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They are apparently waiting to fix Fiora till they get fighters in general in line and understand what they want. Honestly I don't think Fiora is that bad, and she shines in treeline or in midlane. Nidalee vs Fiora has been one of the easiest match ups I have ever played. You need to abuse her double gap closer and early Q damage against escape less mages where you can do so mid. It's the same idea behind Riven mid.

I think another part of her is the fact she's the worst melee carry, and even having that tag makes you bad. Yi has resets and invulnerability in his q whereas Fiora needs her ult. Tryndamere can use his gap closer to escape and his invulnerability has more utility and uses and is less prone to bugs. Plus his passive and heal are better. Gangplank had utility and can help the team and can afford to build defensive items because of that. Gangplank is basically the Ashe of Melee Carries. I'm not even going to mention Yasuo.

Fiora has to go all in all the time. This hurts her against ganks, when she's behind, you name it. Her passive encourages small duels, but because her gap closer is targeted instead of free she only has one direction, into fights. And having no cc prevents her from building tanky or she has no damage. She's too hit or miss compared to the other melee carries who have some way of being useful in fights if behind, GP's slows and buffs, Yasuo's knockups, Trynd's AD debuff and slow, Yi can even meditate tank somewhat.

When they rework Sion I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes a melee carry but it seems they are leaning more towards bruiser what with his health gain.

Edited by Psych
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They are apparently waiting to fix Fiora till they get fighters in general in line and understand what they want. Honestly I don't think Fiora is that bad, and she shines in treeline or in midlane. Nidalee vs Fiora has been one of the easiest match ups I have ever played. You need to abuse her double gap closer and early Q damage against escape less mages where you can do so mid. It's the same idea behind Riven mid.

When they rework Sion I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes a melee carry but it seems they are leaning more towards bruiser what with his health gain.

But her double Q won't kill anyone - she lacks the CC and the burst Riven has.

Fiora is quite bad imo, also in mid. Of course her late is okay thanks to good scaling, but her early sucks everywhere in Summoner's Rift.

If her ultimate didn't have millions of bugs, I'd play her at least.

I'd be surprised, Sion is mainly ap mage atm (and he works in all elos aswell). Just give him a new ultimate and passive, reduce q/w ratio if he gets another ap nuke as ultimate and you're done.

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That new Heimer Voice! Fuck yes! I love it so much! Its so hyper and scientific-ish I love it so much!

Heimerdinger for life!

Its a shame it will probably be released during finals though. Riot why do you want me to fail courses T_T

Edited by SlayerX
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I was browsing reddit just before bed and came across this interesting thread


TL;DR Check your computer if you have Pando Media Booster installed and get rid of it if you do. I just thought I'd bring it up in case anyone didn't know that Riot used to use PMB in their client for patching but has since dropped it entirely.

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So I bought Vel'Koz.

I only had time to do one intermediate AI game with him (for first win) but I ttly ripped Cassiopeia Bot a new one.

Fuck Cassiopeia Bot.

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PMB gets removed whenever I install LoL. However, the more people that know about this, the better.

I'm almost certain it won't get installed anymore...hopefully. There was a red post in the thread about PMB and becoming obsoleted as of 4.2, so...

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Anyone here a decent support main on the NA server? I'm trying to get back into this game and I'm playing some adc.

I'm a decent support, but I don't particularly likes it, why are you getting back into the game though? It's pretty toxic lately.

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I'm a decent support, but I don't particularly likes it, why are you getting back into the game though? It's pretty toxic lately.

What's your IGN? I'm getting back into the game (hesitantly) because after a few weeks riot finally decided to respond to my support ticket and I'm getting a new router which will hopefully fix my connection issues.

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Used to do lots of support, pretty sure I'll be fine. Though my time zone is not the easiest to work with.

Were you ranked in previous seasons? It seems like you mostly play Co-op, but I'm looking to play PvP.

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Mostly I don't - as Xander has noted, it's a pretty straight series of AI first win games. When I do play PvP (usually in a premade, and strongly favour "fun" modes like aram) I make a point not to pick anything that has fast combos or is highly dependent on positioning. That means no Jax, no ADC, no Sona, as much as I like(d) Xerath the answer's still no, etc. On the other hand, I will play bruisers all day, or at least until I get mad at people sucking at League or at my laptop's 12fps in teamfights at minimum specs. I swear it was better before the graphical update patch.

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Finished my first placement match of the season, with a win no less.

NA goes down when I want to continue the streak. Rito pls

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Fun stuff I got to do on a smurf during Co-op because I'm not touching PvP without runes at this level: Go 5/3/7. Lost that one, BTW. . .because by the time all was said and done, it was 15-70. That's right, the rest of my team died 67 times.

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