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They could have avoided this entirely if they just paid attention to their lifebars in the slightest. This isn't Yi being broken, it's the enemy team being braindead.

Resets are just really risky design wise.

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I sometimes play far too passively to the point where i get pushed to my tower too much. God damn lee sins. I hate that champ so much. Also caitlyns with their traps everywhere level 1. Caitlyn just sucks in general because my most played support is very frail :<.

Taric, nuff said.

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Just finished an ARAM as Akali. I wound up being team peel and bait. Somehow, this did not piss me off.

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Janna is amazing in general. I absolutely love her. I'm thinking of flagging her as one of my "secret" mains.

Also it's fun to watch how jelly everyone gets when they see my Victorious skin. Once even had an enemy Victorious Jarvan in ARAM. They could never, EVER, initiate on us because of me.

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Janna is amazing in general. I absolutely love her. I'm thinking of flagging her as one of my "secret" mains.

Also it's fun to watch how jelly everyone gets when they see my Victorious skin. Once even had an enemy Victorious Jarvan in ARAM. They could never, EVER, initiate on us because of me.

If only you could use her ult properly ;)

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Also it's fun to watch how jelly everyone gets when they see my Victorious skin.

that skin was so easy to get all you had to do was play 5 games of 3s and you got it. it's really easy to hit gold on 3s, you don't even need to have the skills of a gold+ player to reach it.

and that shit actually gets kinda annoying after a while. whenever i queue up for normals with my friends i usually get comments on my plat border from the randoms and expect me to carry super hard

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So I just got Elise a few days ago, still learning her (played a couple normal games after bot ones, first game I did ok, but I had a raging team, was quite annoying, haven't had one of those in a while.) When I'm playing against people my KDA seems to all be about the same. Any tips for her?

Also, I've been thinking of kinda doing a tanky aura build for her cause of how it affects her spiders, ie: Bulwark & Banner of Command cause that buffs her spiders too. Possibly a wota too What do you guys think?

Here is a possible build theorycraft: http://leaguecraft.com/lnk/ZdS, http://leaguecraft.com/lnk/teS

Edited by Laurent~
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ok, what about either of the updated builds I put up? I do realize that it'll be hard to actually make it to the full point of either build seeing as how they're both 15k+ gold

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it's alright but remember elise builds vary from game to game based on the situation. like, are you winning lane and getting fed? are you behind? are you vs ad? are you vs ap? etc etc.

she's moreso a bruiser mage than she is an ap burst caster so the deathcap might be a little questionable because she's a champ with high base damages but poor scaling although it makes for a good item when you're really ahead.

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Frozen heart is good on elise.

To answer this specifically at higher levels of play generally Elise will just build MAg pen + cdr and tankie.

Frozen heart gives her all the armor she needs + 20% cdr and free mana + a good passive.

It's a great item on her in plenty of situations.

First, you can edit instead of double posting. This isn't the mafia forum, nor is this FftF. :(:

Does Elise go mana-hungry that late? I guess the armor + CDR is nice, but it feels. . .weird. I know she has to get up close and personal, but isn't she more bursty?

(yeah, I'm confuzzled)

I hope that dude in the ranked 5 stompage got a ton of honor (first guy to post something in chat). I really wish that kind of attitude was standard!

With 2 % health damaging abilities it's more useful for her to build pen + cdr generally. That's all she needs to do damage. She doesn't need to build ap do do good damage. She doesn't really go mana hungry but she can make use of the armor and the CDR and various passives from the armor.

Apparently frozen heart and more tankyness is good for Elise. I have never used her nor bother to read up on her, but you might want to give that a try.

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Yeah, I understand that builds will be situational, I guess those are kind of an all situation build. Anyways, to explain that build a little, I'm focusing on what the Banner of Command will do, in how much damage it'll help my little spiders do late game (at 400+ AP, they get quite the boost in damage) and so yeah, trying to fill more of the AP bruiser that way.

Thanks for all the replies too. =) (and sharing what everyone else shared a few days ago XD thanks)

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AP yi isn't op because of his resets, his problem comes from his easy yet powerful lane sustain and easy poke. You don't want to waste mana going aggressive on him because you know he will just heal it up, so he is very antifun to play against. If you get the right champ though, you can drop AP yi pretty easily.

Edit: Sorry I'm a little late on that discussion :P

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It's better than doing knee-jerk reactions and ruining fights with my ult.

I ulted a yi closer to a running low hp mf... I don't think it can get worst than that :<

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