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This match was a thing

My team wouldn't stop fighting the entire match, the enemy had 5 kills by the six minute mark and it just kept getting worse and worse. The Sejuani build is the best part

I need out of this hell

No ADC, Sej rushing GA, Lux banning Akali, honestly I kind of miss silver...

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I'm on full tilt in Silver 3 right now. Ever since friday I've just had a terrible time in league and no matter what I do I can't pull out a win. No matter how hard I win my lane, or roam, or anything, I just can't carry hard enough.

Even if it's just a mental thing, this is my elo hell

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You need to play assassins so you can 1v1 all in and splitpush whenever you can. Assassins carry Bronze and Silver games. Sadly assassins aren't my playstyle, not that I've given them much playtime to begin with.

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I've heard Talon is pretty damn good at stomping Silver with the whole assassination thing, might pick him up. My go to assassin/mage has always been Ahri though.

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GNAR looks fantastic, and sounds like OOT link that is side hopping mixed with cha cha from MH3.

Also, TIBBAAAHS, SHAAAAHK, DEMAGLIO, RENGAAAAR, OKAY. Champion interactions are awesome. And the lore, poor Rengar never knew what hit him.

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I've heard Talon is pretty damn good at stomping Silver with the whole assassination thing, might pick him up. My go to assassin/mage has always been Ahri though.

Ahri's kill potential is much lower with her ult down. So is Talon's, but comparatively I'd say she's worse off considering he still has a gapcloser.

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but Ahri has three. :>

Anyway, just play Leblanc. That's how I got out of silver last season

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Vayne gets crowded out a bit too easily so it places a higher burden on you. Also your teamfighting is worse than Tristana/Lucian atm.

Don't forget Jinx. She's one crazy mofo, far more crazy than trist or lucian if she manages to kill someone to trigger her passive to make either one cry. considering her rocket deals 110% of her damage, which means... 220% dmg with crit without ie, and i'm guessing around 280% with ie for crit. That's a lot if she has a chunk of ad. All aspeed she need is pd and zerker greaves/zephyr (depending on time of game or how far ahead you are) She could three shot an assassin or adc.

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Don't forget Jinx. She's one crazy mofo, far more crazy than trist or lucian if she manages to kill someone to trigger her passive to make either one cry. considering her rocket deals 110% of her damage, which means... 220% dmg with crit without ie, and i'm guessing around 280% with ie for crit. That's a lot if she has a chunk of ad. All aspeed she need is pd and zerker greaves/zephyr (depending on time of game or how far ahead you are) She could three shot an assassin or adc.

275% if crit is amplified so close enough. In general Vayne's short range is a hindrance in teamfights. She works better for making picks and splitpushing which is decent.

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I'm. . .excited for the Sona changes, and I don't know why! I approve of most of the splash art changes, save for Aviator Irelia - I can't take her seriously.

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In general Vayne's short range is a hindrance in teamfights.

Vayne's range is the same as Ezreal's, Lucian's (pre nerf, hers is way higher than his now ofc), Corki's, Draven's, Twitch's (no ult), and MF's, and is higher than Graves', Jinx's (without Q), Quinn's, Kog's (no w), and Sivir's. Her range is shorter than only Varus', Ashe's, Trist's and Cait's. It's a misconception that that is an actual hindrance with tumble/Final Hour in your arsenal.

But I can't argue for her teamfighting against Jinx/Trist/Kog/Twitch ofcourse, just that it's not like she has to stand ridiculously close to auto or anything as tends to be the belief.

And yeah she hasn't been exactly terrible but +5 to 15AD and +1AS/lvl certainly can't hurt! :D

Edit: also splash art changes wut? :O

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Vayne's range is the same as Ezreal's, Lucian's (pre nerf, hers is way higher than his now ofc), Corki's, Draven's, Twitch's (no ult), and MF's, and is higher than Graves', Jinx's (without Q), Quinn's, Kog's (no w), and Sivir's. Her range is shorter than only Varus', Ashe's, Trist's and Cait's. It's a misconception that that is an actual hindrance with tumble/Final Hour in your arsenal.

But I can't argue for her teamfighting against Jinx/Trist/Kog/Twitch ofcourse, just that it's not like she has to stand ridiculously close to auto or anything as tends to be the belief.

And yeah she hasn't been exactly terrible but +5 to 15AD and +1AS/lvl certainly can't hurt! :D

Edit: also splash art changes wut? :O

Ezreal and Lucian all have the tools to make their range not a hindrance in comparison to Vayne. Had Lucian not had his resetting ridiculous dash I would have said he wasn't decent at all due to his inability to compensate his lack of range with anything. In terms of attack range, she's falling to the more in favor champions: Kog with W, Twitch with Ult, Trist, Jinx. Other popular ADCs are Lucian who has his ridiculous dash, Corki who has his missiles to be safe and doesn't act as a traditional ADC. Attack range only matters relative to your competition and high attack range is currently what sets a lot of the current popular picks aside from the rest of the ADCs.

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"Doesn't require much"? Perhaps if you spend RP to fill your champ roster. For those of us that don't, 6300 IP isn't exactly trivial (that's the price of a single rune page when not on special, IIRC).

Unless you waste your IP on buying random champs, you will never run out of IP. By the time I get to lvl30, I have 15 champs (all of them are champs that I want to play) and enough runes to fill a whole rune page. If you spend time mastering your previous champ before buying a new one, you will have more than enough IP to buy another champs in no time. Right now, I have 22 champs, 3 full rune pages and 18k IP that I dont know how to spend since I got all of the champs that suits my role.

And really, who is dump enough to spend real cash on something that you can get with in-game money?

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Unless you waste your IP on buying random champs, you will never run out of IP. By the time I get to lvl30, I have 15 champs (all of them are champs that I want to play) and enough runes to fill a whole rune page. If you spend time mastering your previous champ before buying a new one, you will have more than enough IP to buy another champs in no time. Right now, I have 22 champs, 3 full rune pages and 18k IP that I dont know how to spend since I got all of the champs that suits my role.

And really, who is dump enough to spend real cash on something that you can get with in-game money?

On the other hand, I have 15 champs (at least two of which were gifted to me unasked for by a friend), 3 rune pages, ~8k IP, and way too many champs I still want to pick up. I always feel crunched for IP, and my "rune pages" only differ in marks between AD/Magic Pen or GPp5/MS quints, with flat Armor and Scaling MR, so they're not really 3 rune pages of different runes. I am literally stuck between deciding if I want to blow all my IP on Jace, who will expand my meagre pool of top champions, or Cait, who will give me my only non-Tristana ADC, or finally invest in some AS runes flat AP/AD quints, another rune page, etc. It's very restrictive, tbqh. I've been 30 since last October or so, too.

[spoiler=champs]Top: Singed, (Cho'Gath), (Trundle), (Swain?), (Nidalee?)

Mid: Cassiopeia, Swain, (Morgana), (Nidalee), (Vel'koz), (Zyra)

Jung: Cho'Gath, Elise, Sejuani, Trundle, Warwick

Support: Alistar, Blitz, Morgana, Nidalee, Vel'koz, Zyra

ADC: Tristana

Edited by Balcerzak
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people with money to burn but without time to IP grind?

I play 2 to 3 games per day and I never lack of IP. If you dont have time to play at least 2 or 3 games per day, you must be a very busy man.

Top: Singed, (Cho'Gath), (Trundle), (Swain?), (Nidalee?)

Mid: Cassiopeia, Swain, (Morgana), (Nidalee), (Vel'koz), (Zyra)

Jung: Cho'Gath, Elise, Sejuani, Trundle, Warwick

Support: Alistar, Blitz, Morgana, Nidalee, Vel'koz, Zyra

ADC: Tristana

Oh my....that is the different between you and me. I only pick sp champs or champs that can play sp role.

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Generally not a good idea to only have champs for one specific role, someone aside from you is going to want that eventually and then you're left with sub optimal picks for another role unless you plan on taking Janna mid like the "old" days.

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I play 2 to 3 games per day and I never lack of IP. If you dont have time to play at least 2 or 3 games per day, you must be a very busy man.

i'm sorry i want to do other things with my free time and don't feel like playing 3 hours worth of league Edited by CT075
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I don't see why people complain really, if you just wanna play for fun and try out champs then just play normals and play all the free week champions, youll have played almost all of the champions over the course of a few months. That's what that system is there for and it's a really nice way for non-competitive people to play different champions.

On the other hand, if you're competitive, you shouldn't be trying to main 10+ champs all at once anyway, pick your two favorite champions for each role, pick your favorite role and then add another handful to that roster, and of those champions pick ones that can overlap into other roles. I've never had to switch between more than 10 champions in ranked games at a given time and I'm better for it because I know the ones I play well. Also of those that you pick, pick cheap ones for the roles you don't main!! You don't have to buy Jayce or Zed for lanes you don't play often, Kayle (well at least until recently), Jax, Trist and many other champions are excellent picks for the roles they fill and they're all very cheap, like a few games worth of IP.

I also don't see what people have against RP. If you've spent more than like 50 hours in this game (I know most of you have spent hundreds including me) already it's worth as much as any 60 dollar game really. Why not throw a 20 at a game that's entertained you for months, just like any FE game or anything else you play. Spending a few bucks for all the runes you'll ever need? Why not...

Though I never had to do that because if you're playing to compete and not just for fun then you should have many hours under your belt already and if you have hundreds of games on your main already you have all the runes you need and half the champion roster.

I do buy skins though.

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