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FE13 possible LTC thread


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Sure, I love LTC as well, specially LTC mapping because spending 15min with planning, tile-count, estimate combat statistics like attck/hit/evade/crt chance/terrain effects/wpn effectiveness/range against 3min of execution is really fun to me.


edit: I'm being serious though

Edited by Quintessence
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FE13 LTC isn't fun, though.

I can LTC other FE games just fine (FE4 and FE7 being the most fun for me.), but I just can't get into FE13 LTC.

it's because you can't use Cynthia isn't it

I like my joke title for an Awakening speedrun with spotpass

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Sure, I love LTC as well, specially LTC mapping because spending 15min with planning, tile-count, estimate combat statistics like attck/hit/evade/crt chance/terrain effects/wpn effectiveness/range against 3min of execution is really fun to me.


edit: I'm being serious though

Oh, someone else is crazy enough to spend ages in the battle preparations screen? You are now my bro, Quint.

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Oh, someone else is crazy enough to spend ages in the battle preparations screen? You are now my bro, Quint.

pfft battle preparations screen?

I'm so hardcore, I look at interactive maps for each chapter featuring all enemy stats and placement before even starting the game

I'm joking btw

Edited by shadykid
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Oh, someone else is crazy enough to spend ages in the battle preparations screen? You are now my bro, Quint.

Your vid is contagious, no joke

especially for FE11 and FE12

"Oh shit they have x Class. Better bring Y reclassed as Z class with forged Steel something +3"

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LTC lover reporting!

I agree that FE 13 isn't fun for LTC.

Huh, if spending 15 mins in the battle prep screen counting tiles and other stuff is called LTC mapping then im a fuckin LTC cartographer. Hell, you can call me LTC Tingle.

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Not really no

I never use Nosferatu, rarely use Avatar, and the only Galeforce that i give a fuck about is Sumia and Cynthia

Its because the game is so short, it feels unsatisfying to do a long term playthrough

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Oh, someone else is crazy enough to spend ages in the battle preparations screen? You are now my bro, Quint.

Yup. 4-E-1 and base needs honorable mention. 20min even assigning skills and bexp, oh lol.

And actually, I ALWAYS check every single enemy unit (stats/equipment/ranks/authority etc) during my first 3-4 playthoruoghs. Afterwards, it's a matter of lolmemory.

Heck, ask me fe10's bosses and I'll answer them one by one per chapter per part. I even remember dem maps and enemies clearly after 30~ playthroughs <_<

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Yup. 4-E-1 and base needs honorable mention. 20min even assigning skills and bexp, oh lol.

And actually, I ALWAYS check every single enemy unit (stats/equipment/ranks/authority etc) during my first 3-4 playthoruoghs. Afterwards, it's a matter of lolmemory.

Heck, ask me fe10's bosses and I'll answer them one by one per chapter per part. I even remember dem maps and enemies clearly after 30~ playthroughs <_<

please, pro speedrun strats are like 2 minutes with bexp, ask Vykan

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List every enemy stats in the final chapter

Ashera has 120hp, 50 res, 35def, 32AS because 40sp/8str vs 16wt Judgement, 15mag, 40skl/lck, 5authority stars that affect only the three first spirits (not reinforcements iirc).

Auras have 90hp, 30def/res +cover/ward, 35sp, 40lck (iirc). The rest is irrelevant.

Fire spirits have the highest sp, wind spirits win in mag, thunder spirits win in str. They have like 28/30/32 mag (thunder/fire/wind or something alike). 40hp and 30defs moreso.

I'm not an encyclopedia! RAEG

please, pro speedrun strats are like 2 minutes with bexp, ask Vykan

Me not so efficient, still.
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FE10, where the final boss actually gets weighed down by her weapon


even if maxed out FE9 Mia could somehow wield Gurgurant, she'd lose 3 AS because it's just that heavy #trivia

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