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Nintendo Direct - 7th August 2013, 1500 BST/GMT+1


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There won't be any Smash Bros., as it's for games releasing this year and SSB won't be out until next year. I want more Zelda; A Link Between Worlds stuff. ^^

I'll be on the road when this starts, but hopefully I'll be able to get to it on my phone. :)

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm interested in seeing more on Super Mario 3D World and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. Those are the two games I'm wanting to buy the most this year. Maybe they'll show the 4th playable character for Tropical Freeze. I'm hoping it's Kiddy Kong, since he's never been in a Donkey Kong game outside of DKC3 and its remake on the GBA.

I'm really hoping for a lot more Super Mario 3D World news, especially since it'll be the first mainstream 3D Multiplayer (I count SMG's 2 player as more of an assist mode than a multiplayer mode) Co-op Mario game. I'm quite interested in the story, since it's confirmed not to be Bowser kidnapping Peach, since Peach is playable. Also, are the pink fairy guys the Subcon from SMB2 or something? I'm also wondering if there's more playable characters besides Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Pokemon X and Y (I don't have a 3DS though). I'll be really interested in seeing what new Pokemon they show and new details on the Fairy type (the only thing that's been confirmed is that it's effective against Dragon Types).

If only I wasn't leaving on vacation on that day. Hopefully the hotel will have Wi-Fi that's strong enough to load the Direct Videos.

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Oh, nice, another Nintendo Direct starts tomorrow! It's certainly short notice, isn't it? Based on what we've seen at E3 and Comic-Con (Nintendo brought some games there), I'm suspecting we'll possibly see information for any (key word here) of the following games:

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team (maybe we'll see a launch trailer or something similar, as the game comes out next week)

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Yoshi's New Island

Super Mario 3D World

Mario Kart 8

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD

The Wonderful 101

Bayonetta 2

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS

Pokemon X & Y

Yarn Yoshi (I HOPE we learn more about this soon -_-;;)

Monster Hunter 4

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Wii Party U

Mario Party 3DS

Sonic: Lost World

Mario Golf World Tour

Bravely Default: Flying Fairy


Hopefully we'll see something good. Is it bad to get my hopes up for wanting a sequel to Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness?

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Zelda, Fire Emblem and Metroid Wii U, a man can dream right? From what I expect to see, I really want to see new Poke info, perhaps something on 3D World, and anything on Wind Waker I wouldn't expect to see.

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Alright, for those that haven't watched it yet, I'll sum up what happened.

1. Professor Layton and the Azran Legacies for 3DS was announced for a 2014 release in North America. It will release in Europe on November 8th.

2. Professor Layton VS. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney was announced for a (possibly simultaneous) North American/European release in 2014.

3. Certain tips and tricks were given out for Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, and the game is still set to launch on August 11th (this Sunday).

4. Gameplay for Sonic: Lost World was shown on the Wii U, and a unique connectivity feature was shown between the Wii U and 3DS versions of the game. Both versions of Sonic: Lost World will hit shelves on October 22nd.

5. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds was shown today as well. It confirms that the overworld is the same as A Link to the Past, but the Link controlled in this game is entirely new, and the setting takes place many years after A Link to the Past. The game is set to release in November.

6. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD was shown in a little more detail today, confirming that the Triforce acquisition quest from the original game will be made easier. The game hits shelves in October.

7. Rayman Legends was shown in more detail today. New features were announced, such as Rayman and Globox wearing Mario & Luigi costumes. The game is set for release for all systems on September 3rd.

8. The new Streetpass update for 3DS was explained. If you bring your 3DS to any Nintendo Zone location, you can use the Streetpass function with other people's 3DS systems, even if they are not in the same exact location you are. In short: worldwide Streetpass at specific locations only.

9. In reverence to The Year of Luigi, Luigi was announced as the next character in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS.

10. Art Academy Sketchpad will release for Wii U on August 9th, two days from now. It allows people to draw detailed sketches and post them to Miiverse. Iwata also confirmed that there will be an Art Academy game coming to Wii U, but there are no details as of yet.

11. A camera feature was announced for Pikmin 3. It allows people to take photos of anything you can find in the game, add optional captions to the photos, and post them to Miiverse.

12. A large Animal Crossing community feature was announced for Wii U, called Animal Crossing Plaza. It allows you to interact with the characters in your game, see what they post to Miiverse, see what other people post about them on Miiverse, and other such features. It is available as a free download on the Wii U eShop right now.

13. There will be another Mini Nintendo Direct on August 9th titled "The Wonderful 101 Direct," where Iwata will share with us more information about the game.

And that's all there is to it.

Edited by Karaszure
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