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Airship's To-be-fic-ified Playlog [Chapter 4 Here I come...!]

Some questions before I get this rolling.  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Rules Look good?

    • Yes
    • No [Post with suggestions]
  2. 2. Morgan: Before Chapter 14 or After Chapter 21

    • Before Chapter 14
    • After Chapter 21
  3. 3. Include Premon?

  4. 4. The "Anna Arc" (Para 2-4), When?

    • Before Chapter 12
    • Before Chapter 14
    • Before Chapter 14- Include Noire (A Shot From the Dark)
    • After Valm (Will definitely include Noire)
  5. 5. Angle Viewpoints based on Stage Heroes?

    • Yes- Increases characterization
    • No- May increase confusion

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First time reading fic but it kinda seems too long I guess

The best part of the fic is the fact that it actually feels that it is somewhat dangerous with that Lissa getting hit

Also the future part is hype

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First time reading fic but it kinda seems too long I guess

The best part of the fic is the fact that it actually feels that it is somewhat dangerous with that Lissa getting hit

Also the future part is hype

You read the first part of mine.

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The fic is nice. Good job! If you're still looking for pairing suggestions, Gaius/Olivia fits, Fred/Panne has nice supports, and Henry or Donnel/Tharja should work. Henry because two Plegian Dark mages, Donnel because he seems like the only person she actually likes other than the avatar.

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The fic is nice. Good job! If you're still looking for pairing suggestions, Gaius/Olivia fits, Fred/Panne has nice supports, and Henry or Donnel/Tharja should work. Henry because two Plegian Dark mages, Donnel because he seems like the only person she actually likes other than the avatar.

He already said no to Henry/Tharja... and Henry is stronger canonically I'm pretty sure so the supports make no sense.

Holy crap reading that poll without Saz on ignore is awful.

Only "awful"?

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Holy crap reading that poll without Saz on ignore is awful.

There's a reason why I have SazukeEX on Ignore 90% of the time.

(The other 10% I just want argue.)

BTW: Fic Updated...

Before Chapter 2 Start:

Chrom and Robin: C Support [Will probably include this support in the fic.]

Robin and Lissa: C Support. [Note, that I'm not going to fic-ize this one.]

Bonus Challenges this round: Robin and Lissa gain LESS than 9 Support Points (Pretty much: Don't heal Robin more than 3 times, don't pair up Robin with Lissa); Virion Levels.

[Will Actually Play it when I'm not tired]

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Next chapter challenge is go to Lunatic+ and go iron man


Total Party Kill could -easily- occur on the Prologue, because a proper ironman wouldn't allow for Skill Resets ever.

(I'm sticking those Chapter challenges in there for a few reasons, besides the recurring "Level Virion" challenge (which I swear if I don't keep that I'm going to have a lot of trouble later. Virion needs a bit of babying to get rolling.)-- like this one's "Don't get support points between Robin and Lissa" (It's "Less than 9", but Support rounds to nearest 9, and is the only thing that can (AFAICT) round up... so it's 0 or 9, and if I need to heal, I need to heal) is because I'm not wanting to mislead people [No, it's certainly -not- Robin/Lissa]... Chapter 19's is gonna be "Keep Lissa Alive" I swear. [No really, I have trouble keeping Lissa alive thru 19 for some reason.]

(Also: 3's: Chrom/Sumia earn 18 Support Points. Level Virion.) [Triggers their C support, which I'm considering just leaving them at C and using the Auto S to wed them, because, really, their B-A-S all suck]

(4's: Defeat Lucina 'Marth' with Robin. Level Virion.) [Going to use that later]

I say get Morgan as soon as MU gets laid S-Rank

also this looks promising... in more than one way

I would get Morgan as soon as the S-rank happens, but... part of this is being logical with things. Truth be told, it'd mostly likely happen in Valm if I don't have a lot of Skirmishes first. If that happens, it wouldn't make sense to go get her, because of the story really keeping the army in Valm.

As for waiting for Chapter 21? If it's not going to be before 14 (Which would let me use that "wait, Lucina and Robin marry?!" plot that I've seen a few times) [And Before 14 pretty much requires I do the Anna Arc after 13. (It's gonna happen in one of 3 spots: After Gangrel's defeat (because awkwardness with Anna's chapter itself unlocking)-- during the 2 year gap (Before 12); After 13, before 14-- same time as Kjelle; or After returning from Valm.)] after 21 lets me use her appearance a different way, which may lead to a rather emotional Lucina.

[spoiler=Chapter 2 Go!]

Turn 1: Player Phase

Pair Up: Vaike -> Virion

Pair Up: Robin -> Chrom

Pair Up: Sully -> Stahl

Pair Up: Lissa -> Frederick

Attack: Stahl -> Barbarian (10: Miss)

Attack: Virion -> Barbarian (Kill)

Move: Chrom (Below Mercenary)

Move: Frederick (Beside Mercenary)

Turn 1: Enemy Phase

Attack: Mercenary -> Chrom (5:11)

Attack: Soldier -> Chrom (6:12 (+9 Dual Strike) Trade)

Attack: Soldier -> Stahl (5:9 Trade)

Attack: Soldier -> Chrom (6: Kill) [Chrom Critical HP] (Dual strike involved)

Turn 2: Player Phase

Miriel Get

Attack: Virion -> Mercenary (kill)

Attack: Miriel -> Soldier (Kill)

Attack: Robin -> Soldier (Kill (Dual Strike))

Attack: Frederick -> Barbarian (PICK A GOD AND PRAY)

Attack: Stahl -> Soldier (9:4 Trade)

Turn 2: Enemy Phase

Attack: Soldier -> Robin (8: Kill)

(Level Up: Everything but magic)

[boring as sin healing block]

Turn 3: Player Phase

Transfer: Vaike -> Miriel

Trade: Iron Axe -> Vaike

Heal: Lissa -> Stahl

Turn 4: Player Phase

Heal: Lissa -> Chrom

Turn 5: Player Phase

Heal: Lissa -> Chrom

(Level Up: HP, STR, MAG, SPD)

[/boring as sin healing block]

Turn 6: Player Phase

Move: Sully -> Bridge (Left)

Move: Robin -> Bridge (Right)

Turn 6: Enemy Phase

Attack: Mercenary -> Sully (4: 9+8 trade (Dual Strike))

Attack: Barbarian -> Robin (Miss: Kill (Dual strike))

Turn 7: Player Phase

Attack: Virion -> Mercenary (Kill)

(Level Up: HP, SKL, RES)

Attack: Robin -> Drop Soldier (18 Damage)

[shiny Tile: Glass Bow (Well, Virion might be happy about that... for 3 shots)]

Move: Vaike -> Up

Attack: Sully -> Drop Soldier (Kill)

Move: Frederick -> By Sully

Turn 7: Enemy Phase

Attack: Mercenary -> Vaike (10:13 Trade) [Dear lord, that was scary. 1% crit chance]

Attack: Barbarian -> Sully (8:10 Trade) [sully Critical HP]

Attack: Soldier -> Robin (7: Kill (Dual Strike... Again))

Turn 8: Player Phase

Attack: Virion -> Barbarian (11 Damage)

Attack: Miriel -> Barbarian (Kill)

Attack: Stahl -> Mercenary (Kill)

Heal: Lissa -> Virion (Leveling Damage...)

Turn 9: Player Phase

Heal: Lissa -> Sully

Turn 10: Player Phase

Heal: Lissa -> Vaike

Attack: Stahl -> Boss (11+9: Miss)

Attack: Chrom -> Boss (Kill)

(Level Up: HP, SKL, SPD, LCK, DEF, RES)

Stage Complete.

Heroes: Robin and Chrom

Total Turns: 10/35 (Slow and Steady...)

Both Bonus Challenges complete. No deaths so far. (That'd (And so would I) suck if I did lose someone on Chapter 2, but that's why this -isn't- Lunatic(+))

(Total Support Points for Robin/Lissa: 0; Virion leveled.)

[Random note: the title of the Fic, "Howl to the Future" comes from a song...

[spoiler=Somewhat fitting, if you ask me, well outside of one recurring line which is rather... not]

[Translated Lyrics]

Stand tall, dance with pride,

Oh warriors who've accepted your destiny..!

Wrap yourselves with infinite resolve,

And spread your wings valiantly!

A far-off bell heralds an age of darkness.

Oh comrades in arms, you no longer fear death...!

The town of rubble is dyed crimson by the setting sun.

To protect the future of this world I love..!

Oooh! The Blade of God is Love,

Holding the prayers of humanity as it strikes!

Stand tall, dance with pride,

Oh warriors who've accepted your destiny..!

Even if you're swept up in agony and your strength is spent!

Oh the lives of those who died in glory,

Burning bright as the stars!

Overcome time and carve their names into your heart forever!

Edited by Airship Canon
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Safe for another Bump/Update?

Just gonna say, I -finally- finished writing Chapter 2. (...6,734 words. Definitely have done longer, but that felt like forever compared to say Ignition Chapter 1 Day 2 (Which was 9,079) for some reason.)

Snook in: A hint of the fact that Lissa/MU's support occurred; Chrom/MU's C-support; Lucina vs. Lon'qu.

Didn't mention the Glass Bow though.

Time for Chapter 3!

Pre-Battle: Stahl/Sully (C rank (cheaters. Like Chrom, this pair doesn't match the 36-36-45-45 everyone else does.)); Virion/Sully [i noticed before loading up the file that I do not have this support at all. That's how little I use Virion. -_-;;]

[Chapter Challenges]

-Level Virion

-Rout Map

-Chrom/Sumia: 18 Support Points

-Vaike must Hammertime something.

[setting Up]

Sorry Fred, but bench until further notice.

Glass Bow -> Virion

Gaius Confect->(Used) Virion

[spoiler=Chapter 3, Thank Naga Chapter 2 is over]

Turn 1: Player Phase

Pair Up: Sumia -> Chrom

Talk: Chrom -> Kellam

Pair Up: Sully->Stahl

Move: Robin As far Left as Possible

Pair Up: Lissa -> Virion

Pair Up: Miriel -> Vaike

Attack: Kellam -> Archer (9:1 Trade)

Attack: Stahl -> Archer (Kill)

(Level Up: HP; STR; SKL; LCK; RES)

Turn 1: Enemy Phase

Attack: Solider -> Virion (6 Damage)

Attack: Soldier -> Stahl (5:16 Trade)

Attack: Archer -> Virion (9:12 Trade) [30/100]

Turn 2: Player Phase

Attack: Chrom -> Archer (Kill) [6/18 Support Points]

Attack: Vaike -> Soldier (15:9 Trade)

Attack: Virion -> Archer (Kill) [60/100]

Attack: Sully -> Soldier (Kill)

Pair Up: Kellam -> Robin

(Left area cleared)

[Healy-movey Block]

Turn 3: Player Phase

Heal: Lissa -> Vaike

Turn 4: Player Phase

Heal: Lissa -> Stahl

(Level Up: HP, MAG, RES)

Turn 5: Player Phase

Transfer: Sully->Lissa; Virion -> Stahl

Heal: Lissa -> Virion

Turn 6: Player Phase

Heal: Lissa -> Virion

Transfer (Reverse of previous)

-Aggro Move-

[End of Healy-Movey Block]

Turn 6: Enemy Phase

Attack: Soldier -> Chrom (6:20 Trade) [12/18 Support Points]

Attack: Archer -> Chrom (5 Damage)

Turn 7: Player Phase

Attack: Stahl -> Soldier (Kill Via Dual Strike)

(Sully Level Up: HP, SKL, SPD, LCK)

Attack: Robin -> Mercenary (12:3 Trade)

(Level Up: HP, STR, MAG, SPD, LCK, RES)

Attack: Vaike -> Soldier (Kill)

Attack: Chrom-> Archer (20 Damage) [18/18 Support Points]

Attack: Virion -> Archer (Kill) [90/100]

Turn 8: Enemy Phase

Attack: Mercenary -> Chrom (Miss: Kill Trade)

(Level Up: MAG, SKL, LCK (Really Chrom, Really?))

Turn 9: Player Phase
Shiny Tile: Stahl -> WEXP

Heal: Lissa -> Chrom

Turn 10: Player Phase

Heal: Lissa -> Robin

Turn 11: Player Phase

Door: Chrom -> Key

Attack: Virion -> Knight (12 Damage) [100/100]

(Level Up: HP, SKL, SPD, LCK)

Attack: Robin -> Knight (Kill: 6 Trade)

Turn 11: Enemy Phase

Attack: Mercenary -> Stahl (4: 13+9 Trade)

Turn 12: Player Phase

Attack: Robin -> Hammertime (Kill: Dual Guard trade)

Trade: Robin -> Hammer -> Vaike

Attack: Virion -> Archer (13:10 Trade)

Attack: Sumia -> Archer (Kill)

Seperate: Sully ->

Turn 12 Enemy Phase

Attack: Mercenary -> Sully (Damn you AI, stop being weird) (8:Kill Trade)

Turn 13: Player Phase

Pair Up: Sully -> Stahl

Heal: Lissa -> Stahl

(Level Up: HP, MAG, SPD, LCK)

Turn 13: Enemy Phase

Attack: Fighter -> Sumia (13: Kill Trade [Dual Strike])

Attack: Archer -> Miriel (10: Kill Trade [Dual Strike])

(Level Up: HP, MAG, SPD, RES)

Turn 14: Player Phase

Heal: Lissa -> Sumia

Attack: Robin -> Mercenary (10+8 Damage)

Attack: Sumia -> Mercenary (Kill)

(Level Up: HP, MAG, SKL, SPD, LCK, DEF)

[Heal Block]

Turn 15: Player Phase

Heal: Lissa -> Miriel

Turn 16: Player Phase

Heal: Lissa -> Robin

Turn 17:Player Pahse

Heal Lissa -> Virion

Turn 18:


[End of Heal Phase]

Turn 19:


Turn 19: Enemy Phase

Attack: Knight -> Vaike (13:18 Trade)

Turn 20: Player Phase

Attack: Vaike -> Knight (HAMMERTIME)

(Level Up: HP, STR, SKL, LCK, DEF)

Heal: Lissa -> Vaike

[Heal Broke]

Transfer: Chrom->Robin

Attack: Robin -> Raimi (7: Miss, Miss, Dual strike Miss)

Turn 20 Enemy Phase:

Attack: Raimi -> Robin (Miss: Defeat (YOU'RE FINISHED!, Dual Strike))

(Level Up: HP, SKL, LCK, DEF)

Stage Complete.

Heroes: Chrom and Sumia

Total Turns: 20/55 (Cry LTC'rs, Cry.)

Challenges Completed:


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What are your reasons for choosing Kellam/Cordelia and Yarne/Nah as your headcanon? Also, great fic. Very detailed, good job.

Yarne/Nah.... it's just I can't see them with anyone else, really.

Kellam/Corde was decided by GameFAQs poll.

Those two pairs though, I don't have any real reason for them.

(The recent addition of Henry/Panne, comes from a fair deal of info being thrown at me. I knew they had backstory together, but hey, Nintendo Dream ships 'em.)

Are you doing Fred/Olivia or Gaius/Olivia?

Dunno. Haven't decided on Tharja's partner either (do have to get Tharja's locked away if I'm doing A Shot from the Dark early though.)...

Olivia is kinda low priority because Inigo's chapter is quite difficult, and really, considering the boss, feels like a Grima Arc/Post Chapter 25 (It's very similar to A Hard Miracle) chapter, rather than Valm Arc (which is where Owain/Gerome (yes, I realize how hellish that's gonna be)/Cynthia fall) anyways.


Something totally unrelated: I found out there's a Robin/Lucina doujin with a very particular name. I'm eventually going to say the name of that doujin word-for-exact-word somewhere in this Fic. Well, you can guess that it's gonna be after Lucina joins.

And in the fic I shifted the Gaius's Confect from Virion to Robin, because I can. [I wanted to leave the fact that I used it present, but I was having trouble figuring out how to get it to Virion, without making him more of a buttmonkey. I didn't mention the glass bow, because he still hasn't used it.]

Also, I didn't like writing Chapter 2.

I hate writing Chapter 3.

Can I get to Chapter 4 now?

*Rages more about writing 3*

Perhaps I should cut off some of the detail on these nothing-going-on-fights. (2 (which I managed to play up via that support convo. I hated coming up with a place to put it, but I worked that out, and honestly it was definitely for the better), 3 (this chapter sucks), 24 (this chapter is going to suck), a couple paralogues (part of the Anna arc... (I better do this... after getting Lucina for my own sanity)) all kinda blow)

...Done with Chapter 3, yay! Screw that chapter!

Edited by Airship Canon
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Chapter 4 Here I come!

Pre Battle:


Haven't seen a Streetpass flood since con, but I guess this is what the Relays do.

... Yeah, I'm just gonna get rid of these.

Except the one at the Longfort.

"Team Gator" Doesn't have anything of note going on, but...

...Well, you have a Rescue Staff. "Buy".

Also, O.o;; Wait, is that team "Wakazashi"?

I met that guy at Con.

He married Anna, (And my current team is called "Anna Breakers" (because that's what it does)... I wonder how well that's gonna roll).

Way overleveled (20/20s, capping most stats) so yeah, gone (But I was not expecting this team. Where's AZWizards?I want to have a kill worth writing about later!)

Not hitting the Bonus box just yet... Although I kinda really want to grab some stat boosters...

Support Convos:

Kellam - Robin C (No other M/M Support has had 27 as an opening, and I didn't Shiny with them. The hell..?; Gonna include it.)

Chrom - Robin B (Saw it coming but, No. Out of place. Moving this to a bit later-- I definitely want to include all of Chrom-Robin's supports throughout the fic, but B and A are to come a bit later. A in particular, will be reserved for "Just before Morgan".)

Chrom - Sumia C (Objective complete. Now to never touch their supports again until they auto marry.)

Vaike - Miriel C (36 points achieved. Now Miriel must be mentioning watching Vaike.)

[Fic idea: Bounce back Robin - Lissa C and use that "RISEN! WOLVES! RISEN RIDING WOLVES!" Line.]

Buy: Heal Staff.

Chapter 4:

[Deploy: Chrom, Robin, Lissa, Virion, Sully, Stahl]

[Chapter Challenges:

- Level Virion [10/100]

- Defeat Lucina with Robin

[spoiler=Finally, Here. We. Go.]

Turn 1: Player Phase
Pair Up: Chrom -> Robin

Pair Up: Sully -> Stahl

Pair Up: Lissa -> Virion

Move: Robin -> Attack Range of left Fighter.

Move: Stahl -> Attack Range of right Fighter

Move: Virion -> By Stahl.

Turn 1: Enemy Phase

Attack: Fighter -> Robin (Dual Guard: Kill Trade)

Attack: Fighter -> Stahl (9:14 Trade)

Turn 2: Player Phase
Attack: Robin -> Mage (20: 3 Trade)

(Level Up: HP, MAG, SKL, SPD, DEF; Solidarity) [Can now Double Lucina with Chrom support]

Attack: Stahl -> Fighter (Kill)

(Level Up: HP, STR, SKL, SPD, LCK, RES)

Attack: Virion -> Mage (19: 7 Trade) (Glass Bow used)

Turn 2: Enemy Phase

Attack: Mage -> Stahl (Miss)

Attack: Mage -> Robin (3 Damage)

Turn 3: Player Phase

Move:Robin -> Knight Attack Range

Vulnerary: Robin

Attack: Virion -> Mage (Kill)

Transfer: Stahl/Lissa

Heal: Lissa -> Virion

(Level Up: HP, MAG, SKL, SPD, LCK)

Turn 3: Enemy Phase

Attack: Knight -> Robin (Dual Guard: Kill [Chrom Dual Strike-> Your End has Come!])

Attack: Mage -> Robin (3: CHECKMATE (Good lord Robin, not necessary, poor dastard only has 2 HP!))

Turn 4: Player Phase

Move: Virion Down

Transfer: Lissa/Stahl

Turn 4: Enemy Phase

Attack: Knight -> Sully

Attack: Fighter -> Virion (10:10 Trade)

Turn 5: Player Phase

Attack: Stahl -> Fighter (15 Damage)

Attack: Chrom -> Knight (Now I'm Angry!)

Attack: Virion -> Fighter (Kill) [90/100]

Turn 6: Player Phase

Attack: Virion (Glass Bow) -> Fighter (16: 10 Trade) [100/100]

(Level Up: HP, STR, SPD, DEF)

Transfer: Chrom/Lissa

Heal: Lissa -> Virion

Vulnerary: Stahl

Turn 6: Enemy Phase

Attack: Fighter-> Lissa (11 Damage)

Turn 7:

Transfer: Sully/Chrom

Attack: Virion -> Fighter (Kill) [Glass Bow Broke]

Final Strech... The Lucina Battle.

Turn 8:

Heal: Lissa -> Virion

Turn 9:

Pair Up Shuffle.

Heal: Lissa -> Robin

Turn 9: Enemy Phase

Attack: Lucina -> Robin (13: 4-6-4-6 trade)

Turn 10: Do or Die.

Attack: Robin -> Lucina (DEFEAT: 13 Trade)

(Level Up: HP, STR, SKL, SPD, LCK, DEF, RES)

Stage Complete.

Heroes: Robin and Chrom

Total Turns: 10/65

Challenges Completed: 2/2

(And what a satisfying fight with Lucina. That's gonna be downright perfect.)

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The streetpass are going to be mentioned on the fic?

If AZwizards appears.... >_>;; (I've got some overkills with a couple names on it for that team..)

I'm mentioning the fact that I bought that Rescue staff though- most likely because I'm going to bring it into use soon, although I'm calling the group "an armed merchant band". (AZWizards is going to unceremoniously be dubbed "bandits"... and I'm not portraying them in a nice light if they show.)

I may break this particular chapter up a bit- two smaller (or not, not sure. The fight between Robin and Lucina is going to be a bit more detailed.) chapters, one focusing on characterization, and has a bit of a lead up into the actual chapter 4, and Chapter 4 itself.

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(AZWizards is going to unceremoniously be dubbed "bandits"... and I'm not portraying them in a nice light if they show.)

Wait, I'm missing something.

What happened with AZWizards? Like, are their StreetPass messages particularly odious or something? Did they have forged "Lucina", "x", "Gerome", and "OTP" weapons?

Or is it just that having a team of bandits portrayed in a negative light is an element you want to have in the narrative?

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Wait, I'm missing something.

What happened with AZWizards? Like, are their StreetPass messages particularly odious or something? Did they have forged "Lucina", "x", "Gerome", and "OTP" weapons?

Or is it just that having a team of bandits portrayed in a negative light is an element you want to have in the narrative?

Long story.

AZWizards is something of one of those rivalries, but it's not a good one.

Funny note, while I'm currently writing the first part of Chapter 4, which I'm really screwing around with the actual teams I spotted. I bought the staff from "Team Gator" ,however, I'm writing it that I bought it off "Wakazashi" [Reason, outside of being called "Team Gator" the team was the default team. (Killed 'em on a different file to see things- default messages, only paired Chrom/Sully. (I swear, if it ain't Chrom/MU, it's Chrom/Sully in AZ))... that's boring.]

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I've really got to stop trolling Tumblr and gaining followers as a result and actually get cracking on 4.

In what order will you be playing the paralogues/side stories?

[As I've said before, this is still conjecture. I -do not- trust the RNG, and think it's going to probably kill someone.]

It depends-- everything must be both available, and logical for me to do so at that time.

1/Donnel is the next thing I do.

But the Anna arc (which I include 3 (Peaceful Village/Strangled Peace)) won't happen until after the Plegian arc (And likely will be starting after Lucina joins). Kjelle -will- be the first kid to be picked up after Lucina.

5/Owain is going to be right after Chapter 15, and I plan on going Ch 20->Gerome [if available]->Cynthia->Severa->Yarne->Ch 21

Inigo's will happen around the end of the whole thing, and so will Nah.

17/Tiki is something I'd like to do somewhere along the time of "Now Available".

Still on the fence (despite vote) on if I'm going Anna arc -> Morgan -> 14 or 21 -> Morgan -> 22.
Before 14 lets me use the whole "Lucina will marry Robin!?" plot seen in things like "Everlasting Bonds: Wings of Despair"

After 21 lets me amplify Lucina's breakdown and the result of her -not- killing Robin.

Spotpass Paralogues are going to go in order.

So will logged/fic'd Xenologues. [Not sure if I'm doing Apo-- my strategy for Apo is...not favorable to be written (No, seriously, try explaining Vantage (although, to be fair, I don't think I'll use so much of it, because I won't have so much of it.)). (I -did- have someone prompt me to write about apo, and I did answer that prompt.... however, I didn't exactly like doing it, so I sorta cheated. Err... I had the Wave 2 Sniper Boss cheat, and then went off the rails.)]

Edited by Airship Canon
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