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Strange things you eat


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I like a lot of my foods plain


I'm very picky. So I guess I eat differently in my own special way :D

1.Nothing that looks or smells digusting even though it might be good

2.all sandwiches with lettuce and pickle only or chicken, lettuce, celontro(Spelled wrong), and lemon juice

Plenty more but I don't wanna list them

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Here's one:

Anyone eat human flesh?

Really? I'm the only one?


Human tastes gross. I'd know, I bite myself whenever I'm pissed off instead of hitting stuff like everyone else.

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Some people may think I'm weird for loving to eat lima beans. Something about it just goes down me very right! I'll also eat any form of meat, just as long as I don't know it's an organ.

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Ummm i am not a doctor but can't you like get really sick from eating raw eggs?

Lotsa things you can get sick from. Sushi, rare steak, cookie dough... The list goes on...

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Some people may think I'm weird for loving to eat lima beans. Something about it just goes down me very right! I'll also eat any form of meat, just as long as I don't know it's an organ.

This except the lima bean part. EW! Liver, etc. is disgusting. Have you seen that one Jack in the Box commercial about where the meats come from? Pretty much if your not eating sirloin, your eating the penis *throws up all over the house*

and the ass? Or if your lucky the intesines and it's four stomachs....Mmmm lucky us! This again ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Ummm i am not a doctor but can't you like get really sick from eating raw eggs?

Yea but there are SO Many other foods you can get sick from. Most recently: the FU**ing TOMATO! YOU'VE gotta be kidding me man! :(

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