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For an obvious reason, I have to read every post you make with Olivia's voice.

Hahah really?! I wish I as cute like her too!

I'm at chapter 10 now. When should I started to make everyone make babies?

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Any of the DLC.

Early on, I'd say EXPonential, and Lost Bloodlines later, for stronger units. Golden Gaffe can also be useful for training.

You could also just grind support ranks against SpotPass teams (summon Mist, deploy two units, pair them up, beat, support, repeat), but you won't get much EXP that way.

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Any of the DLC.

Early on, I'd say EXPonential, and Lost Bloodlines later, for stronger units. Golden Gaffe can also be useful for training.

You could also just grind support ranks against SpotPass teams (summon Mist, deploy two units, pair them up, beat, support, repeat), but you won't get much EXP that way.

I'll try Mist for Support level and EXPonential for exp! But I really need master seals to get galeforce and such...

Edited by Mell
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A DLC like Champions of Yore 1 would be good for building support points.

EXPonential would be awful because you can only kill one enemy per turn.

So? I was under the impression that support points gained capped pretty early on in each map. Something like three battles gets you to the maximum possible points gained in a single chapter. So if you can kill three enemies in three turns in EXPonential, that's all you need to hit the per-battle cap. I mean, I could be mis-remembering, but that has worked fine for me when building up support ranks.

And it takes a lot longer to build up levels than it does to build support ranks, anyways, so there's not much rush if you're trying to do both for a character (for example, getting Maribelle Galeforce or something).

I'll try Mist for Support level and EXPonential for exp! But I really need master seals to get galeforce and such...

If you have the Scramble pack, the boss in Harvest Scramble holds a Master Seal every time.
Otherwise, you can buy them from the Chapter 12 shop.
Edited by Euklyd
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Just to be safe dance till level 10 if you plan on going peg. Knight.

But the best one if you have two second seals, is to dance to level 30, reclass to dancer, then dance to level 30 again then go Dark flier.

If you only have one second seal, dance to level 30 then go Dark flier.

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There should've been a tutorial for that (although maybe not on Lunatic - I ignore them and forget whether they happen), at least on Normal mode. Anyways...

  1. Have Chrom (or anyone else) end his turn.
  2. Once his sprite is greyed out, move Olivia next to him.
  3. Select "Dance" from the available actions.
  4. Select Chrom.
  5. Now Chrom can move again, Olivia will have more EXP, and the two will have gained support points.
  6. On your next turn, go back to step 1.
  7. ???
  8. Profit!

Note: This will only work if Olivia is in the Dancer class. She cannot Dance if she's a Pegasus Knight or something.

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Ooohh i got it! So i do it until she gets lvl 10?!

Yes. Once she's at Lv. 10 you can re-class her to a Pegasus Knight or Myrmidon (Pegasus Knight suggested).

Or, have her dance until she's Lv. 30 and she can jump straight to Dark Flier.

After re-classing, you'll need to train her normally, because she'll no longer be able to dance.

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