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Got to play Aatrox for the first time. He's squishy, but dammit he's funny. I made Teemo mad twice in an ARAM, so it was worth it!

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Your opinion counts more if you introduce yourself via the SF LoL pinned topic :P:

Got to play Aatrox for the first time. He's squishy, but dammit he's funny. I made Teemo mad twice in an ARAM, so it was worth it!

Don't mind him. He's just a buddy of mine...

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Your opinion counts more if you introduce yourself via the SF LoL pinned topic :P:

Got to play Aatrox for the first time. He's squishy, but dammit he's funny. I made Teemo mad twice in an ARAM, so it was worth it!

Done. what now? ;)

Aatrox is fun, but he's very reliant on items to not just blow up, and his lane phase is weak, so it takes some very careful playing to get there unless you get an early kill or two. As long as you're mindful of his passive, it's generally not _too_ bad though. Attack speed slows like Randuin's, Nunu's Iceball, and exhaust really crush his day though.

Edited by Raivix
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Done. what now? ;)

Aatrox is fun, but he's very reliant on items to not just blow up, and his lane phase is weak, so it takes some very careful playing to get there unless you get an early kill or two. As long as you're mindful of his passive, it's generally not _too_ bad though. Attack speed slows like Randuin's, Nunu's Iceball, and exhaust really crush his day though.

And now watch in amazement as Raven forgets to update the topic

Due to physical problems, I'm stuck on ARAMs for the time being. He has some potential there, but the rest of his team needs to be ON IT, or he dies. If they are paying attention (and the initiator isn't a complete idiot), it should work. Dive bombing from the bushes is funny. I'd try him out in SR, but I'm not a melee gal.

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And now watch in amazement as Raven forgets to update the topic

Due to physical problems, I'm stuck on ARAMs for the time being. He has some potential there, but the rest of his team needs to be ON IT, or he dies. If they are paying attention (and the initiator isn't a complete idiot), it should work. Dive bombing from the bushes is funny. I'd try him out in SR, but I'm not a melee gal.

It's okay, ARAMs are fun! :)

Honestly, you don't want to get too many damage items on him. Hydra is probably his best damage item, and then I'd generally pick up a Blade of the Ruined King and at the very least a Hexdrinker before building Randuin's and Spirit Visage. Definitely go for either Ninja Tabi or Merc treads, whichever is better for the team comp you're against. Generally don't bother upgrading the hexdrinker into Maw of Malmortius until you've got at least one full tank item built too.

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wow idk if you guys have ever tried playing on the NA server from Asia but it's kind of funny


my ping skyrocketing to 40k (i wish i'd managed to screen it) at one point

15-minute queue times (this was admittedly in the dead of NA's night)

also whenever someone calls me a noob for playing darius my typical response is "oh well, still won"

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And now watch in amazement as Raven forgets to update the topic

Due to physical problems, I'm stuck on ARAMs for the time being. He has some potential there, but the rest of his team needs to be ON IT, or he dies. If they are paying attention (and the initiator isn't a complete idiot), it should work. Dive bombing from the bushes is funny. I'd try him out in SR, but I'm not a melee gal.

Watching a game right now, the update can wait!

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So I think I'm going to revive an old cheesy build that I tried to do. With Nashor's Tooth buff it should be a lot stronger.

I'll get back with results.

You need to log in first. Just played Brand in ARAM too. I'm really bad with Brand, I've found.

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Tried playing NA for a bit from my place. The ping kills me. :(

Guess I best stick to SEA.

Aatrox is pretty scary if he gets to make his items but I find that most good tops usually crush him 1 on 1. I know I've manhandled several using Riven, and if Aatrox runs into say... Jayce up there... it's not going to be pleasant for mr. darkin.

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wrt Aatrox, I've found rushing BotRK into tank items tends to work best. Between his Ult and blood price, BotRK is enough to keep his damage relevant, and it allows him to actually get into fights and stick in them without just exploding. Spirit Visage is probably his best item because lol all the HP regen. I also like GA because it's funny.

I also ran him jungle instead of top, so I can't speak on his matchups.

Edited by Ether
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I stopped playing for about a month, and in that time the game has changed considerably. I'm trying to pick the game up again. I tried picking Eve up and I've noticed she feels considerably weaker though of course I could just be rusty. I'm curious as to how one builds jungle Evelynn after the Spirit of the Elder Lizard nerfs, and what jungle route you take after the small camps no longer spawn at 1:40 which means you'll be ganking later than you used to, as you'll have to solo wraiths/wolves to hit level 3. Can anyone suggest a build path and jungle route?

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They increased the exp on the camps, so going blue and red will get you 3 so long as no one steals any of your experience, and adding wraiths, wolves, and golems will get you 4. Basically you just start at a buff now.

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They increased the exp on the camps, so going blue and red will get you 3 so long as no one steals any of your experience, and adding wraiths, wolves, and golems will get you 4. Basically you just start at a buff now.

So basically I can go blue > red and then gank immediately? That actually saves time, thanks for the info.

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You need to log in first. Just played Brand in ARAM too. I'm really bad with Brand, I've found.

Weird, I played Brand off of once in ARAM and didn't do too bad.

It's okay, ARAMs are fun! :)

Honestly, you don't want to get too many damage items on him. Hydra is probably his best damage item, and then I'd generally pick up a Blade of the Ruined King and at the very least a Hexdrinker before building Randuin's and Spirit Visage. Definitely go for either Ninja Tabi or Merc treads, whichever is better for the team comp you're against. Generally don't bother upgrading the hexdrinker into Maw of Malmortius until you've got at least one full tank item built too.

Wow, thanks! I don't do melee often, but my build kind of looked like what you suggested (didn't get a chance to Spirit Visage, though). Grabbed a Hexdrinker because screw Teemo, grabbed a BotRK to stop Poppy from diving, got Randuin's to make Teemo and Ashe cry. If I had time, I would've gotten something with damage (didn't really notice Hydra's existence, will pick it up next time).

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Weird, I played Brand off of once in ARAM and didn't do too bad.

Wow, thanks! I don't do melee often, but my build kind of looked like what you suggested (didn't get a chance to Spirit Visage, though). Grabbed a Hexdrinker because screw Teemo, grabbed a BotRK to stop Poppy from diving, got Randuin's to make Teemo and Ashe cry. If I had time, I would've gotten something with damage (didn't really notice Hydra's existence, will pick it up next time).

AP Mages aren't my thing for the most part ;) I mainly play ADC or tanky junglers.

The main thing about Aatrox is that his only real "survival" mechanism is lifesteal. So long as you're fighting with minions/other champions around, Ravenous Hydra is going to give you both the most overall damage for your team, and the largest amount of health through lifesteal. The general idea is you want to build just enough tank to survive the first cc you take because you're in melee, and then enough damage to sustain through the fight with your ult up. In general, at least.

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The AP Shaco mid madness continues~!

Next time i play with you guys i'm going to go jungle udyr and fail :D

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Next time i play with you guys i'm going to go jungle udyr and fail :D

ADC Thresh + Support Blitz bottom in the same game with him as AP Shaco.

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