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That isn't something you should be reported for. Do that in normal's if you want, but ranked is for competitive people that want to win. If you want to try out subpar builds, then do it in norms. Tired of people being stupid in ranked then playing the "lol it's just a game" when you try to give them advice.

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Are there any high gold+ level league players that play normals? I'm currently gold and trying to move up, and I've found the way that I improve quickly at this game is by playing with better players. Unfortunately I don't have any friends higher than gold so I've hit a huge roadblock and can't move up to a higher rank.

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Are there any high gold+ level league players that play normals? I'm currently gold and trying to move up, and I've found the way that I improve quickly at this game is by playing with better players. Unfortunately I don't have any friends higher than gold so I've hit a huge roadblock and can't move up to a higher rank.

I'm Gold II. Climbing gradually back into Gold I for another shot at Plat...I'm always up for normals if I'm awake...

Also. Just did a ranked duo with my bro. He was Silver IV, and I was Gold II. I got 17 LP for winning, and he got 16 LP.


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Are there any high gold+ level league players that play normals? I'm currently gold and trying to move up, and I've found the way that I improve quickly at this game is by playing with better players. Unfortunately I don't have any friends higher than gold so I've hit a huge roadblock and can't move up to a higher rank.

I do (at least when I feel like avoiding ranked and dominion, haha), but which server are you playing on? NA got too much delay for me and I didn't see your name in the directory.

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I'm Gold II. Climbing gradually back into Gold I for another shot at Plat...I'm always up for normals if I'm awake...

Also. Just did a ranked duo with my bro. He was Silver IV, and I was Gold II. I got 17 LP for winning, and he got 16 LP.

It's all about that MMR and whatever. Also this stuff isn't supposed to make sense, LP is obviously based off an RNG.

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Alas, "being a complete idiot" isn't a reportable offense.


(the fuck, do I look like an assassin?)

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Alas, "being a complete idiot" isn't a reportable offense.


(the fuck, do I look like an assassin?)

Well the moment they insult you it's reportable, so watch for that =P.

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Well the moment they insult you it's reportable, so watch for that =P.

He didn't insult, he was just. . .sorely uninformed.

In happier news. . .

1. Played with a cool team and a cool enemy team. I don't care if we lost, it was flippin' awesome.

2. Karma and two tanks almost makes me feel sorry for the other team. Almost.

3. Jarvan dove the back lines, which I think is pretty clever. . .'cept Teemo wasn't the biggest threat on the field. BotRK FTW.


Edited by eclipse
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He didn't insult, he was just. . .sorely uninformed.

In happier news. . .

1. Played with a cool team and a cool enemy team. I don't care if we lost, it was flippin' awesome.

2. Karma and two tanks almost makes me feel sorry for the other team. Almost.

3. Jarvan dove the back lines, which I think is pretty clever. . .'cept Teemo wasn't the biggest threat on the field. BotRK FTW.


Clarity Diana master of all.

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Can anyone help me figure out why the number of normals wins on my profile page under classic differs from the number of wins I see in the post game screen of a normals match?

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Can anyone help me figure out why the number of normals wins on my profile page under classic differs from the number of wins I see in the post game screen of a normals match?

I think those numbers also take into account ARAM's and dominion games.

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I think those numbers also take into account ARAM's and dominion games.

That's what I thought at first, but I looked on someone's profile today and they have more ARAM wins than classic normals wins.

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after a really bad week of slumping and losing lotta my games to the point where i trashed my mmr to gold-level things are starting to pick back up

[spoiler=result of my adventures in gold]g6HMAxZ.jpg7wwUzdf.jpg

oh yeah, i went mid vs lee sin in the game where i went 10/2 as twitch

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Normally, Blitzcrank grabs are a pain. . .except when I'm Cho, I've got a Randuin's, and I have my ult up. Dunno why the enemy team kept focusing me, but I didn't mind. It meant that they weren't going after the people doing damage, which was fine by me!

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