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Wii U still being sold at a loss


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might as well cross out Wonderful 101 right now

price drop is gonna have to wait, Wii Fit/Party crowd has moved on, Mega Man in Smash isn't really a megaton for sales (admittedly "fire Iwata" is a joke")

that's.....3D mario by the holidays and Mario Kart by spring 2014?

The funny thing is, Sonic Lost World may do the Wii U some good considering the Sonic fans even those who tend to hate the newer games. Like to grab them just so they can whine about it.

[After how fun Unleashed, Colors and Generations were i'm uber hyped for it and is one of the main reasons I'm grabbing a Wii U :P]

Edited by Folgore Red II
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Y'all fell for it.

Honest opinion though. Nintendo's stock (not literal stock) has been dropping in the past few years. They used to be giants and now they are considered third wheel to Microsoft and Sony when it comes to consoles. Who knows how long they'll stay relevant at this rate.

I'm banking on 5 years tops.

Edited by Tricky Dick
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Ive always thought that if things turn sour, they should make preparations to go like SEGA, but they seem to want to keep their pride. Maybe firing Iwata wouldn't be that bad of an idea in that case.

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I'd love if they went handheld only, since there's no console I enjoy more than nintendo handhelds. Imagine the gba/ds/3ds with even more games? I'd love it. I know they won't ever do that, though, since they generally make a lot of money from the home consoles.

Edited by Nobody
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Honestly, the Wii U will pick up when the games come out for it. The 3DS was in a much similar situation a year ago (before the release of Ocarina of Time 3D and Mario 3D Land), and look at where it is now.

Wii U has Smash Bros and Mario Kart coming out sometime next year, and Zelda U is shortly afterwards. The system will pick up if given the time.

I'm rather disappointed they didn't learn from the 3DS's initial failure and actually released... good games with the Wii U.

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Honestly, the Wii U will pick up when the games come out for it. The 3DS was in a much similar situation a year ago (before the release of Ocarina of Time 3D and Mario 3D Land), and look at where it is now.

Wii U has Smash Bros and Mario Kart coming out sometime next year, and Zelda U is shortly afterwards. The system will pick up if given the time.

I'm rather disappointed they didn't learn from the 3DS's initial failure and actually released... good games with the Wii U.

not this again

do I need to pull out the Wii U sales comparison to Vita and Dreamcast

summary of Wii U's current situation:

1. It is doing far worse than the 3DS ever did.

2. 3DS didn't launch with a Mario, so 3D Land/Mario Kart 7 actually brought in more of the traditional Nintendo consumers; conversely, NSMBU is already on the Wii U to draw this audience (which makes me wonder how horrible sales would be without NSMBU, given its absurd attach rate.....)

3. Still eating a loss, can't price cut unlike the 3DS

3a. nobody buys the basic version so the Wii U price is effectively $350, which is only $50 less than a PS4

3b. PS4/XB1>>>>>>Vita for competition

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In addition, the PS4 (like all of its bucktoothed cousins) doubles as a DVD player (allowing families to buy one with the added bonus of a game system for the kids) and won't revolve around a 5~10 game line-up as its focal point.

There is one thing that you're all missing. Most of you are pretty priviliged. If I'm not mistaken, you all have multiple game systems floating around your houses. Most of the world doesn't work like that. I, for example, have had two different game consoles since 2001 (a NGC amd Xbox 360). And most people don't buy a system for two or three games, unlike what most of you are stating.

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In addition, the PS4 (like all of its bucktoothed cousins) doubles as a DVD player (allowing families to buy one with the added bonus of a game system for the kids) and won't revolve around a 5~10 game line-up as its focal point.

There is one thing that you're all missing. Most of you are pretty priviliged. If I'm not mistaken, you all have multiple game systems floating around your houses. Most of the world doesn't work like that. I, for example, have had two different game consoles since 2001 (a NGC amd Xbox 360). And most people don't buy a system for two or three games, unlike what most of you are stating.

Not sure

round here peeps bought I P(insert letters here) and does not give a fuck about PS(insert number) or XBOX(insert number)

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Not sure

round here peeps bought I P(insert letters here) and does not give a fuck about PS(insert number) or XBOX(insert number)


I'm willing to put money on Sony winning the vast majority of developing countries this generation, let alone the next

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If only console games' prices dropped as quickly as PC games. So many $20 games on Steam and Skyward Sword is still 40+ and the next system has been out how long?

Most console games drop in price relatively quickly, nintendo games are the exception, they almost never drop in price. Super mario 64 ds, for example is still being sold for the launch price(!!!)

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Call of Duty games also don't really drop from what I've seen

or if it's Xenoblade, the price goes UP after release

edit: Wii U sub-30k this month in NPD (Vita sub-17k currently, was 35k last year though)

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