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play 3s map hexakill it's just holy shit why are there so many people this is wrong ahhhhhh enough. Also hope you're not like me and your team gives up like 3-4 kills level 1 while you're shopping

also hi how are you

Edited by Ether
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i've been branching a lot lately in terms of champs. i haven't played trynda in like a week, that's a new record for me. a weird thing i do tho is i play pretty much exclusively champs that were released before i started playing (second half 2011 ish?). it's probably cause i always buy the cheap champions but still it's. so weird. i don't even play lulu who i own and is great even tho she came out only like four months after i started playing what the fuck is wrong with me

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I decided to re-install this game after taking a year off as a break from the shit-tier community.

a decision so poor that i'm using pink comic sans to illustrate my point

jesus christ this game did not get better

Dont play any competitive game without friends who can watch your back (or at least, take care of their own). Lol, Dota, WoT, WT..v..v...v...you know the drill.

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I get huge ranked anxiety and can barely even get myself together to queue up for normals solo


What's your IGN? The best way to overcome ranked anxiety is take a break until you realize that it's just a game. Some people have ranked anxiety unless they duo because they know if they duo they'll have a lesser chance of a troll or rager on their team. If you want, I can get on a smurf and play a couple of ranked games with you and see if that helps.

Edited by Xander
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What's your IGN? The best way to overcome ranked anxiety is take a break until you realize that it's just a game. Some people have ranked anxiety unless they duo because they know if they duo they'll have a lesser chance of a troll or rager on their team. If you want, I can get on a smurf and play a couple of ranked games with you and see if that helps.

that's not really possible

i usually duo for ranked. i can't even play normals solo lol. i hate playing alone, but playing with other people is really fun

Edited by fuccboi
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I have a PBE account but I never use it because I get 200+ ping since it uses NA servers. If someone from here would like to take it and use it, let me know. I'll change the password to something you can change later, as well as the email the account is binded to.

Edited by Raven
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So it was 5 days ago I posted last, but I think a new post is justified since it's an update of sorts.

My PBE account is still up and available. Reply if you want it.

Also, the new champion Kalista, a marksman, has been revealed and is available to be used on PBE.


Not to mention that the 4.19 patch notes have been released:


18 new splash arts. Still annoyed that Ahri's wasn't changed though. I liked the new suggested version.

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Whoever came up with this seasons ranked rewards needs to be fucking fired. How am I supposed to maintain 4 other people who share my schedule, are near my skill level and actually care enough about the ward skin to stay motivated and get the wins. Why would Riot think it was a good idea to implement a reward only available in this mode.

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I don't even have a ranked team. I realised I'm not getting any new wards this season when I told myself I don't even give a shit since Silver (and Gold I think) no longer decay.

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I don't even have a ranked team. I realised I'm not getting any new wards this season when I told myself I don't even give a shit since Silver (and Gold I think) no longer decay.

Well you're lucky you didn't have to put up with playing with randoms on voice chat who leave a team after a loss for 30 points worth of wins...I don't care if I don't get the ward this season but I Really want whoever came up with this idea fired so this shit isn't a requirement to get a reward next season.

Edited by Xander
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Well I managed to climb out of Silver 2 by getting my ass carried. Let's see if I can keep this trend up before the season ends. I think I'll manage to get to Gold 5 promos, then lose 3 games in a row.

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reading youtube comments because lol, i noticed my post on one got replied too, more or less i was saying "if people want to play for fun, why would they do ranked? it has less restrictions and "try hard" players"

and i saw these two below my post, while not directed at me, i wonder how much of this is true.

"+ElusiveDesign You don't play ranked for fun moron

You and that resoning is the mastermind of why 70% of the cummunity is bronz.
+xXTheBennyXx this and the fact Bronzies dont have enough mechanics neither objectives control to win most of their games and get out of that rank."
first guy had some bad spelling though.
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reading youtube comments because lol, i noticed my post on one got replied too, more or less i was saying "if people want to play for fun, why would they do ranked? it has less restrictions and "try hard" players"

and i saw these two below my post, while not directed at me, i wonder how much of this is true.

"+ElusiveDesign You don't play ranked for fun moron

You and that resoning is the mastermind of why 70% of the cummunity is bronz.
+xXTheBennyXx this and the fact Bronzies dont have enough mechanics neither objectives control to win most of their games and get out of that rank."
first guy had some bad spelling though.

The second statement is true, the first is questionable. Ranked is for competition, winning is fun, losing isn't. In my opinion (as a diamond player) the reason people are in their current division is simply put because they lack the mechanics, objective control, decision making and game sense to move up.

Edited by Xander
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So I'm pretty new to league recently hitting 30 like 2 weeks ago, but I do play ranked for fun but mainly to get better and learn the game since normal games can be wacky sometimes.

The second statement is true, the first is questionable. Ranked is for competition, winning is fun, losing isn't. In my opinion (as a diamond player) the reason people are in their current division is simply put because they lack the mechanics, objective control, decision making and game sense to move up.

(Isn't that like the entire game) But yeah its true I play with my friends and it is easy to tell who are the better players by awareness of the map and when to go in and what not and feel the ranking system is pretty good.

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The new Hexakill on Twisted Treeline is pretty fun, too. Worth putting some time into it.

It sucks. People play Hexakill TT as if they are playing ARAM. Which is, in the case you dont know, god damn stupid and horrible.

Edited by Magical Amber
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The jungle is there for a reason. It seems some people don't know how to utilise it. Regardless, the mode's finished with now.

But I do like the new palettes on the SR map, and the monster camps. Awaiting the actual season 5 changes to be implemented with patch 4.20.

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Whoever came up with this seasons ranked rewards needs to be fucking fired. How am I supposed to maintain 4 other people who share my schedule, are near my skill level and actually care enough about the ward skin to stay motivated and get the wins. Why would Riot think it was a good idea to implement a reward only available in this mode.

One could say the same thing with regards to the whole, "Gold Players no longer decay" function, imo.

First Fix -> They (Riot) implemented the "you can drop from Silver/Gold/Plat/Diamond V to Bronze/etc/etc. I by performing/playing poorly in games and/or by losing consecutively" system, in order to fight back against the whole boosting system and people being able to lose games at Plat/Gold V without penalty (so Bronzies getting boosted up to said rankings, who need to play at least 1 or 2 games a month to ensure they somehow STAY there at their ranking to avoid decay, end up eventually paying the price with being demoted in due time). This also helped in weeding out people who were seemingly Gold/Plat/Diamond V and winding up (due to shitty MMR) in Bronze/Silver/Gold games. Perfectly reasonable, imo.

Second 'Fix' -> Gold tier (which is the ground level/first tier that gets the rewards of Victorious skins and such) no longer decays.

So once someone gets to Gold, whether they deserve to be there or not- they no longer have to risk/play any ranked games to maintain said ranking (thus run no true risk of falling out of Gold V so long as they don't touch ranked games ever again, which can be easily done), all because people cried about the ranked system being "too hard/cruel". Which, in itself, contradicts Riot's previous methods/means of trying to cut back on the whole boosting issue(s); GG n' wp Riot.

I can see Bronze/Silver not being hit with decay, but unless they boosted Victorious rewards up to Plat level requirement, Gold tier/ranking people should be liable to decaying just as Plat and higher tiers are. But of course, nothing pays more than catering to a vast majority of the player base that cries itself to sleep over claims that aren't actually true (but because it spreads like herpes over the community board [because people tend to complain and ask for hand-outs moreso than fix what REALLY needs to be fixed- AKA. their own gameplay and how they choose to approach the game as a whole], Riot feels it's better to... baby their community, rather than keep challenging them to step up to the plate and deal with matters that everyone else has in the higher tiers since the beginning).

Don't get me wrong- League is a fine/fun game, but the community as a whole is less than desirable in multiple aspects.

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Taric is a powerful pick against ad champions that have limited cc or low amount of survivability.

It's only given that if you played him right, you'd be rolling in golds.

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