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Hey you guys remember Maokai? no? well here's another treeman! in all seriousness though just want to see what kind of jungler he is cause he might become one of the rare jungler i can actually jungle with...

I wonder if he is going to be based on disrupting the enemy jungler. As in like save a camp every now and then, get bonuses... Looks like a cool dude though! And is his voice Jiraya's english dub VA? It makes him even more epic,

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:o Ivern the counter jungling support. I love it.

The hell do they want in a soraka? Go 0/1/9 in an early surrender game (we won) get B-, go 0/3/17, get A-, go 2/6/22 get A+... Can't ever seem to get an S on Soraka ;_;

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Got a penta kill on Riven just now. She's a somewhat fun champion, but it's tough getting hard countered by almost literally every other top laner in existence.

Also, since One-for-All is on rotation this weekend, what champions do you guys think would perform well in it?

I am surprised you can play Riven top when everyone just auto-pick Yasuo and cry until they are allowed to go top.

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I am surprised you can play Riven top when everyone just auto-pick Yasuo and cry until they are allowed to go top.

That's why I generally don't play solo queue.

I know the toxic stereotypes for Riven and Yasuo mains, and just to clear that up right now, I don't main either of those champions, although I do have fifth mastery on both of them because I like trying to get fifth mastery on a plethora of different champions.

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Finally got an S on soraka with a 1/4/22 game that lasted 29 minutes.... Ugh unfortunately the lane was fucked up an the Lucian had to solo for like 10 minutes because there was an insta-lock and there were 2 top laners

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Is it me or has the incidence of thrash talking increased in this game? I hadn't really seen it very often back in season 4 when i used to play often... but now, I see it so much more often. Even when the trash talker has been crushed, i find that there is still a lot of trash talk if the person winning makes a simple mistake as if their mistake somehow makes the loser a better player. Seriously, when you are 0/10/0 and you are still trash talking seems rather silly to me.

Is this just a thing of competition in general?

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Not everyone is like that but in almost any online video games, you will find a few peoples like that.

lol that is pretty lame.

Anyways, I find myself in a losing streak. Even games that i win I win only by the skin of my teeth, it was 4v5 from the start, or I get carried hard, most often the latter 2. The hell, a few games ago I felt i actually stood a chance and won cause i contributed a decent amount to my team... now I just seem to get dominated by my lane opponents (mostly as support, have played other roles where it wasn't so bad though I supposedly main support >_>)... worst thing is the enemy seems so much better than my team... saw a Kassadin against a teemo get fed. The kass ended up killing me in 0.46 seconds, according to the thing that keeps tab on damage... I feel sad, I want to go back to getting matched with fair opponents...

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Yea, as a support main, you are very team dependant.

I'm sitting at plat 4 (also main support) right now and let me tell you; the exact thing also happens here.

If someone on your team feeds the top/mid/jg, there's pretty much nothing you can do about it. You can try to dominate your own lane but that's might not happen if you play someone like Soraka or Janna.

You can also try to play safe and wait for late game and hope you can catch someone on their team before a teamfight but you'll rely on people's mistakes.

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Yea, as a support main, you are very team dependant.

I'm sitting at plat 4 (also main support) right now and let me tell you; the exact thing also happens here.

If someone on your team feeds the top/mid/jg, there's pretty much nothing you can do about it. You can try to dominate your own lane but that's might not happen if you play someone like Soraka or Janna.

You can also try to play safe and wait for late game and hope you can catch someone on their team before a teamfight but you'll rely on people's mistakes.

You generally want to dominate your lane and carry the game as "support" in lower divisions. The process is simple, pick something like Brand, Bard, Zyra, any high damage champion and build AP and carry the game. Soraka is actually one of the hardest carrying supports in the game right now while being the easiest to play even in lower elo since she'll go even in almost any lane since lower level players don't counter pick, then to play her press W off of cooldown in teamfights isn't very difficult, and it makes it impossible for anyone to die unless your index finger gets tired or your team is so far behind there's no chance. Support is actually in a good place right now to carry solo, it's actually about the same as any other role. You get a good pick, win your lane, create pressure, and create advantages on the map wherever possible (the first turret changes are huge, as if you win bot lane now your entire team gets a lead).

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I have actually experienced the whole Soraka just press w in teamfights thing. Works pretty well... Although I suck at positioning so i end up getting caught out of position and dying... ah the throws...

I find it is quite a lot more fun to play high damage AP champs in the bot lane than it is to play a tank support like blitz or braum though... There is nothing better than chunking an enemy for 1/4-1/3 his health in the first few minutes of the game... lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have actually experienced the whole Soraka just press w in teamfights thing. Works pretty well... Although I suck at positioning so i end up getting caught out of position and dying... ah the throws...

I find it is quite a lot more fun to play high damage AP champs in the bot lane than it is to play a tank support like blitz or braum though... There is nothing better than chunking an enemy for 1/4-1/3 his health in the first few minutes of the game... lol

Yes, high damage supports are in meta right now, melees aren't optimal for climbing right now outside of niche counterpicks (i.e. see a soraka in the enemy lane? Pick Blitz and collect your points). Positioning is basically the only thing you need to be able to do to play the meta hard carry supports right now (Zyra, Soraka, Miss Fortune) as they are almost impossible to lose lane with (like if you lose lane as Zyra or Miss Fortune, I don't know, maybe go play an easier game). It sounds like you need to work on your mechanics and positioning a bit and you'll thrive in this meta. As a ranged support your job is not to engage, so you should act as a strategist, visualize your win conditions in teamfights and objectives, look at the bigger picture, stay in the back commanding the rest of the unit and giving them the tools they need to succeed.

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Yes, high damage supports are in meta right now, melees aren't optimal for climbing right now outside of niche counterpicks (i.e. see a soraka in the enemy lane? Pick Blitz and collect your points). Positioning is basically the only thing you need to be able to do to play the meta hard carry supports right now (Zyra, Soraka, Miss Fortune) as they are almost impossible to lose lane with (like if you lose lane as Zyra or Miss Fortune, I don't know, maybe go play an easier game). It sounds like you need to work on your mechanics and positioning a bit and you'll thrive in this meta. As a ranged support your job is not to engage, so you should act as a strategist, visualize your win conditions in teamfights and objectives, look at the bigger picture, stay in the back commanding the rest of the unit and giving them the tools they need to succeed.

Oh interesting... I guess i see it, i tend to get punished every now and then for focusing too much on poking :V.... Ill look more into it thanks Xander!

Also Miss Fortune can support? That sounds interesting... Will have to try this out.

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Oh interesting... I guess i see it, i tend to get punished every now and then for focusing too much on poking :V.... Ill look more into it thanks Xander!

Also Miss Fortune can support? That sounds interesting... Will have to try this out.

Not only Can she support, she counters a good portion of the meta right now. The reason her win rate is low right now is because Miss Fortune support has only recently been "discovered" and she requires the most mechanical skill and solid positioning of any other support in the game, and those two skills as well as last hitting (which you will need to do to make effective use of Q poke in lane) and kiting are things the majority of support players aren't able/aren't used to doing. As such, she plays completely differently from other supports and you need to have solid fundamentals and understanding of the game before you can make her work. Though when played by a competent pilot, she is one of the strongest supports in the game right now.

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MF support is terrible unless you have hard CC from your ADC. She's also a good Zyra counter but in solo queue if you struggle against her you're probably just better off banning her. Blinding MF support just invites Alistar, Leona, etc to ruin your day.

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MF support is terrible unless you have hard CC from your ADC. She's also a good Zyra counter but in solo queue if you struggle against her you're probably just better off banning her. Blinding MF support just invites Alistar, Leona, etc to ruin your day.

Anything is terrible if you counterpick yourself. You don't pick Miss Fortune support against Leona or Blitzcrank (Leona isn't even meta right now and she actually destroys Alistar support). The point is you pick it when you see your opponent locks in Zyra/Sona/Soraka as a counterpick. While your other point is somewhat correct in that she excels when your adc has CC (which the majority of meta adcs have right now), you have to use your head during the pick and ban phase as obviously certain champions have less counters and are therefor more logical to blind pick, but that's certainly not a phenomenon exclusive to miss fortune support, it's more the basics of drafting and competitive play.

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Anything with engage will just abuse MF support. She does nothing to Alistar aside from harassing him before he gets his combo, and then she just gets all inned and probably dies. The point isn't that she can't be picked blind because there are so many engage supports that just turn her into a free sack of gold.

She has 44% winrate or something like that as support for a reason.

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Anything with engage will just abuse MF support. She does nothing to Alistar aside from harassing him before he gets his combo, and then she just gets all inned and probably dies. The point isn't that she can't be picked blind because there are so many engage supports that just turn her into a free sack of gold.

She has 44% winrate or something like that as support for a reason.

Have you...actually played any of her matchups? Alistar is complete garbage in lane, while Miss Fortune is a lane bully, akin to Zyra (who he also gets destroyed by, because, go figure, ranged lane bullies poke out melee engage supports in lane). Solo queue win rate as a metric of champion strength is incredibly questionable, especially if you refuse to think about the possible reasons as to why a champion's win rate is what it is without actually trying to understand why. I've already explained her win rate is 44% because she was only recently discovered and she takes a more advanced skill set than the champions most support players are used to working with. By your terrible logic anything with engage will abuse Zyra, Lux, Vel'Koz, etc. which simply isn't true, and in this case the exact opposite is true, melee supports will be abused in lane, not the other way around. Another problem with simply reciting win rate without understanding it is that you're incorrectly implying that any champion with a low win rate is bad (I guess release Azir, Yasuo, and reworked Ryze were underpowered? No, they just took skill to use so the average player who doesn't read abilities or know the basic mechanics of the game can't succeed with them).

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Is there a good place to see champion builds for a reference on what champions like to use? I find myself lost sometimes when deciding what a champ would like, specially in the jungle in things like the jungle.

In these cases i stick to the recommended builds but it doesnt always seem to be the optimal builds...

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MF is a lane bully like Zyra with none of her utility. Zyra shits on Alistar because of her disengage, whereas when Alistar comboes you, all you can do is slow him. All of the other supports you listed have more utility too, and as someone who plays a lot of Lux she is a Bad Support but I'd still pick her over MF.

Azir, Yasuo, etc all have complex mechanics to them that MF support doesn't. Yeah you have to kite and stuff but that's a universal skill that you learn and can apply from other champions. No other champ really teaches you shurima shuffles or how to judge which Ryze combo you need.

@Slayer, try champion.gg. It shows champ winrates and the highest winrate build/masteries/etc. I wouldn't sheep it religiously but it gives you a pretty good idea about things normally.

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MF is a lane bully like Zyra with none of her utility. Zyra shits on Alistar because of her disengage, whereas when Alistar comboes you, all you can do is slow him. All of the other supports you listed have more utility too, and as someone who plays a lot of Lux she is a Bad Support but I'd still pick her over MF.
Azir, Yasuo, etc all have complex mechanics to them that MF support doesn't. Yeah you have to kite and stuff but that's a universal skill that you learn and can apply from other champions. No other champ really teaches you shurima shuffles or how to judge which Ryze combo you need.
@Slayer, try champion.gg. It shows champ winrates and the highest winrate build/masteries/etc. I wouldn't sheep it religiously but it gives you a pretty good idea about things normally.

What rank are you? These arguments sound like the ones I read on Reddit. The Alistar example is so bad I can't even address it since you don't seem to understand how to play the lane phase out, but while your point was solid your specific example of Alistar was terrible, as he is not a solid pick right now (and there is no way in hell he wins lane against Miss Fortune). The game is not so linear that the support is the one that has to provide utility to the team in all circumstances. Miss Fortune has enough utility for the lane anyway with her E to check brush for free as well as the slow, but that's beside the point. Utility has next to nothing to do with acquiring a lead during the laning phase and transitioning that lead to become a second AD carry lategame, which is the entire point of the pick in the first place.

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