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It's hook city. Population: 2

They need a camping jungle Nautilus :awesome:

Edited by SlayerX
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I stopped playing for about a month, and in that time the game has changed considerably.

oh god i'm going to die once i get back to the us and can play without 40k ping aren't i
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I have been playing bots too much lately. I can't seem to not die 10+ times in normal games :< I need to get back to dying less, any tips guys? (Xander, interest, Bk, and Raivix since most of my normals have been with you guys).

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Hush, you.

I have been playing bots too much lately. I can't seem to not die 10+ times in normal games :< I need to get back to dying less, any tips guys? (Xander, interest, Bk, and Raivix since most of my normals have been with you guys).

Build full tank. Watch my stream and then do the exact opposite of what I do when it comes to critical decisions, lol.

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I have been playing bots too much lately. I can't seem to not die 10+ times in normal games :< I need to get back to dying less, any tips guys? (Xander, interest, Bk, and Raivix since most of my normals have been with you guys).

From what I remember from watching you play I think your mistakes come from inexperience with your champions and a lack of map awareness. Just keep playing normals and you'll get better (avoid playing bots if you're trying to get better because if you play nothing but bots you won't learn from your mistakes since they won't be punished).

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I have been playing bots too much lately. I can't seem to not die 10+ times in normal games :< I need to get back to dying less, any tips guys? (Xander, interest, Bk, and Raivix since most of my normals have been with you guys).

Ward and play passively.

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I have found the most unfun champ to play: Master Yi. I basically walk in, use Q, and try to run out. At least I can drool over Talon. ;/

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that depends on AP or AD Yi

and how many pentas you can get in one game

I have no idea what I'm doing with Yi. I walked out of that ARAM with a triple kill and 11 kills total. The last time I felt this silly was my first attempt at Kassadin.

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Ward and play passively.

I'd actually avoid playing passively to practice, because controlled aggression will always bully around the passive laner. While you should avoid dying, you shouldn't compromise your play to see a low death score. So in the end, practicing in a non-passive way will make you better even if you hurt your death counts or whatever.

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I sometimes play far too passively to the point where i get pushed to my tower too much. God damn lee sins. I hate that champ so much. Also caitlyns with their traps everywhere level 1. Caitlyn just sucks in general because my most played support is very frail :<.

Edited by SlayerX
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ap yi is cancer to this game

AP Yi depresses me. Like, I can see why people would want to play him, but it's just not my idea of fun.

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I have found the most unfun champ to play: Master Yi. I basically walk in, use Q, and try to run out. At least I can drool over Talon. ;/

ap yi is cancer to this game

I'm glad he's getting a rework. AP Yi will soon be a thing of the past.


Also, from what I can tell, Dunkmaster is going to get screwed over by the rework too. =(

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