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Best Support Conversations From All Three Games


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Legault/Heath: No, I'm not telling you, read it yourself.

Lucius/Serra: Serra. . .well, was actually tolerable in this one.

Joshua/L'Arachel: They should've had an ending together.

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FE6: Karel/Zeiss is a really good support, IMO, and Treck/Yuno's also one I really liked. Others are Roy/Sophia, Alan/Tate, Oujay/Lalum, Lance/Clarine, and Rutger/Fir.

FE7: Wil/Lyn, Karel/Karla, Renault/Lucius, Nino/Florina, and Pent/Canas are supports I really enjoyed.

FE8: Wow, there's a lot...I'll just list my top five: Knoll/Natasha, Ross/Lute, Duessel/Cormag, Ephraim/L'Arachl, Saleh/Eirika.

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anything with serra, anything with larachel. Marisa, Lute and Dorcas had some good ones as well. Hector/Farina wasnt bad either, and I really liked Rath/Lyn too.

GBA games truely had the best supports, the FE6 ones were abit simple but the other ones were perfect. FE09 supports were abit too serious imo, and I don't think I need to tell anyone why FE10 supports suck. Tho I haven't played 12 and 13 yet so I'm hoping to see some humorous supports like in the old GBA games there.

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I really liked Hector/Lyn, Eliwood/Ninian, Jaffar/Nino, Kent/Fiora, Dart/Farina, Heath/Priscilla, Wallace/Lyn, Sain/Serra, Dorcas/Farina, Ninian/Florina, Canas/Nino, Guy/Karel, and Nino/Florina. I'm kinda lazy to give explanations right now though.

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I haven't actually gotten any GBA supports because they take way too long to unlock (I've unlocked some, but they weren't supports I was looking for), but I've read some online and I love SainxFiora the most. :D

Fiora keeps turning him down, but she actually later shows that she really really cares for him. And she nurses him back to health when he gets ill. So sweet. :)

I don't see the appeal of Kent/Fiora though. Yeah, they have a lot in common, but all they do is...talk about stuff and then all of a sudden they're in love. I also have a bit of bias towards SainxFiora though, admittedly. xP

I think Kent and Florina should've had a support. With Kent's chilvarous and respectful nature, she'd have opened up to him easier than most men, I'd imagine. I once read this fan support for Sain and Florina that hinted at SainxFiora though. :D

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Garret x Lalum, Lucius x Serra, and Gerik x Saleh for me.

I find Garret x Lalum in particular to be really underrated and funny. Someone should totally draw fanart of the scene where Garret dances in front of Roy and the group and they burst out laughing.

On a side note, I find Gerik lines in Chapter 10 Eirika's route to be really awesome, in how loyal, witty, and calm-minded he is. Actually, he's just awesome personality wise, period.

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