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Vashiane's Official Headcanon Playlog (Chapter Ten!)


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Your sister relinquishes your DS?

Show her who's boss!

LOL. It's a digital copy of Fire Emblem and we share it so...

[/shrugs] I don't have much of a choice in the matter, really. Hopefully she'll start playing her Animal Crossing later and I can take it.

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Um, "canonically" it's +speed, with either -defense or -strength. Probably going -strength because defense is uber important and hopefully I can keep a good couple of Levin Swords on her.

Why not -Magic ?

Nearly all the class change options are to a physical class. The only slight exception is Pega Pony Princess.

...But you want to marry Henry...

Well, the choice is yours at the end...

(+ Speed - HP isn't too bad, That was my first choice, and it ended up pretty good (Well, except for the 39 HP as a Grandmaster level 20/15... Not sure how it works in Hard Mode. Your defense should still be generally OK, but your Res will be probably awfull. Still, being one of the faster 1st gen character is pretty great. I'll say, it's a slightly better choice than + Spd, -Def... You don't lose any base Def, and keeps a relatively good growth.+Spd, -Lck, if you don't choose Mercenary is also pretty good.)

Edited by TendaSlimeKnight Ikkar
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Why not -Magic ?

Nearly all the class change options are to a physical class. The only slight exception is Pega Pony Princess. And you want to marry Henry

Well, the choice is yours at the end (+ Speed - HP isn't too bad, That was my first choice, and it ended up pretty good (Well, except for the 39 HP as a Grandmaster level 20/15... Not sure how it works in Hard Mode. Your defense should still be generally OK, but your Res will be probably awfull. Still, being one of the faster 1st gen character is pretty great.)

Good point. It's really for plot/story/headcanon reasons. Both her and her brother are very skilled in magic (with him being a +Magic, -Luck or -Speed) and so prefer to use tomes. In his case it's because he's actually extremely powerful with them, in hers it's because she's actually not that good with physical weapons.

So Levin Swords, go!

Plus... have you seen the animation for a female Tacitican/Grandmaster wielding a sword? During criticals they're run forward and swing and their body moves a good 90 degrees... THEIR HEAD DOESN'T.

It's so freaking creepy I try to avoid it as much as possible. :/:

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If the vote is still open I say go Pegknight -> Falcoknight. Because Pegknights are awesome, and Galeforce is too irritating to try and get on like a bazillion characters.

Of course people must think it utter blasphemy to suggest a Galeforce-less Pegknight...but its really not THAT big a deal. Though it is kinda nifty for a falcoknight to swoop in, kill something, retreat, and heal someone, you could just as easily kill someone and have Lissa heal. Girl needs to make herself useful for SOMETHING. Besides, if Henry needs anything from his mate early on its speed. and maybe some skill if you're over 10. because that crit tome he comes with has haarible accuracy.

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If the vote is still open I say go Pegknight -> Falcoknight. Because Pegknights are awesome, and Galeforce is too irritating to try and get on like a bazillion characters.

Of course people must think it utter blasphemy to suggest a Galeforce-less Pegknight...but its really not THAT big a deal. Though it is kinda nifty for a falcoknight to swoop in, kill something, retreat, and heal someone, you could just as easily kill someone and have Lissa heal. Girl needs to make herself useful for SOMETHING. Besides, if Henry needs anything from his mate early on its speed. and maybe some skill if you're over 10. because that crit tome he comes with has haarible accuracy.

Well, if she does +Spd, -Streb=ngth, she wouldbe better as a Dark Pegasus.

Let's not forget that even without Galeforce, Dark Pegasus are pretty great unit. They're flying mage after all.

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Premonition & Prologue: The Ascent to Her Apotheosis


"You're destined for great things Silvia... you were sired, brought unto this Earth for one solitary purpose..."

... To be the star of your very own playlog, of course.

... What? Where you except a fancy title drop or something? A serious quote? Foreshadowing? Nope. That's for playlogs that actually take themselves seriously.

Anyway, welcome to the story of an amnesiac tactician and her extremely dysfunctional family problems. Let's launch RIGHT into the thick of the action, shall we?

To start off, meet Silvia. Default appearance, voice 1, with a speed asset and a strength flaw. Okay, don't be shy Silvia, say hi.

"... Hello? W-Who I am talking to?"

The audience. They're going to be watching me fail repeatedly.

"Wait. If I'm the tactician... aren't they here to watch ME fail repeatedly?"

Nope. Because you're just kind of my puppets.

"... What."

Oh, don't fret Silvie. I'm getting you married to one of the coolest characters in the game, you'll be just fine.

Now while Silvia recovers from the self-identity issues I just gave to her... well, okay, ADDED onto, let's start everyone's favorite chapter, shall we?


"This is it, Silvia, our final battle!"

"... For a final battle, this isn't going to be very anti-climatic."

"What? Why do you say that?"

"Just watch, Chrom."

Ooh, no annoying tutorials, and I can pair-up and trade already? I'm feeling very welcomed, Hard/Classic.

Chrom pairs into his lovely tactician and heads for the boss. End turn. Yay, I did stuff!

Start next turn and Silvia can snipe the boss with a Thoron tome... and dual attack him. Nice. Validar rants about how stuff can't be unwritten, but bitch, this is Silvia's story. She attacks him, and Chrom actually dual-guarded her from Validar's attack. So cute.

Third turn and Silvia closes in, deciding to swap the Thoron tome for a good old-fashioned sword to the face. It's super effective!

Turn Count: 3 (LOL, thank God I'm not LTC'ing.)

"You're right, that didn't have any surprise twists or anything."

"... Uh..."

"... What?"

Spoke too soon, Chrom. Enjoy your Thoron strike through the abdomen.


"Thank you, Chrom."

"Ah. So you know who I am?"

"No... actually, your sister said your name earlier, in case you haven't noticed it."

"... That she did."

... How does Chrom not guess that Lissa saying his name MIGHT be the reason she knows it? I don't know. Maybe THAT'S why he needs a tactician. Someone to do the heavy thinking.

So obligatory plot stuff goes down, Frederick doesn't trust Silvia and I really don't blame it, Lissa is not delicate, town is on fire, etc., etc.

Let's get to the fun part.

Now, in order to marry Chrom to Olivia, he can't pair up with Silvia. This... is going to be interesting.

Silvia moves next to Frederick and trades her Bronze Sword to him - she's not going to need it for now. Frederick immediately dives into Chrom's pocket. equips the newly gotten Bronze Sword and they go up towards the first myrmidon. 15 out of 20 health points isn't bad at all. Chrom's movement opened up some free space so Lissa can move next to Silvia.

Enemy phase, gogogo.

Chrom weakens two barbarians and kills the myrmidon he sworded earlier, and that pesky wind mage moves forward.

Second turn, I move Chrom out of the myrmidon's way and put Lissa in Silvia's pocket. The girls stand next to the boys behind their fruit cart cover and Silvia borrows Chrom's vulenary before sniping away at that one barbarian with her Thunder tome. Boom, headshot!

Enemy phase has the mage and Silvia initiate some snipe-to-snip combat, the barbarian forgets how to axe and misses, which gets him very killed in the process, and Silvia gains a level!

She got Magic, Skill, Speed, Defense AND Resistance. Nice.

Turn three. Chrom uses the mage as a temporary sheath for Falchion. Take a staff abuse break, everyone! Even though only Silvia actually took damage.

Turn four. Lissa heals Silvia and Frederick is immediately attracted to the sparkly, when he manages to sneak in some extra training when I wasn't looking. You ninja Frederick you.

Turn five. Chrom takes the lead again and moves forward into the myrmidon's range, while Silvia baits that pesky mage. Enemy phase has Chrom getting attacked (no one has done ANY damage to him that to that Freddy pair-up). Chrom counters and Frederick decides to be AWESOME and spear the guy in the face for putting a chink in Chrom's unbreakable sword. Shot by amazing bromance. Ooh, and Chrom gains a level! He gets HP, Magic and Luck.





Chrom, don't screw with me today.

Snipe-to-snipe combat with the mage and the other myrmidon moves forward.

Turn six. Chrom moves out of the mage's range... or, so I THOUGHT. :\ The range magically extended itself once I moved him. Welp.

Fortunately, Silvia has enough magic thanks to her adorable pig-tailed pocket monster to show that mage how it's done. Enemy phase and the myrmidon attacks Silvia.

Turn seven. Silvia went left out of the myrmidon's range and released Lissa from her Pokeball. Chrom moved forward and demostrated how one properly uses a sword. You gotta put some strength behind that swing, faceless enemy number #5!

Turn eight. Lissa heals Silvia again.

Turn nine. Lissa heals that ONE point that Chrom had missing thanks to his level up - lol, staff abuse - and everyone moves back towards the boss.

Turn ten. Frederick heads for the sparklies and decides to strike up a conversation with Chrom, asking him how he spends his rainy days. If you had to ask, then he's obviously not spending them cuddling with his bromantic partner. Chrom, he's getting lonely. Spend time with your Jagen!

Silvia moves into the boss's range and Lissa in the spot right behind her.

... Although now I'm a little scared. 9% critical? Uh. I've had Maribelle proc a crit at ONE percent. That's nine times the chance. The fear is officially flooding me.

And Silvia MISSES at 86%, only for the boss to hit her at 55%. The fuck, Anna?

Enemy phase has the boss hitting her AGAIN - Anna, what the hell? - and Silvia finally getting her game together.

Turn 11. Lissa heals, and I take a deep breath in and let Silvie soften up the boss just a bit more for Chrom. She hits, the boss FINALLY misses, and Silvia gets another level up. This time it's Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck AND Resistance. Nice. And Chrom moves forward with his pocket Jagen and his Rapier and slices Garrick into pretty little ribbons. Another level up is gotten too, this time it being HP, Skill, Speed, Luck and Defense.

... So we're doing this again huh?

Turn Count: 11 (All the LTCers are grave-rolling right now. ROLLING.)

Heroes: Silvia and Lissa

Attempts: 1

... Remind me to shrink the next two chapters SIGNIFICANTLY. About premonition size is good for you guys? Because I think a turn-by-turn recount is going to get VERY boring, very quick.

Anyway, I'm going to put up chapters 1&2 shortly, so I'll get better at not describing everything, okay?

- Vashiane

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I'm tempted to put the spiderman lol didn't read image.

But I actually read :/.

And you getting hit twice at 55% percent?

At least you didn't get 1% critted on Nah's paralogue on turn 200 on Lunatic+

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But if we cut down, we don't get funny moments like "Chrom, don't screw with me today." or "The fear is officially flooding me. And Silvia MISSES at 86%, only for the boss to hit her at 55%. The fuck, Anna?".

Can we keep those? Pweety pwease?

I'd share some form of x% horror story, but I'm a filthy casual, and thus, have no fears because of retreating.

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Lol. Glad it's liked so far!

I'll see what I can do about the length, it IS a little ridiculous.

Oh, by the way. How on EARTH do you add the stat chart that I see in so many other playlogs?

Chapters 1 & 2: It's a TRAAPP! And Anna is toying with me.


Chapter 1

"No thanks, I've built QUITE enough character for one day!"

"On the contrary, most of the fanbase thinks the entire cast needs far more character."

"... Huh?"

"I'm guessing this goes for me as well. Hmm... how to add more character..."

"Okay, next time we find a strange girl in the fields Chrom, we can leave her there. Seriously."

A lack of birds chirping at nighttime because they're not doing more sensible things like sleeping is so disturbing Chrom can't stand it. So he drags Lissa along to investigate and the Earth decides to explode. Yay, FIRE! Chrom and Lissa manage to escape the inferno, just in time for a portal to open in the sky and drop zombies onto our heads. Thanks Chell. REALLY appreciate it.

And cue the trap.

No, not the zombies. Marth of course! Although technically it's called a reverse trap.

He enters the cutscene all suave-like and proceeds to steal the spotlight, not foreshadowing what's going to happen to the plot when we see him again. Cue him magically disappearing, but it's fine. The REAL badasses has arrived. Step aside Mar-Mar, it's show time.

Turn one. Chrom takes his PokeJegan and heads over to the southernmost fort to slice into some zombie flesh. Frederick decides to be a dear and Dual-Guard the attack that wouldn't have done any damage to him anyway, and then they initiate a conversation thanks to the sparkly. Sumia needs to swoop in and interrupt this bromance before it gets any hotter. Silvia moves just out of enemy range, and Lissa comes in right behind her. EP has Chrom teaching that zombie the ways of the weapon triangle. And he gains D-rank in swords. Yay.

Turn two. ENTER THE VAI - SULLY. And the archest of all archers. And no, Sully, his proposal WON'T be a joke later. Because you two WILL be making me a support-bot baby. DO IT. Chrom moves off the fort so Sully and her pocket Edgeworth can make beautiful logic together on the fort. Lissa dives into Silvia's pocket and they take on a merc. EP phase is all the zombies loving on Silvia and Sully so much they want them dead, except the archer who was so stricken by Silvia's beauty he missed a 78%. And ohemgee someone did damage to Chrom! ... 1 damage. Good game, merc.

Turn three. Chrom, Sully and Silvia pick off some of the surrounding enemies, and the surrounding enemies in turn pick on them. It's like a fight at the playground back in grade school except with more of what the bystanders actually want. BLOOD. And Silvia gains a level up! She gets: HP, Strength, Magic, Speed and Luck. Why are you being so amazing, Silvie?

"I'm just naturally amazing, I guess."

Oh, hush you.

... Although she might be right considering she had four hit points left and dodged an 87%. AND got to level 5, gaining HP, Magic and Speed. Damn.


Turn four. Frederick get unequipped so I can weaken the boss with Chrom and hopefully finish with Virion. Not happenin'. Why? Because the boss goes for Silvia... and she can OFFICIALLY double him now. Damn it, stop overachieving!

"Sorry. I can't help it."


Turn Count: 4 (The LTCers are golf-clapping now.)

Heroes: Silvia and Lissa

Attempts: 1

Lissa thanks her savior for being awesome and Laura Bailey tries her best to sound like a man. It's not working, but this is Laura Bailey. It's excusable. Although my favorite line in this whole part has to be this, just for ironic purposes.

Silvia: Not much for conversation, is he?

LOL, neither are you, you anti-social bookworm! You prefer books to people.

"Books don't judge your life choices. Or lack of, in my case..."

It's okay. Your future husband is just as anti-social. Next chapter!

Chapter 2

"Wait, what? What's this about me getting married?"

"Silvia? Um... who are you talking to?"

"The - I mean - Y-You, of course."

"I was telling you we're almost to Ylisstol, I said nothing about marriages..."

"O-Oh. Whoopsie, my ears just, hear what they want to!"

At this rate, they're going to think you're crazy... er.

So this is a good chapter. Why? Because I'm not playing Lunatic mode! Ha!

That and I gain Stahl. I like Stahl. And Stahl likes speed, so pretty please Anna? Speed? And lots of it?

And supports!

Chrom and Frederick immediately consummate their bormance with a C support, while Silvia dreams of Risen riding wolves and does rubbery things with her face. ... Well then.

"S-She destroyed my book..."

You'll be fine.

"B-But we - we were beginning to bond..."

You need Stahl, quick. To the chapter!

Turn one. Silvia instead jumps into Stahl's pocket, with Sully into Virion's and Frederick into Chrom's. Virion moves forward and weakens the nearest soldier to the left so Chrom can take the kill and get a level up! He got HP, Speed, Luck and Defense. Not bad... but Chrom, pleaseplaseplease start gaining strength. PLEASE. THE VAIKE stays out of harm's way next to Lissa, and enemy phase go. One of the soldiers goes for Stahl and Silvia, who dual attacks for him - how cute - and the other one in range goes after Chrom.

Turn two. ENTER THE MIRIEL. Stahl and Silvia finish off that soldier they weakened earlier by swinging the sword so hard into his shoulder I'm surprised his arm isn't on the ground twitching. Virion snipes the barbarian - with an actual arrow too - and Miriel trades Vaike his trusty killing machine before pairing into him. In comes the STRATEGY. Vaike takes Miriel over to Chrom and switches so Miriel can transfer Vaike to Chrom and Frederick to her. Hate to separate the bromance, but... She attacks and leaves ONE hit point, Vaike finishes off that other soldier, Lissa heals Stahl and gains a level up! She got Strength and Skill.





Enemy phase! Vaike dodges a 67% AND a 55% aimed at him, and Chrom's lack of ability to even lift leaves an enemy with 2 HP. Really Chrom?

Turn three. Lissa heals Miriel thanks to her tanking a last-minute lance hit when she's actually NOT a tank. Miriel then turns around and burns the guy to kingdom come, and Frederick decides it's not fun unless that sword is digging into someone's shoulder blade. Yeah, blood! Sully moves around to finish off the lancer because the axeman had a critical chance of 6% against her.

Yeah... NO. Go spear that other dude in the face. And Sully doesn't dodge a 75% and Virion likes to stand around and watch I guess. PROTECT YOUR WOMAN.

Chrom has the lowest critical chance against the Gamble-toting axeman with 4%, so he takes him on. And the very second I equip the Rapier, Chrom takes that 10% crit chance and nat 20s it. Yeah, Chrom! First critical of the game, woo! Stahl shoulder-murders that last enemy before the second wave and gains a level.

Let's see... HP, Strength, Skill, SPEED, Defense, RESISTANCE!

[/tackleglomps Stahl]

"W-Whoa! Um... that's nice, but you're holding kind of tight..."

That's because I love you... and your wife won't show up for four chapters so she can't object. XD

Turn four is healing and Frederick pulling Miriel onto a sparkly. They got a conversation, so I'm guessing poor Freddy is already missing his Chrom-noms.

Turn five and six is more staff abuse/position moving. By turn six, Chrom and Vaike are playing bait on the bridge, with Miriel and PokeJegan right behind him, and Virion goes to Miriel's right. Perfect! Get to killing, folks!

Turn seven starts off with me moving Stahl next to Miriel and transferring Silvia over to her so she can finish off that one enemy that attacked Chrom. Chrom goes to the right and thanks to a surprise Dual Attack from THE VAIKE another Gamble enemy's head is rolling into the river. Lissa runs forwards and heals her brother, leading to another level up.

This time? She gets HP, Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed and Luck.



Sweet! Except seriously, give Chrom back his strength. He NEEDS it, Lissa. NEEDS IT.

Enemy phase is uneventful... except for one tiny, tiny thing. It's really insignificant. Just, y'know, Chrom missing a 91%. That's totally normal. Completely and utterly... normal...


Turn eight. Chrom is so upset by his 91% miss that he hurls himself and his pocket Vaike off of the bridge into the water below. Instant game over.

... Just kidding. Kind of. I moved them onto a water tile. Lissa moves over beside him to console him staff abuse.The enemies have sort of stacked themselves, so Sully and Virion switch and Virion fires off one at the enemy in the very back, while Miriel stands behind him and snipes away at the one in front of him. Risky, but it'll do.

Enemy phase! Virion is a fucking classy beast and dodges a 78%. That's the power of cravats. They make you UNSTOPPABLE. Stahl just can't get enough of shoulder-murderering and hacks at the three that suicide their way into him, with help from Frederick for one of them. And this time one of the Risen drops an Iron Sword! Yay, raiding corpses for SHINY THINGS. I like. :D

And Stahl gained another level. Let's see. HP, Strength, SPEED.

Ohemgee... <3

Turn nine. Lissa gives Stahl a much-deserved heal and Miriel kills the zombie with her portable flamethrower. Which means if Gregor is the Heavy, Miriel must be the Pyro. And with that suddenly display of pyromania, Miriel gains a level up in Strength, Magic, Luck and Resistance.

... Well, fuck you too Anna. :\

Frederick grabs the sparkly (that's how he's getting his experience until I can procure a Reeking Box for him) and gets 11 experience. Sweet.

Turn ten. I immediately run Virion over to the boss AND the boss has Gamble. 7% chance of criticaling. But Virion is the lowest leveled save Miriel, who I just got, so the boss is his. You hear me Silvia? Stay back this time.


Virion hits for 10, Sully dual strikes for 6, the boss hits for 8. Enemy phase. Virion dodges a swell 62%, hits for 10. Turn eleven, Lissa heals and Virion finishes that motherfucker off in style. Level up gained! Let's see here: Strength, Skill, Speed, and Resistance.

... ... ...

"Heh. Someone's not happy."

Shut UP, Silvia, and let me fume about Chrom's terribad luck IN PEACE. >.<

Turn Count: 11 (Roll, LTCers, ROLL IN YOUR GRAVES.)

Heroes: Chessmaster Virion and his stalwart companion Sully

Attempts: 1

Edited by Vashiane
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Try quoting this post (no need to actually respond though) and click the upperleft-most button on the Reply subwindow. Here's a template:

         Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp              Class              Boosters
Marth    19.13 36 18  00  18  17  21  12  01  C Swd             Lord               Secret Book; Energy Drop
Heath    19.47 50 26  10  26  23  18  30  05  B Axe A Lnc       Dracoknight        Seraph Robe; Dracoshield x2
Luke     10.73 43 24  01  19  27  11  15  03  D Swd A Bow       Horseman           Speedwing x3; Arms Scroll x2
Mallesia  8.59 35 03  21  09  19  22  08  09  A Stf D Tme       Sage  
Catria   11.73 45 23  03  26  26  23  16  11  A Lnc E Swd       Falcoknight        Energy Drop
Linde    10.71 43 05  12  29  30  23  09  06  C Swd             Swordmaster        Seraph Robe; Spirit Dust x2
Palla    13.15 40 25  01  26  23  10  22  03  A Lnc E Axe       Dracoknight        Speedwing; Energy Drop; Dracoshield
Sirius   10.32 38 18  01  21  22  12  16  03  A Lnc E Axe       Dracoknight        Speedwing; Seraph Robe; Goddess Icon
Caeda    10.77 45 21  01  22  23  25  19  04  B Lnc E Axe       Dracoknight        Seraph Robe; Energy Drop x2
Feena    10.34 21                     08
Etzel    10.00 33 01  12  16  14  09  10  18  C Tme C Stf       Bishop

I suggest using a text editor like Notepad++ or Vim instead of typing stats directly into the Reply interface.

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Oh, good job so far! I like the way you write the log, but yeah, having a lot of turns would make a turn-by-turn play painful to write.

Gimping your stats and class is broken?

But eventually you shall reach 2nd tier again. Rinse and repeat a bunch of times, and it's only a matter of time before you max out your stats and get all the skills available to you.

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Oh, good job so far! I like the way you write the log, but yeah, having a lot of turns would make a turn-by-turn play painful to write.

But eventually you shall reach 2nd tier again. Rinse and repeat a bunch of times, and it's only a matter of time before you max out your stats and get all the skills available to you.

The thing is that to do that, you need to grind. And if you are grinding in any game, then you are deliberately breaking it.

And there is a 5 skill-cap, getting all skills is meaningless when you can only use 5, and the only worthwile ones from 1 tier units are: Vantage, Veteran,Armsthrift.

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The thing is that to do that, you need to grind. And if you are grinding in any game, then you are deliberately breaking it.

And there is a 5 skill-cap, getting all skills is meaningless when you can only use 5, and the only worthwile ones from 1 tier units are: Vantage, Veteran,Armsthrift.

True, but the potential is definitely there. Out of all the FEs, Awakening has the most breaking potential. FE8 has infinite grinding as well, but there's no infinite leveling like what the Second Seal offers.

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True, but the potential is definitely there. Out of all the FEs, Awakening has the most breaking potential. FE8 has infinite grinding as well, but there's no infinite leveling like what the Second Seal offers.

FE8 has Seth, so it's not even a contest. I'd also say FE4 has more breaking potential thanks to OP holy weapons.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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It is true, FE:A can be broken in so many different ways, but so does every FE ever.

Any FE with a boss on a throne=boss abuse.

FE5 is kinda the exception because stats don't matter as much as equipment.

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Chapter 3: Staff Abusing and Other Things I Shouldn't Do


"Why shouldn't I staff abuse, again?"

It's just a catchy title, Silvia, don't take it seriously.
So thank you guys for the stat-layout, I appreciate it. :)
And after this chapter/section, I'll slowly start phasing out the ones that aren't on my main team.
So, without further adieu.

Chapter 3

Gotta start with support conversations between Chrom and Vaike, and Virion and Sully. Nice, nice, very nice.

And we start off chapter 3 the right way, with snow, information, and Frederick not trusting Silvia still.

"... I don't understand it..."

Neither do I, but I unlock the preparation menu and can actually move stuff around now. Squee.
Since we'll have a spare person this chapter, I leave behind Stahl for this one. Normally, I'd switch out Stahl for Vaike, but Chrom needs a pair-up partner and Vaike can use that hammer we're going to be retrieving soon, so it's all good. Chrom, Vaike, Lissa, Silvia and Miriel take the leftmost five squares with Sully, Virion and Frederick to the right.

And the second I hit the fight button our lovely female general appears. The lancers ascend upon Chrom and...

... I - I mean, Sumia. Of course. Totally being objective here. Of course. Anywaymovingon!

Turn one. Sumia swan-dives into Frederick's pocket since there's a sneaky little archer hidden there that's NOT in Normal Mode and they move just into enemy range. Virion and his pocket Sully move just out of enemy range, taking care of the right side.

The left side is a little trickier.
Vaike pairs with Chrom and he immediately runs left to recruit THE INVISIBLE SHIELD. Kellam. This is an excellent chapter for friendshipment as these two were mentioned in the first post to be a part of the end-game group of bonds. Sumia is Silvia's closest female friend, while Kellam is a friend of hers more through Stahl, but they're still pretty close.
Anyway, Miriel notices a tall man in spaceship-looking armor suddenly materializing out of nowhere and she just HAS to pair-up with him. INSTANT ROMANCE. They move in just behind Chrom and Vaike, while Silvia goes out of enemy range behind Kellam and Miriel. Lissa goes to stand by the gate so she has decent range to heal when needed.

Enemy phase go! Thanks to his pocket Sumia, Freddy Bear can now double. The power of doubling has be blessed upon you, Frederick, use it WELL.

Turn two. Right side: Sumia stabs that lance into the heartless heart of that mysteriously appeared archer. Go back from whence you came, randomly added enemy! Virion does nothing of import but it's alright, it's Virion. He makes standing look cool.
Left side: Chrom borrows Kellam's vulenary and drinks it since I can't get him close enough to get healed by Lissa without her being put in harm's way. Kellam takes on one of the archers and Miriel immediately dual-strikes for him. D'aww, true love at its finest. And a very dead archer. :D
I decide to pair Lissa up with Silvia and move Silvia forward to take on the other archer, even though Lissa didn't help her speed at all. Thanks Lissa.

Enemy phase! Chrom gets a level up from knocking down that lancer he was working on. And got a level-up! Let's see: HP, S-T-R-E-N-G-T-H!, Speed, Luck and Defense.
And Silvia kills the last archer on the left and also gets a level-up. She got: HP, Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defense.

"Heh... Sometimes I really do surprise myself."

Well, you're far, far better than your brother, I'll give you that.

Turn three. I separate Lissa and Silvia so Lissa can play the staff abuse game. I had Miriel kill the last enemy over on the left side since she had just enough magic to do it. And that's another asinine naive down for the count. Right side has Virion and Sully switching so Sully can stab some guys through the face with her lance. She goes after the lancer Virion already wounded, and he finally decides to kick in and play assassinator. Bye, bye!
Ooh, and a level up for Sully! She got: HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defense.
[/claps] Woo! And Sumia and Frederick team up to knock out the merc whose speed so happened to be one point too high and prevent Sumia OR Frederick from doubling him. Damn it, merc.

Turn four. Staff abuse! And a Lissa level up! She gains: Skill, Speed, Luck and Resistance. Good.
And she also gains weapon rank D in staffs. Very good! I move Sully over to Lissa and switch out for Virion so he can get healed, and then send Frederick over to the sparkly tile. He has taken upon himself to clear some gravel and apparently gets 21 EXP out of that. Well then.

Turn five. Staff abuse!

Turn six. Staff abuse!

Turn seven. Staff abuse! (What? She's getting a new one after this chapter.)

Turn eight. Now I actually start moving people around. Miriel&Kellam and Chrom&Vaike head left, but not after having Silvia trade the key to Chrom. Frederick&Sumia are staying right with Virion&Sully and Silvia. Lissa's staying by Chrom. I staff abuse one last time to heal some minor level-up damage and we're ready. Kind of.

Turn nine. Never mind. Lissa will go on the right, since I decided to help Frederick's minor damage as well. :D And she gains another level-up! This time: HP, Strength, Magic, Skill and Resistance.
VERY nice.

Turns ten and eleven is nothing but more moving around and eleven, I actually open the doors.
Enemy phase of eleven! Chrom smacks the shit out of that general with his overpower rapier and Frederick digs his sword into the other general. Armor carnage all around.

Turn twelve. Chrom and Vaike move into range of the merc on the left and we switch out to let Vaike have a turn at the action. The other two units file in behind him out of enemy range. On the right Virion snipes away at the general and weakens him just enough to Sumia a glorious kill/level-up.
She gets: HP, Magic and Skill.

... [/sigh] Chrom, channel your bad level ups SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Enemy phase. The merc takes THE BAIT but is blocked by a Dual Guard from THE CHROM. And then he also Dual-Attacks? Uh, Chrom? Don't cheat on your Jegan too much... the fangirls will not be happy.
... Okay, THE ME will not be happy. I actually kind of crack-ship the two of them but shhh.

Turn thirteen. Miriel goes after the archer and shows him what-for, while Vaike finishes off that merc and Silvia shreds the fighter into little tiny charred bits. Seriously, she actually doubled him. I was so pleased with this.
Oh, and Vaike gained a level! He got: HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, Luck and Defense. Woo! You are invincible indeed!
Enemy phase. Frederick dual guards an attack for Sumia and she goes to do a good chunk of damage to the merc attacking, while Vaike tanks an arrow to the face.

Turn fourteen. Virion polishes off the enemy that Sumia took a chunk out of - eww, that's a mental image I didn't want - and I send Sumia over to the deal with That One Enemy. The HAMMER guy. Fortunately, Frederick dual-attacks for her and prevents him the chance of attacking her, and I send Lissa forward for more staff abuse. Left side is Miriel smacking an archer in the face with fire. I was torn for a good two minutes on whether to have Silvia kill-steal it but decided against it. Vaike re-borrowed the vulenary that Chrom borrowed from Kellam and used it.
Enemy phase! Vaike tanks a hit from one of the archers and Chrom Dual Guards the other.

Turn fifteen. Miriel uses that portable flamethrower and shows that archer how to range. Except she killed him at one range. Works for me! She also got a level up in HP, Strength and Luck.
... ... Really? SILVIA!

"... What?"

Stop reading your tome, you're in battle, damn it. And STOP TAKING ALL THE GOOD LUCK.


And stop smirking. Ugh. You're so cocky.

"You could have... not made me like that, you know."

. . . Bitch, shut up. ._.
ANYWAY. Silvia then finishes off the last archer and Chrom and Vaike take the sparkly. Vaike gained 28 experience by exercising those muscles of his. Sadly, there's no CG cutscene of Vaike exercising. I am disappoint.

The next six turns are literally just full of moving around and staff abuse. And a Lissa level up! Who only gains Luck. ... Seriously.

Turn twenty-two Vaike equips the Hammer he received from Sumia and Chrom equips his rapier. It goes basically like this:
RAIMI challenges Vaike to a battle!
Vaike uses HAMMER! It's super effective!
Raimi uses JAVELIN. It hits!
Vaike uses HAMMER! Raimi dodges the attack!
Chrom uses RAPIER! It's super effective!
Raimi faints!

Turn Count: 22 (LMAO.)
Heroes: Chrom and Vaike
Attempts: 1

Alright. So next time you see this, Vaike, Virion, Sully and Miriel probably won't be on it, since chapter 5 introduces TWO new end-game team characters. And chapter 4 gives us another one at the end.

And funding stuff. An Anna shop showed up in Southtown so I bought a Second Seal from her. (XD) Also swung by the chapter 3 shop and bought a Heal staff for Lissa, and two Strength and two Defense tonics.
... And what the fuck, Hard Mode. What the fuck. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOUR REEKING BOXES 4800 G? WHY?
Oh my God, how am I supposed to grind my one-Reeking Box- per chapter limit if I can't even purchase the boxes? Holy shit, I am SCREWED.
I'mma... just... lament in my corner over here... and post the stats... and maybe cry some more...

Chapter 3 Stats

         Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp              Class       
Chrom     5.83 24  8   2   9  11   9   9   2  D Swd             Lord               
Silvia    6.94 24  8  10   8  13   7   7   6  E Swd D Tom       Tactician (Thunder)       
Lissa     6.19 20  4   7   8   6  11   3   6  D Stf             Cleric           
Frederick 1.71 28 13   2  12  10   6  14   3  B Lnc D Swd D Axe Great Knight  
Virion    3.89 20  7   0 10+2  6   7   6   2  D Bow             Archer        
Sully     3.13 21  8   1   9   9   7   8   2  D Lnc E Swd       Cavalier        
THE VAIKE 3.15 29  9   0   8   6   4   5   0  D Axe             Fighter        
Stahl     4.00 24 10   0   8   8   5   9   2  D Swd E Lnc       Cavalier        
Miriel    3.25 19  2  7+2  5   7   8   3   5  D Tme             Mage (Fire)
Sumia     2.54 19  6   4  12 11+2  8   5   7  D Lnc             Pegasus Knight        
Kellam    5.30 21 10   0  7    5   3 12+2  2  D Lnc             Knight
Edited by Vashiane
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good to see i'm not the only one who uses the magic mages start with. I wish there was a magic triangle :V

Mh-hm. It's mostly just for fun and headcanon purposes, really. Since in Awakening you can wield any tome you want, I thought about having each character possessing a natural affinity towards a particular type, and by using a tome of that affinity (like Ricken using a Wind tome), the tomes will respond to them easier (i.e. more accurate, higher crit chance, more power) than using other tomes. I don't have it all sorted out but I've sort-of narrowed down the ones I prefer.

The first generation royal family (i.e. Lissa, Emmeryn, Chrom, lol Chrom with a tome) all have a fire affinity. This usually extends to Owain, Lucina and Chrom's other child unless their other parents affinity overrides it. In this case, Ricken!Owain will get his father's wind affinity. Maribelle and Brady both have a thunder affinity. Sumia gets a Wind affinity. And then there's Miriel (fire), Laurent (wind), and Tharja/Noire (thunder). Noire can be swayed into a different affinity, Brady actually can't be. I randomly thought that up and never really found a good explanation for it.

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Chapter 4: Arena Abuse and Other Things I Really Shouldn't Do


“A sellsword with delusions of grandeur, huh? Why do I feel I’ll need to know this for later?”

“What makes you think that, Silvia?”

“I have a feeling we’re going to be meeting a couple of “Marths” actually.”

Eek. I'm so sorry about the lack of updates, but I've got, like, three chapters backlogged for you. So here goes.

Chapter 4

Oh, and that feeling is important, Silvia. KEEP IT.

And welcome to chapter 4 where we start off with – OHEMGEE SKIRMISH. XD Oh, and Miriel C-supporting with both Kellam and Silvia. But THAT SKIRMISH. I’ll see in I can’t squeeze that in for Frederickson a bit later. It IS in the chapter we just completed though, so I’m a little hesitant to do it right now. … Actually never mind. I need a skirmish in Southtown. C’MON skirmish…

Anyway, to chapter 4, where diplomacy be damned and Silvia really shouldn’t make general assumptions.

“It was just a guess…”

Poor you. Don’t get so down because you were wrong about something.

Now to the fun. I actually really like how SIMPLE this chapter is, and aside a few shake-ups now and then, I rarely alter my formula. This is actually one of those shake-up situations, because instead of bring Vaike, I’m bringing Stahl to be Chrom’s partner. The other four regulars are Lissa (healing), Silvia (ranged attack), Frederick (to be Sumia’s pocket monster) and Sumia. This is basically a train Sumia chapter, so after some prep, we’re ready. The four tonics I bought last chapter are split evenly between Sumia and Chrom, who are doing to be doing most of the tanking/attacking.

And I will NEVER understand this cutscene to save my life: Chrom, do you NOT understand what Marth is implying here?!

Alright. Anyway. Turn one. Stahl pairs into Chrom and they go up two squares, just out of enemy range. Frederick pairs into Sumia and Sumia moves next to the Chrom/Stahl pair. Lissa goes right in behind Chrom, and Silvia to the right of Lissa, effectively blocking her in. Enemy phase is just people moving forward. (LOL, I wasted a turn. XD)

Turn two. Sumia dives into battle and attacks the left-side fighter. She dodges his 80% counter and proceeds to murder him to death for thinking he can hit her. Chrom and Stahl then go after the right-side fighter… and Chrom gets hit by a 54%. My game, ladies and gentlemen. Be prepared to see Chrom fail ridiculously. Since Stahl didn’t counter, I move Silvia over a square so she’s not standing beside Chrom and ring THAT particular fighter out of the arena.
And she gets a level up! This time it’s: HP, Magic, Skill, Luck and Defense. Oh WOW. This is the first non-Speed level up she’s ever gotten, but it’s well-worth it. I like. I decide to move Lissa forward to quickly heal Chrom, even though this does enable the mage to target her. Better her than Chrom.

But the mage goes after Chrom anyway. AND HE DODGED A 67%. OHEMGEE YAY.

Turn three. Sumia goes and finishes off the thunder mage and gains a level up. This time it’s… Skill and Speed. … [/sigh] Okay, Sumia. Lissa rushes over to heal her. I use Silvia to weaken the thunder mage for Stahl so his low resistance doesn’t allow the mage to possibly do 11 points of damage to him. Ouch, much? Chrom equips the Rapier first – because that’ll put them in range with the general and DAMN IT forgot to equip Frederick’s hammer – before switching to Stahl and letting him slice that mage’s shoulder to ribbons. And we get a Thunder tome! It’s immediately Silvia’s, since no one else can wield Thunder yet. Enemy phase is the general attacking Sumia and Sumia doubling the guy like no tomorrow – and it turns out that not equipping Frederick earlier doesn’t matter, since he didn’t Dual Attack to begin with. Thanks Frederick. :\ The other general is pretty much a repeat.

Turn four. Switch to Frederick so he can HAMMER TIME. And get a Vulnerary. I use Silvia to attack the other general because I swear to God, I accidentally hit Wait instead of Switch. … I’m so stupid, honest. This does free up space so Lissa can heal Silvia. Enemy phase is HAND AXE fighters. It’s a free hit on Frederick (2 damage lol), while Silvia and the fighter duke it out mono-e-mono. And she kills it. Damn it Silvia! Stahl needs experience too!

“I’m apologizing.”


Turn five. Lissa heals Stahl and breaks her first Heal staff. It’s okay, I bought that other one. Stahl runs down to the sparkly in hope for experience. Nope. Just weapon experience. Silvia goes by Stahl and takes the tome, while also borrowing his Bronze Sword just for a bit. And Sumia fronts to go show that fighter who’s boss. Without Frederick’s help at ALL.

Turn six. Only one remains. Staff abuse break, go. Lissa gains a level up and gets: HP, Skill and Resistance. Okay.

Turn seven. Staff abuse!

Turn eight. Staff abuse! (Get used to this).

Turn nine. While Chrom gives +1 speed, it actually hardly matters, because Stahl still can’t double Luc – Marth even with Sumia. :\ I feel kind of bad, but Sumia’s getting the boss kill by taking Silvia. I move Sumia and her pocket Silvia into Marth’s range, with Lissa taking a pocket Frederick and moving in right behind them. Stahl and pocket Chrom move in as well. And… cue the trap.
And oh my god, what a trap it is. 63% chance to do 16 damage to Sumia, whose health is currently at 19? And this is WITH a defense tonic? Um, damn. And worse, he hits. Okay.

Turn ten. Sumia runs like hell out of range and Lissa right behind her… except for one thing. Marth’s range magically EXTENDS. So. A quick prayer to the RNG, and I throw Chrom in front of Marth with his Rapier equipped and wait. Normally, I wouldn’t have waited, but I DID want Stahl to get some experience here. The conversation goes – I actually really like this conversation – and their brief little duel gets Chrom a level up. He gains: HP, Strength and Speed.


Turn eleven. Lissa runs forward and staff abuses. And Stahl does JUST enough damage to finally put Marth to sleep – permanently! Or… um… not. Fine then.

Level up for Stahl-kun! He receives: HP, Magic (the fuck?), Skill, SPEED (Okay, I forgive you for the magic), Luck and RESISTANCE. Okay, I definitely forgive you. Stahl, you’re amazing.

Turn Count: 11
Heroes: Frederick and Sumia
Attempts: 1

And Basilio appears! Well, looks like you were right Silvia, just about the wrong khan.


Deal with it. Anyway, Basilio hands us some information about Marth and Lissa immediately decides he’s dreamy. Normally, I’d jump all over this shipping opportunity, I can’t help but cringe a little. Thank GOD we pick up Ricken soon to avoid any more possible swooning. YOU’LL THANK ME LATER LISSA.

And Lon’qu get! Squee! Okay, a little headcanon/information dump.

So I’ve actually make the same two Avatars every time I’ve played, and I’ve gotten Silvia married to a couple of guys at this point. Lon’qu was one of them. And I was actually pleasantly surprised with their relationship, because it completely flips the dynamic she has with almost everyone else. The normally socially awkward and cool-headed Silvia suddenly seems MUCH warmer and friendlier in comparison. She bonds with him by getting him to loosen up around her – which is what SHE has to do to let anyone else past her own wall. This friendship opens up her ability to let down her defenses and bond with other people, so it’s probably one of the THESE most important bonds she’ll ever have in the game. Plus, Lonny doesn’t get his wife before chapter 12, so them being able to A support by then is definitely possible.

Lon’qu’s probably up there with Chrom and Henry in terms of importance in her life, since this enables to her actually BEFRIEND Chrom and Henry in the first place. So, yes. I’ve very glad he’s here.

Chapter 4 unlocks the barracks for us. Let’s see…
· Miriel and Silvia have a chat about teaming up together.
· Kellam asks Stahl where he goes about a battle. Stahl apparently sharpens and repairs his weapons, then goes to look to food. Typical Stahl!
· Lon’qu gets some peace and quiet. (Not for long! I’m turning your life upside down for a while.)
· Miriel wonders why Vaike looks so happy. He’s thrilled that he – er, his friend – managed to bring him his weapon.
· And Vaike claims you can’t spell victory with “Vaike”. Hmm. Keep telling yourself that!

And OHEMGEE another skirmish. This is chapter two, which seems far more doable. Maybe. Nope. They can do about the same amount of damage as Frederick can right now. Not happening. Stats are below, and as you can see: Virion, Sully, Miriel and Vaike aren’t on it at the moment.

Edited by Vashiane
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