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Which of this two do you like the most, Marvel or DC?



37 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you like more?

    • Marvel Comics
    • DC Comics
    • I like both equally.
    • Other

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I like Timely, Quality, National, All-American, Detective, and Charlton Comics.

What's this DC and Marvel you speak of?

I prefer DC because of the DCAU nostalgia. On the other hand, Marvel doesn't have to put up with identity crisis..........

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Inb4 Marvel vs DC pissing match.

But seriously... Comics-wise both are more or less the same for me.(I find some of DC`s characters more appealing but that is it)

Other media-wise though.... Marvel has a better history with movies and DC has a better history with cartoons...

And I do prefer cartoons over movies.


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Detective Comics Comics~ I still think it's funny that people call it DC Comics, haha~ but yeah while I like Marvel well enough, I like DC a lot more, especially considering that most of my favorite superheroes are DC~

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I'd have to go with DC. They have most of my favorite comic book characters, and their animated series are usually top-notch. I do like me some Marvel, though. Old Man Logan is one of my favorite "what if" storylines ever, and I really, really wish I could find a copy of Garth Ennis' Punisher run that didn't cost $350+.

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I've read some comics but i'm going to go more off the animated series I've seen and the movies I love both, favorites of DC are Batman and Green Arrow. Nightwing comes close, Favorites of MAHVEL BAYBEE are Spiderman and Captain America. Psylocke of the X-Men also is really close

Edited by Folgore Red II
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I'd have to say that Marvel gets a little wierd in handling it's top characters at times.

What happened to Spiderman's baby girl at the end of the clone saga?

Why kill Captain America at the end of the civil war.

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well theyre both big comic book companies. the only difference is they own different characters from one each other.

like dc publishes stuff like batman, superman, wonder woman etc..

whereas marvel publishes stuff like spiderman, x men, avengers etc..

its all about the writers and the artists

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What's the difference? (Coming from a less-than-casual enthusiast)

Separate entities. They're competitors. At the core they are the same, just as Nissan and Toyota are both automobile manufacturers, but beyond that everything is different. Characters, writers, artists, plots.

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I'd have to say that Marvel gets a little wierd in handling it's top characters at times.

What happened to Spiderman's baby girl at the end of the clone saga?

Why kill Captain America at the end of the civil war.

Why did they make Spiderman give up his marriage to the devil for his aunts life..? That's what I'm still asking

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The only two franchises I really care about (and try to keep current with) in comics are Batman and X-Men. So, it's fairly close for me. While I'm still mad at DC's New 52 and all of the plotpoints it has retconned, it also brought some fun back into Birds of Prey. On the other hand, Marvel has way too many X-Men series floating around right now for my wallet but at least they have a good amount of my favorite characters highlighting.

When it comes down to it, Marvel has the bigger and more colorful universe and the better movies while DC has a more tight-knit group of icons and iconic cartoon series. I'm going with DC on this one.

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If I have to choose, I will choose DC. And I have to say that DC based movies are pretty good too, Man of Steel and the Batman trilogy are clearly better than Avenger and Ironman trilogy.

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DC is a lot like instrumental music whereas Marvel is more like rock/pop music. it mainly rely s on the lyrics and the singing. its more down to earth and relate able.

DC is more simplified, but it also makes it more interpretable.......i don't know what im talking about

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In case it's not obvious, I love Marvel and really don't care for DC. The only thing I like about DC is Batman and the Joker. All of their other heroes and villains are just not up to par like Marvel's. Marvel is much more down to earth, with more in depth characters with real life problems that can't be solved by their incredible powers. The best example of this is Spider-Man, the first example of this type of hero. DC heroes are just cookie-cutter heroes. Also, almost every Marvel hero would beat their DC counterpart in a cage-match.

Man of Steel and the Batman trilogy are clearly better than Avenger and Ironman trilogy.

Clearly? That is very, extremely, most definitely debateable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Marvel Comics: It has a more focused approached. I think creatively the current regime has brought the best out of creators.Matt Fraction, Jason Aaron, Dan Slott (etc) are turning out great work.

DC Comics: The strength of DC was its sense of legacy and it got rid of all that with the new 52. Perhaps they will return to that in the future. The heavy handed editorially department seems content with driving away characters.

DC has better animated adaptations. It seems Marvel is content with creating content more oriented towards younger children, while DC goes for all ages.

Marvel wins on the movie front very easily. DC hasn't been able to launch a property other than Batman or Superman, while Marvel has seen most of its major icons (Spider-Man, X-Men, and Avengers) on screen with great success. Even if you just compared the Marvel studios made films, Marvel still blows DC out of the water. Marvel has used film to elevate its characters (Iron Man and Thor), while DC has told one great complete story (Batman), it was not designed to build a cinematic universe. Marvel has planned their films better. Man of Steel was successful, but critically it was rather divided. Many, including me, felt that the writers, through the final Metropolis battle, constructed a situation where Superman was not about saving people, but about fighting bad guys haphazardly. Our problem is not Superman, but the filmmakers (Zack Snyder, Christopher Nolan, and David Goyer) who constructed an unwinnable situation for Superman.

I really only worry about the comics though, and Marvel has had DC's number for years with that. I like Marvel because it has better characters that cover a wide range of stories, and it has been that way for the longest time.

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I don't normally read comics (despite that I did get mesmerized with an Iron Man and Iron Patriot comic I found in the garbage at work. No kidding), but Marvel all the way! I do like a few of DC's heroes, namely Hawk Girl, the Flash, and Robin (screw Batman, Chris O'Donnell made me LOVE Robin when he played him in Batman Forever, plus Robin in Teen Titans is cool. And both happen to be Dick Grayson), but I generally like Marvel's way more. Spiderman is awesome, the Fantastic Four are awesome, Daredevil is awesome, Captain America is awesome, and Iron Man is my favorite super hero EVER. And Tony Stark is just hilariously awesome. Robert Downey Jr. was the perfect Tony Stark in the movies too. It's cause of him I like him so much, in fact.

Also, War Machine rocks, especially in the 90s Spiderman cartoon. I'll NEVER stop laughing at that scene where he meets Jameson.

Jameson: Here's my badge!

War Machine: *takes badge and crumbles it up* I don't see no stinkin' badge!

Just...LMAO. XD And yes, I'm aware that War Machine and Iron Patriot are technically the same person. And speaking of Iron Patriot, I also think Colonel Rhodes is an awesome dude. :D

I think the reason I like Marvel heroes more is one thing I saw someone say on the internet awhile back. DC creates heroes to look up to, while Marvel creates heroes to relate to. Most definitely true.

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