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EM 130 turns


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Vykan said that 139 turns is impossible with continuity because you can't have the Rescue staff on every Part 4 chapter--but there is a way to transfer it around your units. Every chapter has treasure tiles and dropped items from enemy units, so it is possible to send it to the convoy. The only problem is training staff users to a point where they'll have high enough magic and a staff level to use Rescue well--it may also be handy to train additional staff users to C staves to use Hammerne.


Ike: Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res

Tauroneo: Str, Spd

Calill: Mag, Skl

Lucia: Str, Spd

Elincia: Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Res

Jill: HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Giffca: Str

Ulki: HP, Str

Janaff: Str

Mist: Str, Mag, Spd

Ilyana: Str, Mag, Spd, Res

Nephenee: Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Haar: Str, Spd

Titania: Str, Spd

Tanith: Str, Spd, Def

Boyd: HP, Str, Skl, Spd

Oscar: Str, Spd

Marcia: Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Part 1:

1-P: 3 turns 1-1: 3 turns 1-2: 4 turns1-3: 3 turns 1-4: 3 turns 1-5: 2 turns1-6: 5 turns 1-7: 4 turns 1-8: 2 turns1-9: 4 turns 1-E: 4 turns Total: 37 turns
1-P: A lot of RNG abuse here.

1-1: This is easier to beat in 3 turns since it's a defeat boss chapter.

1-2: I used an improved strategy here to get the Energy Drop with Sothe from my first attempt. This is a rout chapter on easy.

1-3: Ilyana gets shoved around 5 times on the first turn to kill a knight, as Sothe moves to the boss to steal his Discipline and kill him on the enemy phase. This is a defeat boss chapter on easy.

1-4: I skipped Beastfoe here because Paragon Jill kills stuff enough in 3-6.

1-5: Vykan needed promoted Ilyana and Nolan here, but I got by just fine with only promoted Ilyana rushing north after a few shoves. Sothe and Volug charge to the boss area. Nolan goes southeast.

1-6, 1-7: Same as HM really, except Jill gets the kill on the boss in 1-6-2 for some exp after promoting.

1-8: Celerity Sothe gets shoved 6 times on the first turn to be able to reach a magic spot where he kills a priest and everyone attacks him.

1-9: Resolve Micaiah was used here.

1-E: I liked my strategy here, because I actually used Fiona to carry Rafiel to Muarim. I didn't use the Black Knight here. Nailah goes up and opens the door on turn 3, and then kills Jared on turn 4. Muarim goes up with a couple of Rafiel's vigor, and then receives Rafiel from Fiona on turn 3, and he drops Rafiel on turn 3. Volug carries Micaiah to the boss area and drops her on turn 3. Volug gets the Speedwing.

Part 2:

2-P: 9 turns 2-1: 2 turns 2-2: 2 turns2-3: 4 turns 2-E: 1 turn Total: 18 turns
2-2: This is a defeat boss chapter on easy, so I had Wind Edge Lucia get a crit kill on the boss.

Part 3:

3-P: 6 turns 3-1: 3 turns 3-2: 2 turns3-3: 5 turns 3-4: 4 turns 3-5: 1 turn3-6: 4 turns 3-7: 13 turns 3-8: 3 turns3-9: 2 turns 3-10: 3 turns 3-11: 4 turns3-12: 1 turns 3-13: 2 turns 3-E: 5 turnsTotal: 58 turns
3-P: Since I can RNG abuse here, I manipulated Skrimir's actions to the point that he reached on turn 6.

3-3: I had to take an extra turn here in order to get the Hammerne. I'm literally just 1 tile away from being able to reach it a supply on turn 4 with Titania, which would allow me to get the Hammerne on turn 4 with Haar, but nooo. I even tried shoving Mia like a million times to reach it, but that didn't work either. :<

3-6: Vykan said this was impossible because there's not enough enemies, but if you look around carefully there is. I buffed up Nolan here to 24 str and 24 speed with bexp, which made it possible to one round stuff without Beastfoe. Nolan went north, Jill went northeast and Sothe went east together with Zihark, Leonardo and Edward. I didn't use the partner units.

3-9: Just got a crit on the boss with Calill here. Didn't need Smite.

3-12: Since you need to kill just 10 less enemies here on easy mode, this is pretty easy to 1 turn with just Jill and Tauroneo.

3-E: I actually lost a turn here for the first time, not counting 3-3. There just aren't enough enemies on EM and they aren't strong enough to kill the laguz either. You even have to kill stuff like Nailah and Pelleas to be able to get the 5 turn. Everything has to be dead by turn 5 enemy phase.

Part 4:

Silver Army: Micaiah, Sothe, Skrimir, Sigrun, Naesala, Leanne, Rhys, Jill, Haar, Marcia, Ulki, Laura

Greil Army: Ike, Mist, Soren, Titania, Nailah, Rafiel, Boyd, Mia, Shinon, Nolan, Janaff, Oscar, Gatrie, Fiona, Nolan

Hawk Army: Elincia, Ranulf, Lucia, Tauroneo, Tanith, Kieran

4-P: 2 turns 4-1: 1 turn 4-2: 3 turns4-3: 2 turns 4-4: 3 turns 4-5: 1 turn4-E: 5 turns Total: 17 turns

Yes, I trained up units like Nolan, Tauroneo, Lucia, Tanith, Soren, Oscar, Kieran, Shinon: units I normally wouldn't train.

4-P: A pretty simple and easy 2 turn really; it's exactly like my 2 turn on HM.

4-1: See the video here.

4-2: See the video here.

4-3: See the video here.

4-4: See the video here.

4-5: The easiest 1 turn in the world.

4-E-1: See the first part here. See the second part here.

Top 5:

5. Marcia: 65 wins.

4. Boyd: 75 wins.

3. Titania: 78 wins.

2. Haar: 93 wins.

1: Jill: 119 wins. (26 over Haar lol)

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With a thread like this you're sure increasing my motivation to get my LTC videos back up :P

First off, these two wiisaves might help you out a lot (link1, link2). They contain saves I used specifically for making the LTC videos.

Now, in reply to the PM you sent me - I hope you don't mind that I'm replying to it here.

How did you do this one? Is this doable with just Jill and Tauroneo? And how strong does Tauroneo have to be?

You can thank

for this. I didn't even realize the chapter could be 1 turned until I saw him do it.
4-P: Why does this need Calill with max mag? In my hard mode playthrough I managed to kill every enemy except one Tempest Blade General who doesn't attack with just Leanne, Naesala, Haar and Jill.

Maybe there was a better strat I could've used instead? I can't honestly remember. Calill needs to be pretty beefed regardless for the 3-9 strat.

4-1: How many combat units and Rescue users do you need for this?

No idea, but I recall the requirements were pretty tight. I think I used a trained Tanith, for instance.

4-E-1: Same as 4-1.

I have a save file in my transfers for 4-E-1. The requirements to 1 turn are insanely difficult, to the point where I had to resort to 2 longbow attacks.

You should also know that easy mode has a couple of significant differences here and there. For instance, 1-2 is defeat boss instead of Laura arrive, 1-6-2 cannot be 2 turned, 1-9 can be 6 turned with a base Micaiah, 2-3 the boss doesn't move, the 2-E 1 turn is much more difficult and 3-6 can be 5 turned (I can make a twitch highlight of this actually and PM it to you).

I've also come up with some nice, low maintenance LTC strats while planning for my easy mode single segment run I can share with you.

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You can thank krad for this. I didn't even realize the chapter could be 1 turned until I saw him do it.

So it's just Jill and Tauroneo and Nolan. I can replace Nolan with Sothe I suppose.

Maybe there was a better strat I could've used instead? I can't honestly remember. Calill needs to be pretty beefed regardless for the 3-9 strat.

Or you can get a battle save crit. With some Largo transfers 3-9 should be doable.

No idea, but I recall the requirements were pretty tight. I think I used a trained Tanith, for instance.

On my HM playthrough I used Nailah, Boyd, Celerity Mia, Titania, Ike and Janaff.. I guess I'll have to train up Shinon for this mode as well, and bring Rhys for Rescue.

For instance, 1-2 is defeat boss instead of Laura arrive, 1-6-2 cannot be 2 turned, 1-9 can be 6 turned with a base Micaiah, 2-3 the boss doesn't move, the 2-E 1 turn is much more difficult and 3-6 can be 5 turned

Serenes says rout. But I really doubt I'll take more than 4 turns to rout on easy mode so 1-2 should be fine.

So 1-6-2 can't be 2 turned because the boss doesn't move?

2-3 is no problem. I have Marcia crit that bastard before he moves in 4 turns.

And thanks for offering; I'll ask if I need strats. I like to do things myself if possible.

I managed to 3 turn Prologue and 3 turn 1-3 on easy, so I'm pretty confident I can do this.

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I managed to 3 turn Prologue

I noticed that this was possible at some point while looking at the map and wondered if anyone would ever bother to do it...

Good luck with the run! Hope you manage it.

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I'm just working on my transfers right now.

On Part 1 alone I think I can cut:

1-P: 3 turns

1-1: 3 turns

1-2: 4 turns

1-3: 3 turns (?)

1-4: 3 turns

1-5: 2-3 turns

1-6: 5-6 turns

1-7: 4 turns

1-8: 2 turns

1-9: 4 turns (?)

1-E: 4 turns

9 turns without including 1-5 and 1-6. I'd have to cut 6 more turns which definitely seems doable.

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Ike: Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res

Tauroneo: Str, Spd

Calill: Mag

Lucia: Str, Spd

Elincia: Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Res

Jill: HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Giffca: Str

Ulki: HP, Str

Janaff: Str

Mist: Str, Mag, Spd

Ilyana: Str, Mag, Spd, Res

Nephenee: Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Haar: Str, Spd

Titania: Str, Spd

Tanith: Str, Spd, Def

Boyd: HP, Str, Skl, Spd

Oscar: Str, Spd

Marcia: Str, Skl, Spd, Def

No Rhys. I didn't think he was needed because his FE10 second tier cap is only 2 magic away...

Part 1

Prologue: 3 turns

A lot of RNG abuse here. Micaiah gets a crit on the first bandit to clear a path for Edward. Edward full moves south. On the next turn, Micaiah shoves Edward and Edward full moves east, getting crits on both bandits so they both die, but both bandits also have to hit Edward once, which is tough. On the final turn, Edward goes to the boss and attacks him: hopefully the boss will knock your Edward into Wrath range. Edward levels up (+str is necessary to kill the boss with one crit). I battle save, and then I make the boss miss on me and get a Wrath crit and kill him.

Chapter 1: 3 turns

I 3 turned this chapter without any battle saves on my first try. I just charged with Edward and Nolan to the boss.. I can't say anything else.

Chapter 2: 4 turns

Leonardo (who is holding a Hand Axe for Nolan) attacks the soldier, but he stays away from a myrmidon who would go and attack him. Nolan kills the soldier. Laura shoves Micaiah north, Micaiah weakens a myrmidon and Edward kills it. On the second turn, Leonardo hands Nolan a Hand Axe (no pun intended) and Nolan attacks an archer above him (it's enough to hit him once with the Hand Axe so he can get out of Nolan's way). Micaiah attacks a soldier who is below her, and Edward shoves her so she doesn't get her ass kicked by a soldier who can attack her on the enemy phase. Laura sticks her thumb up her ass. On the third turn, Leonardo finishes a soldier who attacked Nolan, and Micaiah finishes a soldier who attacked Edward. Edward moves forward to kill an archer near Sothe on the next turn, and Sothe full moves as well. Nolan weakens the boss with a Hand Axe. On the final turn, Micaiah gets the Wind Edge, Nolan finishes off the boss and Sothe owns an archer. And Edward kills an archer too. No Energy Drop :<

Chapter 3: 3 turns

I improved on Vykan's lowest turn counts here. Micaiah and Nolan gang up on a myrmidon on the west side. Ilyana kills a fighter by herself, and then gets shoved a total of around 4 or 5 times, I forget, and finally gets shoved by Sothe who full moves southwest. On the second turn she kills a knight, Sothe gets shoved by Eddie and Leonardo. I manage to kill one soldier here, but not the other (doesn't matter because Laura can take one hit). Next turn, I clean up for some exp, and Sothe steals a Discipline from the boss, and he crit kills the boss with a Kard on the enemy phase.

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did you know you can do a speedrun of awakening in ~40 minutes without any renown/logbook/etc. /offtopic

Nah, but it doesn't surprise me. How'd you find out?

Chapter 4: 3 turns

Damn it! No 3 turns here because the bosses don't move. I thought it would have worked.

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saw a thread on SDA forums, opened it, found a dude's twitch channel, saw his fastest run

did Vykan actually do an FE10 LTC run, I thought it was just that speedrun

The 35 minutes was my very first try at speedrunning, so there's a lot of room for improvement.

I made a thread in the tech support forum on how to record my 3DS because I wanna make a speedrun for it, but...

He had some videos in the past of the lowest turn counts possible (without continuity): http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=17058

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wasn't the 35 minutes with Logbook Micaiah owning everything though?

Yeah; I was just trying to say how much better someone else could've done with my strategy.

Chapter 4: 3 turns

Not a 2 turn here like I expected, because the damn bosses wouldn't move. Micaiah, Aran and Leonardo destroyed a wall on turn 1, while Nolan killed a tiger. Edward followed Nolan. Sothe went up and Ilyana killed a tiger in the north from behind the wall. On the next turn, Edward went and got the Master Seal (he also Wrath crit a tiger to death on the enemy phase) and Nolan lured an untransformed sub-human on the west side. Micaiah got shoved 3 times and she went up with Sothe and Ilyana. On the final turn, Micaiah crit killed another untransformed sub-human, Sothe got the Seraph Robe with the Beast Killer equipped to kill the boss on the enemy phase, and Ilyana attacked the boss from range, then got shoved to kill him on the enemy phase (she can take one hit).

Chapter 5: 2 turns

Tough chapter. Vykan used a promoted Nolan and Ilyana for this but I managed with just a promoted Ilyana--I used a Master Seal on her. I figure Jill won't need it. Anyway, Ilyana got shoved a couple times to kill a mage (she gets shoved again by Edward on the second turn) while Nolan went southeast by himself to kill some enemies with the Hand Axe. Sothe got shoved 3 times on the first turn to move next to a ledge to kill a bunch of enemies, and Volug followed. During the enemy phase Edward killed a fighter. On the second turn Ilyana went east to lure a mage, Nolan went east to lure some other people, and Sothe killed a priest, after which he was shoved by Volug.

Chapter 6-1: 3 turns

Not much here to say. Ilyana went north, Micaiah got shoved a couple times to heal Jill on the next turn, Jill went northwest and Sothe got shoved 4 times to help Jill out on turn 3 to kill an armor knight with a Kard crit / Adept activation. Jill got a crapload of exp and went up all the way to 18.50 exp or so.

Chapter 6-2: 2 turns

Very tight chapter because Jill needs to promote by getting a lot of exp before facing the boss (thank god he moves last here) otherwise she doesn't have enough strength to kill the boss--she needs 21 to ORKO him with a Hand Axe. But I managed to do it and she killed the boss on turn 2.

Chapter 7: 4 turns

Exactly the same as my Youtube video.

Chapter 8: 2 turns

Celerity Sothe needs to be shoved 6 times on the first turn: Ilyana, Zihark, Nolan, Edward all helped, as did Vika after a shove from Muarim, and Volug after Rafiel's help. Nailah goes south from where she is. Sothe moves to the boss area (he can move 3 tiles in the swamp with Celerity). Resolve Micaiah also has to kill a mage in Volug's way. On the next turn, Sothe kills a priest after going to a magic spot where all the mages can attack him, and the map is over.

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Oh dear.. my game disc got ruined because I was resetting too much. >___________>

I'm gonna have to try and see if it's magically fixed tomorrow (I doubt it) or buy a new one on eBay. I found one and I'll get it tomorrow if it isn't magically solved; I'll finish the run once I get another game disc.

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Oh dear.. my game disc got ruined because I was resetting too much. >___________>

I am the reset master and that never happened to me >_>

I mean I think in my NM speedrun I reset on average about 100 times per segment. Over 91 segments, that's 9100 resets. I do hope you have your wii lying horizontally though.

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I am the reset master and that never happened to me >_>

I mean I think in my NM speedrun I reset on average about 100 times per segment. Over 91 segments, that's 9100 resets. I do hope you have your wii lying horizontally though.

It was vertical. Does that make a difference?

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I am the reset master and that never happened to me >_>

I mean I think in my NM speedrun I reset on average about 100 times per segment. Over 91 segments, that's 9100 resets. I do hope you have your wii lying horizontally though.

it's....over 9000! *gasp*

It was vertical. Does that make a difference?

I think it does, when we're talking about mass resets

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