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Vashiane's Official Headcanon Playlog (Chapter Ten!)


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Welcome to Vashiane's Official Headcanon Playlog thread! Woo! \'o'/

Since a lot of people have separate files for their optimization or favoritism files, I decided to do the same! Put all of my favorite pairings in one and try out optimal pairings in another. Except for one problem... I share my copy of Awakening with my sister, and she currently has two files. ._.

So! Gotta combine mine.

Since I'm going this, I'm going to go for a mix of optimization/favorite pairings, so some of them MIGHT not be... y'know, perfect. And as for final set-ups/classes for each character, I have literally no idea so far. A slight idea for final classes, maybe, but... let's see.

So. Rules for this run are as follows...

  1. LIMITED GRINDING. Meaning I'm allowed to buy and use ONE Reeking Box for each chapter completed. Reeking Boxes obtained from event tiles/barracks are free-game, as are skirmishes. I also cannot use EXPontential Growth, and I can only use Golden Gaffe ONCE. ... Seems a bit too lenient? Then you haven't seen how I play Awakening. ._.
  2. Unlocking Chapter 21 is the breaking point for said rule. Since MOST of the children are retrieved in Valm or around that area, once I complete chapter 20 I am allowed to break my limited-grinding rule to gather important skills for the children, then retrieve them. I refuse to let my precious second generation start off with bad skills. Just... no.
  3. Renown is treated as if I gain 1000 points in renown every 8 chapters, starting with zero. Also, no Spotpass items until Chapter 21.
  4. All chapters must be treated as if their objective is ROUT.
  5. Staff abuse is allowed.
  6. This rule is really just for kicks and giggles, but, all mages have to STAY in the class of tomes they join with. Meaning that Miriel has to use Fire tomes, Ricken has to use Wind tomes, the Avatar has to use Thunder tomes, etc.
  7. Pertaining to the above rule, if I reclass someone into a class that use tomes and they didn't before, I have to pick a tome class for them and they have to stick with it. And NO, I can't make everyone a Wind Mage, for each three tomewielders I make, I need to have one of each. ._. It's to ensure loopholes. I can find loopholes in my own rules so easily.

If I need to add more, I'll add more, but holy cow this is gonna be hard. >.<

Must... learn... restraint...

Now for the plot-relevant stuff:

First, my end-game team is going to look like this:

  • Silvia (of course), Chrom (of course), Lissa, Olivia, Frederick, Stahl, Ricken, Henry, Lucina, Morgan, Sumia, Kellam, Gaius, Lon'qu, Maribelle and Say'ri.

It's an odd team, maybe, but it's all of Silvia's closest friends from the first generation, save Morgan and Lucina. So these are the units I'm going to be focusing on the most until that chapter 21 point, in which EVERYONE gets EXPontential amounts of love.

Second, I'm going to be recruiting ONE Spotpass avatar during chapter 15 - Silver, a.k.a. Silvia's twin brother. He's going to stick around until chapter 23, in which I'll run a skirmish at the Approach map and get him killed. Once again, plot. It's a nasty little thing sometimes.

Ooh, and saving the best for last: pairings/set-ups!

First off: magical affinities! I'm going to list EVERYONE who can use a tome (ignoring the Dread Fighter class for now) and then fill them in as I go. Just a few notes though:

Affinities work in a way similar to genetics itself, they can be inherited from anyone in the family's direct bloodline. For example, if a person with a wind affinity has a child with a person with a thunder affinity, the baby could have either Wind or Thunder as an affinity. However, the pureness of a bloodline's affinity affects the chances of a particular affinity showing, and by pureness, I mean how concentrated that particular affinity has become. Another example: if two people with a thunder affinity have a child, the baby will have a stronger thunder affinity than their parents. And so and so on. The more additional affinities are added, the weaker the pureness. But anyway, this is a though in progress, so it'll get tweaked later. And to simplify it, I'll simply categorize it as either "weak" or "strong" and make up something to calculate it later.

To the list!

Silvia/Silver: Thunder - Weak

Lissa: Fire (this entire generation of the royal family has a Fire affinity - and unless it's overriden, so will the next) - Weak


Miriel: Fire - Weak


Ricken: Wind - Strong

Maribelle: Thunder - Strong



Tharja: Thunder - Strong







Second off, pairings. I'm going:

  • Silvia/Henry - this is for three reasons. One, I'm saving Henry from his ambiguous fate in his solo ending. Two, Morgan and Henry look so much alike it's insanity. And three... it's Henry. What's not to love?
  • Chrom/Olivia - which is probably the best pairing for post-game shenanigans. This is going to be my post-game file, so yeah. Optimization! Plus... Crown Prince Philander Inigo at your service. That, and it gives Lucina access to the two -faires she can use for her Great Lord class. And Myrmidon. I love this class oh-so-much.
  • Frederick/Sumia - not only is it convenient and they help to cover each other's weaknesses, but the support conversation took my hear and ran away with it. Having a brunette super speedy tank machine on wings named Cynthia is a very nice bonus.
  • Lissa/Ricken - Luna on Owain? Check. Beautiful red hair on Owain? Check. Aegis on Owain? Check. Adorable support conversations all around? Check, check and check. Ooh, and pre-access to Myrmidon? YES!
  • Sully/Virion - ... Okay, this isn't optimal in the SLIGHTEST. But I was severely torn between Virion and Libra for Sully, but somewhere along the line I fell in love with the idea of Libra/Emmeryn. SO. Blue-haired support bot Kjelle for me, which is perfectly fine as she gets a lot of what she needs from her mother anyway. (Vantage, Astra, Swordfaire, Aegis, Pavise, Luna, badass wyvern - yeah, she's good to go.)
  • Stahl/Panne - Lightning Bruiser!Yarne. That is all. Okay, so it's actually very adorable how Stahl follows Panne around and tries to make her feel welcome. And Yarne puts Stahl's Cavalier and Myrmidon lines to very good use. Sadly, no Wyvern access, so I'm going to have to pick and choose between Deliverer or Lancebreaker. ... Probably the latter, I'm thinking, for those pesky Beast Killers.
  • Vaike/Maribelle - because this pairing makes so much sense it isn't funny. That, and it gives me a mixed-offensive Brady, which is lovely when placed next to magically-dominant Owain and sword-dominant Inigo. GO DREAD FIGHTER BRIGADE!
  • Kellam/Miriel - Luna-tanking, Wyvern-slaying, laughing-in-the-face-of-melee units Laurent, go. Plus, Kellam and Miriel together are so aww-worthy I can't handle it. Plus, Renewal/Lifetaker combo. Aww yeah. 80% health returns.
  • Donnel/Nowi: Dragonstone+ abuse! Galeforce! Wyverns! Dual Support+! Deliverer! Great support unit! Yeah!
  • Lon'qu/Cherche: This is another one of those "mostly for the supports". Because I could easily switch Gregor and Lon'qu around for better results, but Gerome's a supporting kind of guy anyway. Lonny's best class gets wasted here - but he still has Myrmidon and Thief, which is very, very nice indeed. So I basically get the male version of Cynthia here. Not bad at all.
  • Gaius/Tharja: ... Gaius, your hair is so annoying I swear to Naga. [/sigh] Butbutbut. Gaius gives Noire Galeforce access and he can pass down Sol, while Tharja gives her daughter Luna for pseudo-Aether shenanigans. Plus, Gaius as Noire's father actually makes a LOT of sense, but I won't launch into that now.
  • Cordelia/Gregor: I am well aware of the fact that's I'm wasting a potential Armsthrift user here. But I can't help myself. A darling little red-haired Severa with Axefaire and access to Myrmidon and gives her War Cleric and Valkyrie? I'll take it in a heartbeat! The support is actually the main dish here, because it's just so romantic I'm melting thinking about. Gregor is amazing.
  • And Libra's kind of... by himself here. Support/Rescue/Physic bot until I get Emmeryn, and then he'll become HER support bot. <3

Okay! So I'm working out final classes/final skill sets and stuff like that, and if anyone has any advice, please share it with me! I'd love some. Just note: the pairings are set in stone. So please don't give me advice on altering them, but advice on how to work with said pairings is welcomed.

Woo... that's a lot of typing. Wish me luck!

- Vashiane

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Oh, good luck with this! I'm curious to see how you play this game. From the way you talk about the pairings, I'm guessing you'll be reclassing...Will you be jumping from second tier to first?

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Oh, good luck with this! I'm curious to see how you play this game. From the way you talk about the pairings, I'm guessing you'll be reclassing...Will you be jumping from second tier to first?

I try not to jump from second to first that often, if at all, so if I need a first-tier skill I keep them in that class range until I've got everything I need. ... That being said, I have no idea what class I should start Silvia in now. [/facedesk]

Lunatic or bust.

... o.O

D-Do you really want to watch a playlog of me failing repeatedly...?

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Lunatic, definitely. Might have to try this myself. Will you be recording this or covering it on a thread?

I'll be covering it via thread... I wish I had recording equipment, but I don't.

And I've seriously barely touched HARD, let alone Lunatic...

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No Lunatic?

Man what a bunch of jokaz

I've legitimately never played Lunatic before - so I'd do absolutely TERRIBLE at it... and failures are funny, but the amount of failures I'd accumulate would be ridiculous, especially since I flat-out refuse to kill anyone.

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I try not to jump from second to first that often, if at all, so if I need a first-tier skill I keep them in that class range until I've got everything I need. ... That being said, I have no idea what class I should start Silvia in now. [/facedesk]

Good, because I find second-to-first tier jumping to be the most facepalm-worthy-and-broken feature I've ever seen in an FE game. :P

Don't you have to start as Tactician, though?

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Well hard then.

But we mustn't be careless! (Someone must get my references)

LOL One vote for normal. I'm guessing Hard it is then.

... ... Okay, I have heard that line before I just cannot remember where from?

... And two votes for people thinking I'm not going to play Apotheosis. I SHALL DEFY YOU.

Good, because I find second-to-first tier jumping to be the most facepalm-worthy-and-broken feature I've ever seen in an FE game. :P

Don't you have to start as Tactician, though?

It's seriously broken. The whole reclassing system is just... wowzers.

Yeah, but the second Silvia hits level 10, I usually reclass her... I don't know what to though. To the poll!

Edited by Vashiane
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Lunatic is not hard after you beat chapter four, but I guess hard it is. Compared to lunatic, hard is ridiculously easy.

Well, considering my grinding restrictions and that I can't trivialize the difficulty (o.o), I'd rather start small.

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Good, because I find second-to-first tier jumping to be the most facepalm-worthy-and-broken feature I've ever seen in an FE game. :P

Don't you have to start as Tactician, though?

Gimping your stats and class is broken?

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You'll have Vantage for Valm and not get hit by most enemies in Plegia.

(Pegasus Knight is lame choice. Galeforce is for babies and not as good as skittles)

Edited by Lonely Wallcrab
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Why so many votes for Pegasus Knight?

Because Pegasi are aesthetically pleasing.

I voted for it, as Galeforce leads to more fights, which leads to more experience, so obtaining all the other skills would (theoretically) take less time.

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Because Pegasi are aesthetically pleasing.

I voted for it, as Galeforce leads to more fights, which leads to more experience, so obtaining all the other skills would (theoretically) take less time.

Myrmidon has Vantage though...

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