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Oh hey, more people who play League of Legends on the internet.

If you're on NA server add me sometime, it's Fed0raFerret (how creative with names am I?)

You say that and immediately decline my friend request....

Edited by Xander
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you only decay if you're gold or higher

No, you definitely decay at any rank.

Source: I decayed 15 LP in Silver V because I play one ranked game every month roughly.

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Anyone on the NA server who plays a decent amount interested in some normals?

If you're on now...sure. Since you're not on directory, any chance of a summoner name? =)

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Yay! Patch tomorrow, and that means SPIRIT GUARD UDYR! :D If you need, me, i'm going to be failing in jungle :awesome:.

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Yay! Patch tomorrow, and that means SPIRIT GUARD UDYR! :D If you need, me, i'm going to be failing in jungle :awesome:.

Don't be that guy =/

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Yay! Patch tomorrow, and that means SPIRIT GUARD UDYR! :D If you need, me, i'm going to be failing in jungle :awesome:.

Udyr can be a really annoying counterjungler. Start your Blue on blue side and then invade their red and most of the time at lower levels you'll be able to pick up a first blood for free, then snowball your advantage by ganking or continuing to counterjungle at appropriate times.

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Don't be that guy =/

I won't actually try to fail. I'm actually interested in learning Jungle anyway. Besides I don't actually feel ready to jungle with Udyr in normals anyway, so its going to be kept for premades that are ok with me doing it for a while.

Udyr can be a really annoying counterjungler. Start your Blue on blue side and then invade their red and most of the time at lower levels you'll be able to pick up a first blood for free, then snowball your advantage by ganking or continuing to counterjungle at appropriate times.

Thanks for the tips :D.

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I'm so Excited! Getting that skin the second it's available~

Edit: though according to rioter Damiya, it's not going to be available right away, but Very soon (like possibly the afternoon like with other recent champ releases?)

Edited by Laurent~
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I think I'm going to get back into Garen, and I'll be taking Riven seriously once she's reduced to 4800 IP.

Garen's my first champ, and probably my main. Know your roots.

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I think I'm going to get back into Garen, and I'll be taking Riven seriously once she's reduced to 4800 IP.

Garen's my first champ, and probably my main. Know your roots.

By this logic, I should be Graves/Vayne. :P:

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By this logic, I should be Graves/Vayne. :P:

GravesVayne OP. 4 damage steroids, 2 defensive ones, and two repositions plus a knockback. Roit pls

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GravesVayne OP. 4 damage steroids, 2 defensive ones, and two repositions plus a knockback. Roit pls

You meant to say OTP

First learned ADC on those two. Bought Vayne as soon as I could, and don't regret it (even if I'm terrible with her). Got Graves later. . .still bad with him, but I've got a huge soft spot for his kit.

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I know i first tried out Ashe but i didn't like her at first. I then moved on into Kayle and "mained" her, then I tried Miss Fortune during the free week and absolutely loved her. Move on a few weeks and I found Heimerdinger who pretty much took me from like level 25 to level 30. I then dropped Heimer and moved on to something else.

Definately going to try heimer out after the rework again.

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Definately going to try heimer out after the rework again.

Given how many champions they're reworking, I'm afraid you'll have to wait awhile. Not sure why they reworked Yi over Heimer.

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i started with garen but i'll always have a soft spot for darius

and i suppose sona because that was who i first learned support on (actually she's arguably my main now but i don't play often enough to have a main anymore)

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