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The LAG. Is real. But that was a bot game, and the two guys that were dishing damage (read: not me and not me) didn't over and out, so we won.

Would REALLY like to know why my ping is approaching EUW levels.

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The LAG. Is real. But that was a bot game, and the two guys that were dishing damage (read: not me and not me) didn't over and out, so we won.

Would REALLY like to know why my ping is approaching EUW levels.

That's because EUW is working fine for once =P

Because Riot would rather piss everyone off by making all the lore not-canon rather than actually fixing their servers

Don't remind me, I hate this so much.

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Dunno why they didn't just make the Summoners and all other 'non-canon' stuffs a bystander of the world.

Like they're there, but they're bit uninvolved with the world's affairs as long it doesn't threats the world, and they make deals with worthy characters that they think might help with world's affairs disrupt settlement (like that Ionia vs Noxus match)

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They assassinated the lore because their writing staff is comprised of bad writers. They had a semi-unique hook with the Institute of War, but ditched it out of a combination of laziness and inability to write themselves out of a corner. A mediocre D&D GM could write a convincing set of tweaks to make the lore work seamlessly as it is, but they can't with professional writers?

They've also stripped away characters' uniqueness - Skarner is now just some generic scorpion under Shurima, instead of the last guardian of Kalamanda and part of the means by which Noxus/Demacia tensions were de-escalated.

Also Ezreal's new 'embarassed' personality makes no sense with his cocky, wiseass natures.

To top it off, Riot Opeli has been insulting and completely unprofessional about it.

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I'm more amazed that the top brass at Riot have allowed such drool to get through.

I'm hoping it all ties up into something a lot more epic and entertaining.

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Love the randomness, hate the people who do NOT STFU (yes I know I'm not the best, but you're paired with me, ergo, you're just as bad).

In ARAM, I have been playing with gold and platinum rank players despite having no rank myself. So I believe it's the random matching that put you and them together. Anyhow, you have the right to be a bad player and they have the right to critic, flame, bla...bla...you. It's a fair game for everyone. Learn to accept it.

They've also stripped away characters' uniqueness - Skarner is now just some generic scorpion under Shurima, instead of the last guardian of Kalamanda and part of the means by which Noxus/Demacia tensions were de-escalated.

The characters's uniqueness, as you said, I found them to be silly and stupid. Bad writer, certainly they are. Giving a lot of informations but lack of depth and connection is the mistake newbie writers usually make. Bracken? Darkin? Pro...what? Unless they start making cartoon or comic about LoL, these terms will never make any impact. It's better if they could just simplify it, which is what they are doing now.

And about Skarner. As if his design is any better. The creeps that I killed over and over in various games, he looks like. A suitable lore for such a bad design, dont you think.

Edited by Magical Amber
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In ARAM, I have been playing with gold and platinum rank players despite having no rank myself. So I believe it's the random matching that put you and them together. Anyhow, you have the right to be a bad player and they have the right to critic, flame, bla...bla...you. It's a fair game for everyone. Learn to accept it.

. . .and this is where I shake my head.

1. This was a smurf account (sub-30), so expecting pro plays should be well out of the question.

2. There's a big difference between giving constructive criticism and spamming "Blitz sucks" in all chat over and over. One of these violates the Summoner's Code. Take a bit to think about why the hell I'd even mention something like that, and then tell me which one happened.

The second part goes to whoever reads this. Ask yourself "why would someone post that?" before responding, because this is the second time in too-recent history that I've had to post something like this, and I am tired of it. You guys are better than this.

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. . .and this is where I shake my head.

1. This was a smurf account (sub-30), so expecting pro plays should be well out of the question.

2. There's a big difference between giving constructive criticism and spamming "Blitz sucks" in all chat over and over. One of these violates the Summoner's Code. Take a bit to think about why the hell I'd even mention something like that, and then tell me which one happened.

1. Oh come on, since when sub-30 accounts are supposed to be bad? I have seen many good low level players when I was using my friend's account. And honestly, if it's a match of low level players, then your opponents must not be that good either. Yet, you still managed to be called "bad" by your team. It means you did made mistake at least once or twice.

The fact that they called you bad have nothing to do with your level. Nobody, even the worst kind of player, call another player "bad" for no reason. There are many ways for a Caitlyn or Renekton to be called "bad" despite the truth that they are not but for you to be called "Blizt sucks", there's only one reason and it is usually right and I bet you know why.

2. Constructive criticism is a luxury. One simply doesnt expect constructive criticism in Lol or any compititive game. In fact, calling you suck is actually still in acceptable range. Quitting or trolling are way worse. I actually found it to be sad for someone to expect for a constructive criticism. It's up to "Santa is real" level. Instead of telling the others to think, you should accept the truth. Heck, you even know that low level players are not the smartest of the pack. What do you even expect?

Btw, this part is for you, eclipse. Before asking the others to ask themself "why would someone post that?", you should actually ask yourself that question first. Why would someone post that ? Do you know?

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In ARAM, I have been playing with gold and platinum rank players despite having no rank myself. So I believe it's the random matching that put you and them together. Anyhow, you have the right to be a bad player and they have the right to critic, flame, bla...bla...you. It's a fair game for everyone. Learn to accept it.

Why do you think anyone have the "right" to flame?

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1. Oh come on, since when sub-30 accounts are supposed to be bad? I have seen many good low level players when I was using my friend's account. And honestly, if it's a match of low level players, then your opponents must not be that good either. Yet, you still managed to be called "bad" by your team. It means you did made mistake at least once or twice.

The fact that they called you bad have nothing to do with your level. Nobody, even the worst kind of player, call another player "bad" for no reason. There are many ways for a Caitlyn or Renekton to be called "bad" despite the truth that they are not but for you to be called "Blizt sucks", there's only one reason and it is usually right and I bet you know why.

2. Constructive criticism is a luxury. One simply doesnt expect constructive criticism in Lol or any compititive game. In fact, calling you suck is actually still in acceptable range. Quitting or trolling are way worse. I actually found it to be sad for someone to expect for a constructive criticism. It's up to "Santa is real" level. Instead of telling the others to think, you should accept the truth. Heck, you even know that low level players are not the smartest of the pack. What do you even expect?

I don't like your attitude. At all. I'd hoped that it was because you'd misread the first post, but it looks like I was wrong.

Btw, this part is for you, eclipse. Before asking the others to ask themself "why would someone post that?", you should actually ask yourself that question first. Why would someone post that ? Do you know?

Trust me. You do NOT want me to answer this, especially in context to you. Because mafia's fun, especially when there's no role PMs.


Here's a short story on something ELSE that happened not too long ago:

In yet another ARAM, my team wound up with five supports, ranging from traditional (Soraka) to "yeah this is sorta troll but works when everyone wants to screw around" (Ashe). Soraka, in pre-game chat, said that a certain someone (the champion I rolled) was useless. Annie disagreed. Now. . .I had the following choices:

1. Completely ignore Soraka during the match, even if she needed my help

2. Say "fuck it" and play to win

Meanwhile, Morgana's Dark Binding landed on everything that wasn't an enemy champion (almost always thin air). Next up: What can I, as support, do?

1. Tell Morgana how awful she is, especially that one time she turret dived for no reason.

2. Say "fuck it" and play to win.

Annie had something to say about the state of the match, of course. "Oh hey, it takes them six seconds on a 3v1 to kill me!" "Hey Ashe, can you build some AD? Our team needs it!" I went a slightly different build path myself, and thanks to the fact that Annie was willing to work with everyone (as well as engage intelligently), and because our team was focused on defeating the enemy instead of pointing out each other's mistakes, we won. At the end of the match, the other team bitched out their Vel'Koz. . .and the one with the most assists, by a not-too-shabby margin, was me. I out-assisted a Soraka in ARAM, and I was damn proud of it.

Moral of the story 1: Say "fuck it" and play to win. Let your team take care of themselves.

Moral of the story 2: I should've built Seeker's Armguard earlier. Sorry, Lulu~!

BONUS EDIT: Oh, right, and on the other end. . .

I had Gnar. Gnar is adorable. I have no idea how to use Gnar. Oh, well, time to learn on ARAM~!

Gnar's attack range is enough to keep him away from melee attackers, but he's vulnerable to everything else. The rage mechanic would either kick in when I didn't want it to (yes, this is my fault), or wouldn't kick in because I was at 35%, and someone on my team decided that it was a good time to dive (partially my fault, but eh, I'm not about to go way the hell out of position just to land a single auto that won't proc W). Since my idea of playing Gnar was "mash buttons in Mega and try to hit Q in normal", we lost. Here were my options:

1. "OMG my team sucks!"

2. "Gnar is a terrible character!"

3. "I'm hopeless!"

4. "So THAT'S what you're supposed to do as Vel'Koz!"

Here's a hint as to what option I chose: My next match, I rolled Vel'Koz, and when the game ended, all of our structures were intact.

I'll smurf in ARAM on the off chance that I'll be pitted against/paired with smurf who I normally wouldn't play. By playing against other people, especially if I'm outmatched, I can pick up on the strengths of the other character, and the weaknesses of mine, and improve accordingly. Naturally, this works best with mages.

Edited by eclipse
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Sona: "Only you can hear me, player of League of Legends"

Nidalee: "You can't contain me, person I've never met"

Mordekaiser: "You only need to click once, fool"

ok that last one still makes no sense

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Sounds like Mordy's randomly breaking the fourth wall. I'd totally play him, except for the whole "what the heck does he do and I really don't like melee" barrier.

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yeah it seems gnar's just a really awkard champion who i've seen get shat on every single match.

though a friend explained it like this "he's like draven, high risk, high reward, and not retard friendly"

though i'd rather not use that word, he's definitely not easy to get into

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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Sounds like Mordy's randomly breaking the fourth wall. I'd totally play him, except for the whole "what the heck does he do and I really don't like melee" barrier.

Morde is really fun. He pushes all day, blows up an enemy and turns a fight into a 6v4 (ideally).
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Some guy in team builder was Mordekaiser vs my Mundo in top lane. Push all day he did, but into a Mundo who can clear waves easily, regenerate health and kite Mordy for days, on top of that the top lane is much longer to travel back to the safety of your turret... He could not escape the ganks despite warding. Only weakness was our jungling Kha'zix was pretty suicidal, and would instigate a gank against a nearly full health Mord when I was just over half HP and he was under half. He'd die first and I'd just about pick up the kill. This happened several times throughout the laning phase. Still won though.

Also the group stages for Worlds have been drawn:

Group A:

Dark Passage


Samsung Galaxy White

Edward Gaming

Group B:

SK Gaming

Star Horn Royal Club

Taipei Assassins

Team Solo Mid

Group C:




Samsung Blue

Group D:


Cloud 9

Najin White Shield


Soooo that group C though.

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Hi update.

1. Ascension? Uh. . .WTF?

2. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THE LORE?! This is FE11-style storytelling. The difference is that IS didn't want players to focus on the backstory of some scrub like Matthis. League, on the other hand, is a collective group of individuals that are special for a reason. So why is that reason suddenly gone?!

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Fucking Ascension. I keep forgetting the lanes between the teleport points are blocked off and die more than I should.

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My 5 ranked games from yesterday:


Match history, if you want to view the matches in more detail.

I should have won that Trundle game. Buuut our Elise disconnected, and she was the one doing most of the carrying. You could say the game was lost from that point, but to add insult to injury I also had severe connection problems and reconnected in time to witness our nexus explode. Got a nice cut on one of left knuckles from punching the router after that. I was mad. /r/idiotsfightingthings candidate right here.

Shit happens eh.

AMA about how shit I am.

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