies. May be slightly luck based but it does.

So in conclusion: Having done a bit more research into trends and having actually tested stuff out, I concede that MF isn't as good as she was when I last changed. She's still good, I have to say, but Jinx/Kog are at least up with her if not above her. (Sorry about extending this argument on in my ignorance. >< I tend to take what I know and assume nothing has changed. Not a good thing.)

But I still think Cait is among the strongest SoloQ picks still.

I think if you're good at ADCs, an extra amount of safety isn't the end all. People like Piglet, Doublelift, Imp will carry harder on champions not named Caitlyn.

IE random crit chance doesn't help out lane bullies. It means that there's always the potential to push someone out of lane. What helped lane bullies was BT where they could sustain even if they took damage and then just keep applying pressure. Loss of LS means this is less possible.

Nah, I think I underrate MF and haven't tried her fully. I just value the other picks more highly. I think it's interesting to look into this stuff and not come out like Doublelift with his silly builds (rip :<).

Cait is one of the strongest picks if you don't have a strong mechanical grasp of ADCs overall. I like Cait a lot but I just don't see her as hard of a carry as others for good soloQ adc players.

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Basically Caitlyn is best ADC in lane phase, its virtually impossible to die being her (If it happens its cause your own mistakes/lane mistakes) as the character itself cant be denied in farming, can push if needed, can deny and harass due her range and cant be ganked considering she has E and W for scouting plus support warding. However, she deals less damage in comparison to any other carry the longer the game becomes, as she can only user her Q like one time to harass (Considering the time she takes to use Q she could be hitting 3 aas that would deal more damage and positioning better) so her range and harass are the main option all the time, but she deals less damage than any other carry and with one of the most useless ultimates in a teamfight.

Vayne for example goes the opposite, she is the worst adc in lane, she cant do much and she can be denied or harassed by almost all other ADC in lane pretty easy. However, once she reaches level 6 she can stomp easily vs many of them if enemy isnt snowballed and deals a lot of damage. And well, we all know how deadly a late game Vayne is xDDD, she is probably the best ADC in lategame, but requires very good reflexes/positioning and skill.

I like Vayne but I cant use her, I dont have ADC diamond skills at all, if I have to play ADC in YoloQ (Which I try to avoid the most as it is my worst role) I usually take Tristana. Having good lane phase, the best scape abilities in an ADCarry and being a monster in mid/lategame thanks to her range and mobility, I really like her ^^ but she isnt one of the best carries anyways.

People are still using Caitlyn, Vayne, Ezreal, Miss Fortune, Twitch and Draven as main choices I guess

Edited by Volug Vanguard
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In this current lategame meta Ezreal is relevant, but still gets outclassed by other ADCs during lategame. Everything he can do, someone else can do better.

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In this current lategame meta Ezreal is relevant, but still gets outclassed by other ADCs during lategame. Everything he can do, someone else can do better.

This is pretty much how Ez works atm

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Ezreal is a early-mid game adc, which is why you have to win by mid game's transition into late, or you could have trouble.

However, Ezreal is still capable of outplaying most adc who favors 1v1 better (like vayne) if you knew how to work him.

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The magic thing with Ezreal as well in YoloQ is his mobility, he has a lot of range for poke and harass and is able to scape very well with the E, not needing a support or a team "that much" unlike other carries like Miss Fortune or Vayne, who need more team support in order to pwn.

Thus Ezreal is early/mid like Fateborn has already said and it late its basically some hard poke and harass, as he damages with skills more than with aas unlike other carries, so he isnt crit dependant and the crit is what makes ADC deal insane damage in the late phases, he goes more with trinity and skills.

He is a good ADC and is "broken by design" meaning he will always be useful no matter what metagame or numbers he has. The thing he isnt the top choices at the moment is essentially because his numbers were nerfed, the items he used to make got nerfed as well and items he "doesnt use much" got buffed, so other carries do the job better, but he is still usable regardless and its a good choice for any team.

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I've always found that ww and nasus are really hard to beat as quinn because they can naturally just sustain up and scale forever; those are two that can really just ignore her

someone like renek or riven (or even garen), though, is way better, since they don't have enough natural sustain to ignore her while farming, and if they dive in to trade, quinn can just e out

kennen is ranged

vlad is like the worst of both worlds... he's ranged, so quinn can't harass him as easily, and he can outsustain trades naturally... fuck vladimir

From 1-9 Vlad should get absolutely dominated by Quinn. When he gets a revolver and max Q his sustain becomes an issue, but before that he's very weak and his cooldowns are very long.

His pushing power is a big problem, as well.

Twitch/Lucian/Cait/MF are the ones I'd say are best right now.

MF is horrible right now.

It's Twitch/Lucian/Cait/Trist/Kog, really, but playing Kog in solo que is an exercise in futility.

You should be playing things that either abuse range, or abuse BoTRK/Ghostblade.

ez is the shit in all stages of the game with the right build. the build i'm thinking of is not a build you usually see either.

Essence Reaver + Gauntlet? Everyone knows that. It's his only valid build now, basically.
He's still nowhere near as useful as Twitch/Lucian/Cait, and he'll get dumped on in lane by them.
Edited by Siuloir
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nope. :^)

Then I'm guessing it's either a Muramana or a BotRK, and the latter has way better users.

Anyway, it's Ezreal, and he'll straight up lose to most popular AD carries without a strong support.

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Then I'm guessing it's either a Muramana or a BotRK, and the latter has way better users.

[spoiler=you guessed right on the botrk. i know one game is a very small sample size but i've had a few of my ranked games go like this before]MiRrLdk.png

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